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Someone Please Explain this to me

Someone Please Explain this to me

Apr 17, 2021, 11:5904/17/21
Skadis Revenge

Getting Spirithost, Warmaiden and High Khatun is not tied up to your progress in classical arena, nor is levelling them to lvl 60 (maybe exept Spirithost, who can do her job with lvl 40). It's the other way round, progress in classical arena is tied up to bring a team like the mentioned. People just don't do it.

Ceterum censeo, the ban of my main account should be undone, I didn't spam, the detection algorithm doesn't work.  

Getting Spirit Host, High Khatun and Warmaiden does not tied up to your arena, BUT making a dungeon 20 team, 2 key UNM Clan Boss team, and every team for the endgame does.

As Great Hall bonus and Arena Ranking bonus are integral in making those teams.

Apr 17, 2021, 12:0604/17/21

Don't bother with J. His smooth brain can't comprehend that Gold and Bronze are not the same thing and end game player who throws money at the game like no tomorrow is not the same as a new player or low spender.

Well, that's not exactly what I am trying to say either.

What I am trying to get across is that the Bronze arena J experience 1+ year ago is a whole different experience than the Bronze arena that is today.

There's a hike in difficulty in arena as time goes by, back then people complain about breaching gold, then as time goes by, people complain about breaching Silver, now people complain about going through Bronze.

There is a fundamental flaw, when people experience different difficulty on the same content just because they joined the game at a different time period.

My point is, people should have experienced the same difficulty of the content, no matter when they play the game.

Apr 17, 2021, 12:1504/17/21
Apr 17, 2021, 12:16(edited)

I'm yet to see any suggestions on how you think this should be fixed for the newer player or player who is still struggling to get out of bronze/silver.  ATM its done by player power which is a little flawed, but how else can you do it the team power is also not really a great indication because team power isnt always linked to how a certain team performs. 

Time played in the game perhaps? you would have to gate people based on playtime but then not everyone is obsessive and plays it 8 hours a day so you would get people struggling there too.

Honestly i would like to know how you would actually fix this, instead of ranting and saying its broken (it might be) i want to see some actual feedback because i honestly don't know a way to fix it.

Its easy to look cool and say "git gud" or some purile nonsense like that, I mean i fixed my wifes team the other day she was struggling to get to silver now she is in gold 2. Some people are not always inclined on how to play games like this, my only other suggestion is to tier groups on money spent :D 

Apr 17, 2021, 12:5104/17/21

I'm yet to see any suggestions on how you think this should be fixed for the newer player or player who is still struggling to get out of bronze/silver.  ATM its done by player power which is a little flawed, but how else can you do it the team power is also not really a great indication because team power isnt always linked to how a certain team performs. 

Time played in the game perhaps? you would have to gate people based on playtime but then not everyone is obsessive and plays it 8 hours a day so you would get people struggling there too.

Honestly i would like to know how you would actually fix this, instead of ranting and saying its broken (it might be) i want to see some actual feedback because i honestly don't know a way to fix it.

Its easy to look cool and say "git gud" or some purile nonsense like that, I mean i fixed my wifes team the other day she was struggling to get to silver now she is in gold 2. Some people are not always inclined on how to play games like this, my only other suggestion is to tier groups on money spent :D 

Well actually, I have posted the problem and how to solve it around 6 months ago.

As I said, the problem is the point system in which it's a zero sum point system, add it with platinum rank where they cap the number of the top most rank, it will give pressure downward. The system will push anyone down whenever possible.

My solution

1. Change the zero sum point system. What does that mean? Currently if I win 10 points, my opponent lost 10 point, hence zero sum, the points available in the system are always constant to the number of players participating on it, that's why, unlike other game, the PvP in this game start you off with 900 points, not 0 

So the number of points available in arena will always be 900 * number of players.

Hence the less player participating (through inactivity or Plarium removing players from the list) it will always make people in the middle of the table to suddenly drop in rank.

So to solve it, when I win 10 points, my opponent should lose only 5, any points I win, my opponent should only lose half of the points I won, hence making more points available for people to grab, hence making player able to climb the ladder while still maintaining competition.

