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Undecided about Upcoming Fusion

Undecided about Upcoming Fusion

Apr 8, 2021, 20:5404/08/21

Undecided about Upcoming Fusion

Like a lot of players, I am working on completing faction wars. Right now my dwarf faction is 55/63 stars. My team consists of Melga (60/Booked/Masteries), Grizzled Jarl (50, Mostly Booked), Fodbar (50), Gala (50) and Rockbreaker (50). All are ascended and have either good or decent gear. My hope that this would be a team I could take all the way to 63 stars once I 6 starred a few more of them.

I am looking at the new champ and he looks really solid, but I'm debating about dumping resources into getting him when he might not fit into my current lineup. He does have a increase ATK, unremovable shields and block debuffs, but Melga and Jarl have some of this already covered.

Most of my resources, in fact, are going towards raising my existing champions to finish their respective factions. However, I hate to miss out a good champion that could be an overall great addition outside of faction wars.

What's everyone's thoughts? Perhaps go for him and vault him until I can spend the resources on him (seriously, all the characters need their gear upgraded)?

Thank you for the input!

Apr 8, 2021, 21:2404/08/21
Apr 8, 2021, 21:27(edited)

I think he is a pretty good champ and well worth it outside of FW.

his A3 is the real star, block debuffs, buff ATK AND  places an unremovable shield buff. thats nutters

there are a few caveats that determine how good he will be:

is he HP based?, will his A2 do decent damage?

he could go from good to monstrous real quick

he'll probably see the most use in Fire Knight, Clan Boss, Arena Defense, FW and Doom Tower

edit: a Shield that cant be removed is a pretty unique skill atm and you dont know if that skill might be crucial in some future content

Apr 8, 2021, 21:2704/08/21

It's hard to know for sure without knowing the ability details. For example, the A3 I would assume has a 5-turn CD unbooked, with booking to reduce it to four turns. That means you don't really have it up all the time even if it does outlast the damage dealt to it.

I would think it would work best with a team that has another shield champ. Valkyrie strikes me as being a very good teammate for him. Between the two of them your shield should pretty much always be up, which means every CB attack is going to result in a pile of damage reflecting back at him, and healing up your champs. Vergis could make a great pairing too.

Not much insight on FW though sorry.

Apr 9, 2021, 01:5904/09/21

Still thinking this over. Part of the concern is going all in on my ancient shards in this unique 10x event. Even though I only have 26 shards, it might be worth the risk at a shot of getting Martyr and Bad El (both I actually need ) rather than a champion that could use sometime in the future. 

Apr 9, 2021, 02:5304/09/21

keep in mind thats still a 0.5% chance to get a Legendary in the first place from your Ancient

unless you are close to pity the chances are not great.

that said I'll try my luck too with 10 shards, I think I can spare that many and still do the fusion with my other resources

the offer is VERY enticing

Apr 9, 2021, 10:5504/09/21

So I went and used 20 ancient shards  (I should still be fine for Fusion.. hopefully xD)

not sure if I was lucky or unlucky lol

really wanted Doompriest but got 2 other epics:

Juliana and Farakhin and 3x rares for Rhazin Fusion I was missing (still missing 3 more)

Farakhin will be great for my CB team, Juliana is pretty I guess? might use her in Faction Wars

not what I was looking for but a good enough that I dont regret it, 

tell us how it went for you, if you pulled some :D

Apr 9, 2021, 11:1304/09/21

I have 40 ancient shards banked now. Iam only 1 month playing so the new fusion hero will probably be a good addition to any team. I just hope I have banked enough of everything :)

Although the current event is tempting, and there is a reasonable change with 40 ancient shards I think a rather save them for the Fusion events. But I might be completely wrong here ofc :D

Apr 9, 2021, 11:3704/09/21

if the choice is btw a fusion and a gamble definately  go for the fusion, resist the temptation!

Apr 9, 2021, 11:4804/09/21

I have 92 blue shards and I am contemplating skipping this event entirely.  If I open 10 and get nothing, I will open 10 more, .... My disappointment in going 0 for 100 (spending gems at the end lol) would be far greater than pulling one of those 10x legos (of which I have none currently)

A first world problem I know

Apr 9, 2021, 11:5504/09/21

This current event is mostly for people who really want Vrask or Doompriest, then it makes sense to pull ancients and sacreds, or voids for people who really want those void epics. As usual, doing 10x to target legendaries is only really for whales because the odds are so extremely long. Getting a bonus legendary on top if you do pull a legendary from an ancient doesn't really change that. 

