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Someone Please Explain this to me

Someone Please Explain this to me

Apr 13, 2021, 11:3004/13/21
Apr 13, 2021, 11:55(edited)

Proper managment of food champs alter arena algorithm, but it not solve anything if you not have good arena team or have flaws in champs lvl /gear. 

Best example is  as player level around 48-50 wiht PP 700k cannot go above B1/B2, putting aside arena team his PP is over inflated so even in B1 alghoritm will choose opponent from 48-50 with powerful champs

(Im 53lvl with PP 401k, on the edge for arena alghorim, as when i drop to 380k getting better match/win ratio for my team)

Other flip of the coin is knowledge/experiene of the game (if you do silly things you get silly results)

That's why HH, Ash or GumpyJeff vids and web pages to fill the gaps.

Other thing for F2P is high resource management and patience, you keep champs which you need (based on HH ratings for example) and food anything else to get your main champs better.

As you said 50lvl Kael, Elhain, Shaman, Warpriest  it is entry point and you will be in arena B1, 

upgrade Kael to 60lvl and you will propably reach B1/B2

amend gear (farm higest possible dragon for gear you need), ascend champs put some masteries and over time you will sit in B2 etc ( it is evolutionary progression over time)

I use daily 30 auto runs for farming ( usally 15 dragon, 15 spider ), time and patience is a key for F2P Raid player

OracleCommunity Manager
Apr 13, 2021, 12:0904/13/21

Dear players, we appreciate your feedback, and we keep communicating it to the game-design team. I would like to notice, that the more constructive and detailed feedback we receive from you, the easier it is to process it for us and to discuss then with developers.

On top of that, I would like to add that currently, we are considering a way to make the Arena experience better. Any solid solution would require a lot of planning, calculation, and testing before implementation. That's why we cannot provide you with any specific dates or details for now

Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

Apr 13, 2021, 12:1904/13/21
Apr 13, 2021, 12:19(edited)

Dear players, we appreciate your feedback, and we keep communicating it to the game-design team. I would like to notice, that the more constructive and detailed feedback we receive from you, the easier it is to process it for us and to discuss then with developers.

On top of that, I would like to add that currently, we are considering a way to make the Arena experience better. Any solid solution would require a lot of planning, calculation, and testing before implementation. That's why we cannot provide you with any specific dates or details for now

Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

It is good that you (Palrium) monitors the threads :)

It would be awesome if you could take for further discussion  removing champs in vault from player power calculation :)

Apr 13, 2021, 17:2404/13/21

These are people who 1. purposly lost because they needed bronze medals, or 2. barely fought in arena and just grinded. Keep refreshing, and target people like Izzy Jams

Apr 13, 2021, 18:1504/13/21

Skadi understood everything I said.

Trips understood everything I said.

It seems like the only person having trouble understanding is Walazard.

Players are getting beat in Arena.

Do you understand why they are getting beat?

1 - It is because they have Under Leveled Hero's.

2 - It is because they have Hero's Unbooked.

3 - It is because they have Bad Gear.

4 - It is because they have Hero's Unascended

5 - It is because they have Hero's with No Masteries.

6 - It is because they have Bad Team Synergy.

7 - It is because they lack the Knowledge of knowing what to do.

All these above things are fixed by doing PVE things + Research.

1 - Under Leveled Heros? Do Campaign and get them to 60.

2 - Hero's Unbooked? Do Clan Boss and use the Tomes you get from there

3 - Bad Gear? Do Gear Farming which is located in the Dungeon (Dragon, Ice Golem, etc.)

4 - Hero's Unascended? Do Potion Keeps which are located in the Dungeon.

5 - Hero's No Masteries? Do Minotaur which is located in the Dungeon.

6 - Ask for Help from Experienced Players in the Forum, Discord, Youtube, or Global Chat

7 - Gain Knowledge by asking Experienced Players questions.

 To be good in Arena.

You have to be good outside of Arena.


Number 1 in Arena Take Down Event.

How did I get Number 1? Because I am strong outside of Arena.

- Campaign Brutal 12-3  ------> I farm it in 7 seconds

- Clan Boss --------------------> I attack Ultra Nightmare Mode

- Dragon -----------------------> Best team 1 min

- Ice Golem --------------------> Best team 1 min 

- Fire Knight -------------------> Best team 2 min 

- Spider ------------------------> Best team 22 seconds

- Potion Keeps -----------------> I beat them in 30 seconds or less

- Minoatur ---------------------> I beat it in 30 seconds or less 

My Accomplishments in PVE help build up my Accounts Resources.

Than I push those resources into making my PVP related content stronger.


Don't you see the way you are approaching Arena isn't the right way?

