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Does the Fusion symbol on Champion thumbnails actually mean anything?

Does the Fusion symbol on Champion thumbnails actually mean anything?

Apr 8, 2021, 22:1904/08/21

Does the Fusion symbol on Champion thumbnails actually mean anything?

To my knowledge, there is no explanation in the in-game FAQs about the aqua/light blue symbol at bottom center on some Character thumbnail portraits.

I could find no place in-game that explained that symbol. I had to search online for an explanation, and even then, it was only one sentence and said the symbol indicated that particular Champion is used for a Fusion. What is this blue swirl looking symbol on these champions, think I missed something? : RaidShadowLegends ( 

However, in the Fusion guides (both in-game and elsewhere), it shows Champions being fused who do not have that symbol on their thumbnail portrait. 

So if any Champion can be fused, what's the point of the symbol? Is it a formerly useful element of the game that is now meaningless, like an appendix or a third nipple? Or does it actually serve a useful purpose? In other words, why should I treat Champions with the symbol differently than those without it?

I am only about a week into the game, and I'm hoping there aren't many 'blind spots' like this in the game FAQs.

Apr 8, 2021, 22:3104/08/21

the symbol you mentioned indicates that the champion is material used to fuse another champion, not that the champion itself is fuseable. it's not particularly useful most of the time (honestly, it's rather annoying), but during fusion events it occasionally comes in handy.

Apr 8, 2021, 22:3204/08/21

So Champions without that symbol cannot be used to fuse another Champion?

Apr 8, 2021, 22:4704/08/21

So Champions without that symbol cannot be used to fuse another Champion?


Apr 8, 2021, 22:4904/08/21

That's not quite accurate.

The fusion symbol only appears for champions that can *currently* be used to fuse a champion. For limited-time fusion events, the relevant champions will have that symbol, but once the event is over, the symbol will disappear from them.

Likewise, if you fuse Rhazin, the champions used to fuse him will no longer have the symbol, since he can only be fused once.

Apr 8, 2021, 22:5204/08/21
Apr 8, 2021, 22:59(edited)


OK, thank you. I wish the devs could have put the Fusion symbol on these Champions when you're looking at them in the Fusion menu. Currently they're not, and so for a beginner it would seem that any Champion could be used for Fusion. It might look redundant while in the Fusion menu itself, but it would visually show just what that symbol does--and beginners wouldn't have to leave the game to search for the information in the forums and off-site.

"Seize the Fish"! Cheers :)

Apr 8, 2021, 22:5704/08/21

That's not quite accurate.

The fusion symbol only appears for champions that can *currently* be used to fuse a champion. For limited-time fusion events, the relevant champions will have that symbol, but once the event is over, the symbol will disappear from them.

Likewise, if you fuse Rhazin, the champions used to fuse him will no longer have the symbol, since he can only be fused once.


So, yet another layer of information that really should be more obvious (either explained in menus or indicated while looking at that particular Champion in the Champions tab) while in-game. 

I guess eventually I can shoot off an e-mail to the devs, but I'll probably wait a while to see if there are other issues similar to this one. Thanks.

Apr 8, 2021, 23:0404/08/21

A long time ago, The game didn't have the Blue Swirl.

Players couldn't tell if a hero was part of a Fusion or not unless they Manually Checked at Summoning Portal.

A lot of players kept making mistakes.

They would sacrifice heroes as chickens.

Than they would instantly regret their decision.

The hero's they used as a chicken was part of a fusion.

The Blue Swirl is a relatively new feature which was added to help players.

The Blue Swirl is an indicator which could help players till if a hero is part of a Fusion or not.

Some Fusion Guides don't have the Blue Swirls because the guides might be before the Swirl was introduced into the game.

Apr 8, 2021, 23:2004/08/21
Apr 8, 2021, 23:21(edited)

Player J,

So the symbol is a useful addition to the Champion thumbnail portraits when in the Champions menu in-game. I just wish the devs had also added the symbol to the Champion thumbnail portraits when they are shown in the Fusion tab in the Portal menu in-game. It may seem redundant to some, especially advanced players, but it would go a long way to helping beginners avoid the kind of mistake you describe. IMHO it seems the devs only went half-way to implementing this, and as a result the feature (the Fusion symbol) is not as useful as it could be.

In fact, that was the main reason I came to the forums to post this--I was concerned that I would do something with these Champions that I would later regret, such as sacrificing them as 'chickens' (as you called it) to level up other characters, or putting too much into them (adding artifacts, etc) that I would hae to undo in order to use them for Fusion. 

Based on what I've read in the forum guide on Fusion, at least one user had to remove quite a bit of added artifacts to do a Fusion and lost a considerable amount of invested time and/or money as a result.