2. Checkpoint. This is a point where someone cannot drop further in the ranks. This is common on other PvP mode on freemium games of this genre. My suggestion for Raid, the checkpoint should be on Silver 1 and Gold 1. Meaning people who have reached that point should not be able to drop further than that checkpoint. Once I get to silver 1 I should not be able to drop back to bronze, people can still attack me and gain points from me, but my points should still be locked at the minimum points needed to stay in silver 1. Thus also helping with my first solution of generating more points for the system

Yeah that's it.

Apr 18, 2021, 02:0804/18/21

This continuous bleating about how "unfair" the Arena seems is getting old.

Everyone is getting better and stronger all the time. You need to get better at a greater rate than those that joined the game at the same time as you.  Should those that have put in the time, energy and even money get disadvantaged because newer players want everything on a silver platter.  You have to work for it and it takes time!

The Tag Team Arena should give you some idea to which tier you belong.

In my opinion, Plarium should remove all dummy or bot accounts and other "balancing" algorithms from all levels and just let the players fight for their spot.

Botto, your team is rubbish and deserves to be in Bronze 1.

Yeah well, I've been getting better and stronger for over 9 months now.. and I recently even pulled a martyr and danced a little jig.  So with this martyr not even fully build yet I managed to poke my nose into tag arena bronze 3 .. whoop-di-do.

So tell me all you egg-spurts, how can the team powers be what they are here.. and how many years must I play as a low payer before I have 1/2 a chance to defeat opponents of this quality in bronze 3? 

Inquiring minds wish to know.



Apr 18, 2021, 02:5604/18/21

The  OP  of  this  thread  is  using  2  lvl  40  heros  +  2  lvl  50  heroes  unascended  and  you  people  are  trying  to  say  the  problem  is  with  arena  not  the  OP  team.  LOL

Wake  up  from  the  Fantasy  World  you  are  living  in

See  the  reality  of  the  situation.

The  reason  the  OP  can't  win  is  because  his  team  is  bad.

The  OP  needs  to "Git  Gud".

If  the  OP  doesn't know  how  to  "Git  Gud",  The  veteran  players  of  forum  can  show  him.

We  can  &  have  helped  people  reach  Gold  Arena.

If  I  the  Great  Player  J  was  to  use  2  lvl  40  heros  +  2  lvl  50  heroes  unascended  in  my  Arena  Defense,  I  would  get  smashed  from  Gold  4  to  Bronze  1   just  like  the  OP.

This  isn't rocket  science.

The  OP  team  is  invalid  &  it  needs  to  be  changed.

That's All

All  the  OP  needs  to  do  is  Post  his  Roster  +  Follow  my  previous  7  steps.

Super  Easy!

It's  a  piece  of  cake.

Apr 18, 2021, 07:4904/18/21
Apr 18, 2021, 08:06(edited)
Elvie Honeydripper

Yeah well, I've been getting better and stronger for over 9 months now.. and I recently even pulled a martyr and danced a little jig.  So with this martyr not even fully build yet I managed to poke my nose into tag arena bronze 3 .. whoop-di-do.

So tell me all you egg-spurts, how can the team powers be what they are here.. and how many years must I play as a low payer before I have 1/2 a chance to defeat opponents of this quality in bronze 3? 

Inquiring minds wish to know.



Tag Team Arena is really another thing, because the number of players in all tiers higher than Bronze 1 is limited. In Classic Arena that's the fact only for Platinum.

My Classic Arena team is in Gold 2, in Tag Team Arena I'm in Bronze 2 actual and will drop back to Bronze 1 when the actual fighting period ends.

But Tag Team Arena isn't bound to your progress missions or Great Hall. It doesn't matter at all.

Ceterum censeo, the ban of my main account should be undone, I didn't spam, the detection algorithm doesn't work.   

Apr 19, 2021, 17:5104/19/21

I also have a question regarding arena. Or a thing i consider is wrong in the matchmaking setup. So, im kinda new, 2 months into the game, but at level 50 in my arena 75% of players got skyl of the drakes in their teams. Everybody knows its a reward after playing like 6 months, and dont tell me that most of them got her from shards, i dont belive that . So, whats the ideea behind this , a 2 months old player having to fight players with triple the time spent on game and whats my chances vs them in arena . ( gear related / heroes / levels ). Why they dont match players ,lets say, according to the account created time (week,month). It will be more fair,but its just my opinion

Apr 19, 2021, 21:0404/19/21

I also have a question regarding arena. Or a thing i consider is wrong in the matchmaking setup. So, im kinda new, 2 months into the game, but at level 50 in my arena 75% of players got skyl of the drakes in their teams. Everybody knows its a reward after playing like 6 months, and dont tell me that most of them got her from shards, i dont belive that . So, whats the ideea behind this , a 2 months old player having to fight players with triple the time spent on game and whats my chances vs them in arena . ( gear related / heroes / levels ). Why they dont match players ,lets say, according to the account created time (week,month). It will be more fair,but its just my opinion

I got my scyl from a shard maybe 30 days in?  That aside, I completely agree.