Apr 14, 2021, 01:2904/14/21

Well see right now I can't afford to uy the packs for better gear or better shards than I can get in game, I only have 4, 5 star champions now (added Dark Athel) Rector Drath, Kael and Hospitaliser, most are at 4 and about 3-4 of those are fusable champions. maybe just a suggestion, but Howabout 6 star legendary gear in the market? or even as a daily log in? I can't even seem to get the 6 star perception gear right now No top level bloodstones. I am earning gear through clanboss, but it is slow progress. I raid the heck out of Minutaurs Labyrinth to work on the masteries (Kindof feel all 3 should be available, not 1 locked up when you choose the second., again just a suggestion) Ranking with like ranks I think would be better, me 67.. tag team..opponets 80+? rare lower but i do see em, even ones that have the same champion, at level 1,3 times and it's the only champion..makes you wonder what the Heck? in classic I am running into teams closer to my own level but again  few and far between. like i said in game I just made level 40, was looking forward to doom tower.. but Well I beat maybe 2 opponents in it on the bronze level 1st floor.. :\

Apr 14, 2021, 03:4104/14/21
Player J

Skadi understood everything I said.

Trips understood everything I said.

It seems like the only person having trouble understanding is Walazard.

Players are getting beat in Arena.

Do you understand why they are getting beat?

1 - It is because they have Under Leveled Hero's.

2 - It is because they have Hero's Unbooked.

3 - It is because they have Bad Gear.

4 - It is because they have Hero's Unascended

5 - It is because they have Hero's with No Masteries.

6 - It is because they have Bad Team Synergy.

7 - It is because they lack the Knowledge of knowing what to do.

All these above things are fixed by doing PVE things + Research.

1 - Under Leveled Heros? Do Campaign and get them to 60.

2 - Hero's Unbooked? Do Clan Boss and use the Tomes you get from there

3 - Bad Gear? Do Gear Farming which is located in the Dungeon (Dragon, Ice Golem, etc.)

4 - Hero's Unascended? Do Potion Keeps which are located in the Dungeon.

5 - Hero's No Masteries? Do Minotaur which is located in the Dungeon.

6 - Ask for Help from Experienced Players in the Forum, Discord, Youtube, or Global Chat

7 - Gain Knowledge by asking Experienced Players questions.

 To be good in Arena.

You have to be good outside of Arena.


Number 1 in Arena Take Down Event.

How did I get Number 1? Because I am strong outside of Arena.

- Campaign Brutal 12-3  ------> I farm it in 7 seconds

- Clan Boss --------------------> I attack Ultra Nightmare Mode

- Dragon -----------------------> Best team 1 min

- Ice Golem --------------------> Best team 1 min 

- Fire Knight -------------------> Best team 2 min 

- Spider ------------------------> Best team 22 seconds

- Potion Keeps -----------------> I beat them in 30 seconds or less

- Minoatur ---------------------> I beat it in 30 seconds or less 

My Accomplishments in PVE help build up my Accounts Resources.

Than I push those resources into making my PVP related content stronger.


Don't you see the way you are approaching Arena isn't the right way?

The thing is J, the thing you list are endgame target.

If you're gunning for Gold  rank and above I do agree.

But here's the problem, IT SHOULD NOT BE REQUIRED for bronze or even silver, or at least not to the extent that you list.

Second, I'm always going to pointing out that the point system is really harming arena. Basically if you are from bronze 4 and wanted to go to gold 1 you need to take down anyone above you.

To get 3000 points you have to take 3000 points away from other people, and it would be really hard when more than 1/3 of the people in the whole arena are veterans with more than 1 years of playing time, with heroes, books, gears and masteries that the gap cannot be closed unless you pay exorbitant amount of money.

Yes player needs to get good, but there's a fundamental flaw when the system turns harder and harder and harder as time goes by, 6 months ago people complain about the Silver 1 mission, it is now starting to go down even further to Bronze 3 mission.

There's also another fundamental flaw when someone who have successfully crawl onto gold for months can easily be dropped back into silver or even further down in less than 2 days or even faster. That could not have been because he/she is not good, but because there's something wrong in the system.

You are good at giving advice for Arena, but the arena problem is NOT just about people who are not good complaining, there's a bigger more fundamental problem in the system of the arena itself.

Apr 14, 2021, 19:1904/14/21
Apr 14, 2021, 19:20(edited)

The thing is J, the thing you list are endgame target.

If you're gunning for Gold  rank and above I do agree.

But here's the problem, IT SHOULD NOT BE REQUIRED for bronze or even silver, or at least not to the extent that you list.

Second, I'm always going to pointing out that the point system is really harming arena. Basically if you are from bronze 4 and wanted to go to gold 1 you need to take down anyone above you.

To get 3000 points you have to take 3000 points away from other people, and it would be really hard when more than 1/3 of the people in the whole arena are veterans with more than 1 years of playing time, with heroes, books, gears and masteries that the gap cannot be closed unless you pay exorbitant amount of money.