Personally I don't plan to pull any, I'll wait for some better event. 

Apr 9, 2021, 13:3904/09/21
Apr 9, 2021, 13:40(edited)

Its a good champ, but too similar to melga for me (whom i have) and not the champ i am desperate for, so i am skipping the fusion

I did pull 10 ancients and a void

I got coldheart from the void and the worst trash possible from the ancients... i knew deep down i wasnt going to get the champ i was after (bad el)

Apr 9, 2021, 14:5204/09/21

Its a good champ, but too similar to melga for me (whom i have) and not the champ i am desperate for, so i am skipping the fusion

I did pull 10 ancients and a void

I got coldheart from the void and the worst trash possible from the ancients... i knew deep down i wasnt going to get the champ i was after (bad el)

Skipping the fusion may be the right decision for you, but making that choice before it starts is "poor gameplay" (sarcasm emoji here) imo.  I recommend everyone:

1. Start the fusion, you can do the first couple events and then decide to pass later.  You can't halfway thru realize you want the champ or find completion is going to be easier than you thought

2. Someone in my clan said the fusion may include old rares? Not sure of the source or veracity of this rumor

3. All the mini-events/tourneys are things you need to do any way: Train, dungeons, arena (yes I know...)

4. Hopefully you save the free refills we get every other day.  Should have 20ish by the time fusion starts

5. Hopefully saving silver since last fusion

6. Hopefully saving gems (not buying shard packs - please no!!! lol)

7. Save that monthly 3 day 3xp in advanced missions

My plan was to skip all regular fusions until QoL game improvements reduce the time required to play this game, but the unaninmous consensus is this champ is that good.  Damn it...

Apr 9, 2021, 15:1904/09/21

Skipping the fusion may be the right decision for you, but making that choice before it starts is "poor gameplay" (sarcasm emoji here) imo.  I recommend everyone:

1. Start the fusion, you can do the first couple events and then decide to pass later.  You can't halfway thru realize you want the champ or find completion is going to be easier than you thought

2. Someone in my clan said the fusion may include old rares? Not sure of the source or veracity of this rumor

3. All the mini-events/tourneys are things you need to do any way: Train, dungeons, arena (yes I know...)

4. Hopefully you save the free refills we get every other day.  Should have 20ish by the time fusion starts

5. Hopefully saving silver since last fusion

6. Hopefully saving gems (not buying shard packs - please no!!! lol)

7. Save that monthly 3 day 3xp in advanced missions

My plan was to skip all regular fusions until QoL game improvements reduce the time required to play this game, but the unaninmous consensus is this champ is that good.  Damn it...

Oh i am not trying to offer advice, for me it is bad timing. I have a shielding dwarf

Plus i just got scyl and was desperate to six star her for progression, and i am in danger of sliding out of gold 2 and wanted to focus resources on improving my arena team. Finally i wanted a shot at bad el...

Plus i am tired of the grind.

My fave epic (tuhak) is a fusion event epic, so i may well go for one of the epics.

Apr 9, 2021, 16:5904/09/21

I'm early game (day 73) and I'm definitely going for him.  His kit seems really good in a lot of other areas other than just faction wars.  For instance, the one dungeon that I am just hard stopped in right now is fire knight.  His reflect damage will probably double my stage level almost instantly and bring it up to my progress in other dungeons.  Adding to shields also seems unique and like something you could use in any content.

I skipped the previous fusion because there was no way I could have prepared for it while still progressing my account.  If I did things over, I might have gone for him but he didn't seem close to as important as this new one.

Apr 9, 2021, 17:0304/09/21


I think the guess about rares was from someone who checked out the code and didn't see any new rares.  Hell Hades mentioned it.  Personally, I figure it doesn't really matter either way since I'm not planning on doing anything different whether it is true or not.

Apr 9, 2021, 20:4804/09/21

I look at it  like this

I can go for fusion and get a good champ


I can spend same amount  of shards to get 2 Legends this weekend

No Brainer for me. I will try my luck and get the 2 Legends for 1

Apr 9, 2021, 23:0404/09/21

Opted to try opening shards and got nothing (dup vrask and dup jizoh). However, I'm not too worried because the other # of shards I have should get me far enough on whatever champions I have to attain in the fusion events/touraments. Since they haven't announced new champs to do the fusion, I wouldn't be surprised if they use existing champions for the fusion (please let this happen).

Either way, only slightly regret opening shards, but I've been fairly lucky the past year that I am due for a dry spell. Probably will go for the fusion. Thanks all!