Someone who's had 180 days to grind better gear is going to beat you, unless you've gotten super lucky on gear rolls.  There's just no question about it.

I don't think people who have copleted the Arbiter mission should be allowed to compete against people who haven't in the arena as well.  Want the best arena champ in the game?  Well first you have to beat the best arena champ 2000 times.

Apr 23, 2021, 20:2304/23/21

it`s the big double cross because you are not one of the teams they want on top !

Apr 26, 2021, 18:3004/26/21
Apr 26, 2021, 18:32(edited)
Player J

The  OP  of  this  thread  is  using  2  lvl  40  heros  +  2  lvl  50  heroes  unascended  and  you  people  are  trying  to  say  the  problem  is  with  arena  not  the  OP  team.  LOL

Wake  up  from  the  Fantasy  World  you  are  living  in

See  the  reality  of  the  situation.

The  reason  the  OP  can't  win  is  because  his  team  is  bad.

The  OP  needs  to "Git  Gud".

If  the  OP  doesn't know  how  to  "Git  Gud",  The  veteran  players  of  forum  can  show  him.

We  can  &  have  helped  people  reach  Gold  Arena.

If  I  the  Great  Player  J  was  to  use  2  lvl  40  heros  +  2  lvl  50  heroes  unascended  in  my  Arena  Defense,  I  would  get  smashed  from  Gold  4  to  Bronze  1   just  like  the  OP.

This  isn't rocket  science.

The  OP  team  is  invalid  &  it  needs  to  be  changed.

That's All

All  the  OP  needs  to  do  is  Post  his  Roster  +  Follow  my  previous  7  steps.

Super  Easy!

It's  a  piece  of  cake.

You would have a point if we where talking about Silver I or so.

But we are not, this is Bronze I, and so your point is invalid.

You see, this is where the new players are. New players dont have teams of multiple level 60's. 

Because they are new players. Makes sense no?

Now if the new player experience requires you to get advice on the forums for even the first steps, you have a problem with your new player experience. This is, as you said, no rocket science, is it?

But Plarium came up with a half decent idea on how to guide players in game!

The so-called progression Tasks. Unfortunatly the games age and power creep rendered that unusable at the moment.

You see, the task that tells you to get 4 level 60's is somewhere in part 3 if memory serves me right. But players are not even seeing that as they are stuck behind a PvP Task in part 1.

So the system Plarium wanted to use to guide new players to 'Git Gud' is currently broken due to the matchmaking system in the Arena.

Thats a problem. 

Not saying it needs to be fixed in the arena, but it needs to be fixed somewhere. 

'go to the forums if you dont want to be ROFLSTOMPED at the very first step you take' is quite the terrible game mechanic after all.

Apr 26, 2021, 18:4104/26/21


It is funny, some of these players talk about how power creep happens in all games and now new players just need to get better faster, but they don't realize that in every other game, power creep normally means you can get to the endgame faster and not slower.  That isn't necessarily a good or a bad thing, but when player power creep is keeping new players from getting a new player experience, that is an issue.  The OP basically was saying that they want to face accounts at their level in the first few tiers of PvP and people claimed that wanting that was terrible!  It is such a weird mindset.

Apr 27, 2021, 15:4004/27/21

You would have a point if we where talking about Silver I or so.

But we are not, this is Bronze I, and so your point is invalid.

You see, this is where the new players are. New players dont have teams of multiple level 60's. 

Because they are new players. Makes sense no?

Now if the new player experience requires you to get advice on the forums for even the first steps, you have a problem with your new player experience. This is, as you said, no rocket science, is it?

But Plarium came up with a half decent idea on how to guide players in game!

The so-called progression Tasks. Unfortunatly the games age and power creep rendered that unusable at the moment.

You see, the task that tells you to get 4 level 60's is somewhere in part 3 if memory serves me right. But players are not even seeing that as they are stuck behind a PvP Task in part 1.

So the system Plarium wanted to use to guide new players to 'Git Gud' is currently broken due to the matchmaking system in the Arena.

Thats a problem. 

Not saying it needs to be fixed in the arena, but it needs to be fixed somewhere. 

'go to the forums if you dont want to be ROFLSTOMPED at the very first step you take' is quite the terrible game mechanic after all.

The so-called progression Tasks. Unfortunatly the games age and power creep rendered that unusable at the moment. 

^^^^^ The above statement is your fundamental problem.

You think the missions have been De-Stablized over time.

The problem is they where introduced that way.

The game intentionally made them out of Sync.

The game can't allow players to progress thru the missions smoothly.

The game main source of Revenue comes when players get frustrated.

You get stuck on a mission so you spend money to try and get past the mission out of frustration.

You are making assumptions about the past when you wasn't playing the game in the past.

I don't need to make assumptions because I experienced it.

I was their the day the Arbiter Missions got introduced.

I have been playing the game every since the Arbiter Mission was introduced.

Let me ask you a question Dryam.

Do you think Bronze 1 use to have level 30 teams in it?

Do you think we where all battling each other with 4 level 30 heros in Bronze Arena?

What about 4 level 40 heros in Bronze Arena?

It has never been the case, Dryam.

My Bronze team was 4 level 50's.

- Fully Ascended

- Gear +16

A few P2P Bronze players would have 2 level 50 + 2 level 60.

I am sorry for being the one to point it out to you Dryam, but you seem to be part of the new age player base.

All these new age players think the misssions are out of sync due to age.

It's a growing trend among the newer players.

The problem is it isn't factual.

It is a made up conspiracy theory which has never been the case.

It is simply a misguided delusion.

Apr 28, 2021, 07:3404/28/21

@Player J 

No, actually we make assumptions based off of videos available on youtube which prove that your statements are false and that the complaints are not "misguided delusion".  It is your word vs. video evidence... and guess what?  Video evidence wins every single time.  Your word is meaningless compared to the video evidence and you really look foolish when you continue to proclaim that your vaunted memory must be trusted when we have actual proof that your memory is WRONG.  The arena is significantly harder at earlier stages than it was previously.  This is true across all levels.

Apr 28, 2021, 12:1804/28/21
Player J

The so-called progression Tasks. Unfortunatly the games age and power creep rendered that unusable at the moment. 

^^^^^ The above statement is your fundamental problem.

You think the missions have been De-Stablized over time.

The problem is they where introduced that way.

The game intentionally made them out of Sync.

The game can't allow players to progress thru the missions smoothly.

The game main source of Revenue comes when players get frustrated.

You get stuck on a mission so you spend money to try and get past the mission out of frustration.

You are making assumptions about the past when you wasn't playing the game in the past.

I don't need to make assumptions because I experienced it.

I was their the day the Arbiter Missions got introduced.

I have been playing the game every since the Arbiter Mission was introduced.

Let me ask you a question Dryam.

Do you think Bronze 1 use to have level 30 teams in it?

Do you think we where all battling each other with 4 level 30 heros in Bronze Arena?

What about 4 level 40 heros in Bronze Arena?

It has never been the case, Dryam.

My Bronze team was 4 level 50's.

- Fully Ascended

- Gear +16

A few P2P Bronze players would have 2 level 50 + 2 level 60.

I am sorry for being the one to point it out to you Dryam, but you seem to be part of the new age player base.

All these new age players think the misssions are out of sync due to age.

It's a growing trend among the newer players.

The problem is it isn't factual.

It is a made up conspiracy theory which has never been the case.

It is simply a misguided delusion.

The problem with assumptions is Player J, is they are so easy to make.

You see, you made the assumption I am a new player. Perhaps because I didnt make my Plarium account until August last year.

But I looked it up. Started playing on 25-05-2019. About 2 weeks after the Arbiter got released.

Perhaps not as long as you have been playing, but long enough to know that what your are saying simply isnt true.

Because yes, I did get out of Bronze I with level 40 characters in my team.

Athel at 50, Hordin at 50, Shaman at 40 and Hellgazer at 40... 

Pretty much my 'I've got 3 epics, I'll use 3 epics!' team.

And I am sure they where 40 back then, because they are still 40 today.

Just checked, still in the same gear too. highest item is 4 star +12. 

I really should do something about that. - different story though.

Anyway, that team got me into bronze III or so. 

How big a chance do you think they would stand today?

Im thinking anywhere between 'zero' and 'none whatsoever'.

So.... so much for pointing out I am part of the 'new age player base'.

You sure do seem to remember those days differently then I do.

Apr 28, 2021, 12:2904/28/21
Apr 28, 2021, 12:29(edited)

Idk why people argue whit Player J. Is more easy ignore him.

The moderator say plarium is working in arena. (true or false they knew quest line have problems).

Apr 28, 2021, 12:3604/28/21

Memory and video is all good, but fact of the matter is that it's mathematically impossible for the arena to be as easy now as it was at the very start, as in divide-by-zero impossible, not merely unlikely. If you're a bit more generous and compare it to, say, when the game was 1 year old, it may be theoretically possible depending on the growth pattern and retention of new vs old players, but certainly not probable, and only becomes increasingly less likely. This isn't a game of skill, but a game of resources, and gathering resources requires time and/or money (technically it just requires luck, but time/money gives you more opportunities to get lucky). If you're competing against other players who have had years to gather theirs, you'll always be behind, at least on average. As the game matures, the disparity between new accounts and old accounts will only grow bigger, it's inevitable, and unless the game has a net growth of new players that outpace the retention of the old accounts, it's impossible without artificial means to counteract the natural progression for a feature like the arena to do anything except become more difficult.

Apr 28, 2021, 17:3204/28/21

Been  playing  just  over  three  months.    I  have  met  the  criteria  for  all  the  missions  up  to  silver  arena and  completed  them  yet  here  I  am  stuck  in  bronze  level  II,  made  it  to  Bronze  IV  briefly.  Can  someone  from  Plarium  tell  me  how  many  players  with  my  experience  have  beaten  Bronze  and  reached  silver  in  the  past  month?  If  most  players  have  done  it  then  I  will  leave  the  game  because  I  am  useless  at  it  -  on  the  other  hand  if  few  or  none  have  done  it  then  I  may  continue  -  either  way  I  am  bored  with  levelling  mediocre  champions  only  to  find  they  are  useless  against  the  legendaries  I  face .  BTW  I  have  spent  more  money  on  this  game  than  any  other  I  have  played .

Apr 28, 2021, 20:0304/28/21
Apr 28, 2021, 20:06(edited)

@Player J 

No, actually we make assumptions based off of videos available on youtube which prove that your statements are false and that the complaints are not "misguided delusion".  It is your word vs. video evidence... and guess what?  Video evidence wins every single time.  Your word is meaningless compared to the video evidence and you really look foolish when you continue to proclaim that your vaunted memory must be trusted when we have actual proof that your memory is WRONG.  The arena is significantly harder at earlier stages than it was previously.  This is true across all levels.

HAHAHA  @Video Evidence

A Content Creator who gets Payed by agreeing with all the misguided players in Arena to get more views is your so called Video Evidence?

My Gosh - Let the Video Evidence go!

It's not helping you!

Can't you see the truth?

2 Different General Managers have said they are not changing Arena.

They are only monitoring Arena.

Read the message General Manager Oracle said below: Raid Digest!


The game wants Arena to be this way!

You need to accept this and move forward Quintinar.

The Video Evidence is a lie.

The Text Evidence is the truth.

You are using the wrong source!

The Content Creators are not in charge of anything.

The General Managers are the ones in charge.

Green Knight said it first

Oracle said it second

2 Different General Managers have spoken about this.

Do you think they write these long messages for nothing?

Honestly, you need to read what they are telling you.

- You need to revise your defense team.

- You need more effective combinations.

- You should be improving yourself.

Look at me as an inspriation.

This was my Arena team before:


This is going to be my New Arena Team


Don't you see? Innovation!

Even I listen to the General Managers, They are telling us the secret to success!

If you would just listen to the General Managers, you would know how to win.

The problem is you don't want to listen to the General Managers

You're acting like a caveman that is unwilling to evolve & adapt.

Your Arena team is going to go extinct like the Dinosaur.

And it will be no one esle fault except your own.

Apr 28, 2021, 20:2304/28/21

How was any of that even remotely related to the post you responded to?