Yes player needs to get good, but there's a fundamental flaw when the system turns harder and harder and harder as time goes by, 6 months ago people complain about the Silver 1 mission, it is now starting to go down even further to Bronze 3 mission.

There's also another fundamental flaw when someone who have successfully crawl onto gold for months can easily be dropped back into silver or even further down in less than 2 days or even faster. That could not have been because he/she is not good, but because there's something wrong in the system.

You are good at giving advice for Arena, but the arena problem is NOT just about people who are not good complaining, there's a bigger more fundamental problem in the system of the arena itself.

The threads here in the forum don't show this more fundamental problem. I've seen 0 threads, where players that showed us a good arena team couldn't stay in Gold or couldn't leave Bronze. Not "very few" threads, literally 0 threads. Every single "Arena is so bad"-thread showed us either no team or a bad team.

At the end it's PvP-content. It's impossible that everybody is at least in Silver. How should that work? The players without playerskill stay in BRonze, sorry to say so. Players that use "random teams" of any 4 heros and players that use nuker teams without def debuff belong into Bronze. New players are very lucky that it is like this. So new players can earn easy victories if they are willing to become a player with playerskill.

Is there anybody out there with a team of HK, Spirithost, Warmaiden, Kael, all lvl 60, that can't reach Silver? If so, post a pic of your equip, we will say what to change to get into Silver. Everybody could reach Silver. Even if in reality not everybody will. The good players will.

Apr 14, 2021, 22:2104/14/21

I agree with Skadi.

Lee.ozz is exaggerating the truth.

Look at the screenshot the OP of this thread posted.

- 2 level 40 heros

- 2 level 50 heroes

- 2 heroes unascended

- No hero above 125 speed 

- No team synergy

You don't have to hit Ultra Nightmare Clan Boss to fix the OP team.

You don't have to hit Ultra Nightmare Clan Boss to get into Silver Arena.

I reached Silver Arena when I was doing Hard Mode Clan Boss.

You don't have to hit Dragon Stage 20 to fix the OP team.

You don't have to hit Dragon Stage 20 to get into Silver Arena.

I reached Silver Arena when I was doing Dragon Stage 13.

Apr 15, 2021, 05:0304/15/21

Walzard, well I  haven't seen that PVE is getting easier (on hard Eitrher hallowed halls or Brimstone path (the end one) got all  3 stars except level 7 with my Lysandra an Kael (both 5 star, Full asecnsion, and Lyssandra has the set  of 5 for shield for 3 turns) But in Arena battles either of them, I personally have seen 1 lone level 1 Yeoman in Classical, and all 3 levels of Tag Team, either that's a bot or someone being genourous.. I also often see Classical (My team level 36, other team levels 42.53. 48,,,some lower if everything was 36, then should I  see a team above or below 36? that miscreated monster is almost impossible to killl with that passive it's alive skill... (not even  him on 4 star level 30..can't kill it) Like i said, with what I am getting in ClanBoss I am getting tougher. Agreed should be challenging, but not getting my arse handed to me on a silver platter when the other teams 4 members are all 60...or 50... right now I only have 3 50's sevral 40's (like 4 of them are for a fusued champion) now end with a question, does anyone know the ratio as to how often you might get the exact same champion from The Mystery void or (for me rare) sacred shards?

Apr 15, 2021, 05:0704/15/21

Addendum I just made normal clanboos about 3-4 days ago.. adept chest..wish I could go back to easy...I was getting the warrior chest on that! LOL My Kutan now has 4 Dibine speed acessories on her, and I am leveling them up (i think the Curiass is 5 star Legendary.)

Apr 15, 2021, 22:0604/15/21

Getting closer to dark elithian in my daily logins, have dark athel and a rector drath (both at lvel 40 the athel hasn't any masterieis yet, and I am ascending her. ) full asended Kutan@ 4 star lvl 40   3 5 star , Kael  Hospittaliser Lyssandra all 50 Kael I have had the longest as he was my first champ.. Don't want to Ascend the ones that can be used as fusion, seems that you can get some badasses there. in Bazzar getting fragments, this is strange, got Huntress@ 10 fragments each purchase of the trophy bars, same with bloodhorn but only a measly 1 each for Dextrar Bloodtwin? This is going to take forever.. and your right even in the tag team areana.. first team all 60 second team all 60 3rd team 50 50 60 40... ouch!  (I have even see 2 Lvl 60 of same champ on same team)but I think I also see the bots, Knect lvl1 first squad Knect lvl 1 second squad Knect lvl 1 3rd squad and that's it.  yes it should always be a challenge, but to get blown away like so much dandelion fluff......

Apr 16, 2021, 00:3104/16/21

There  is  a  reason  that  those  players  are  in  Bronze  in  the  first  place.  There  is  nothing  wrong  with  the  arena.  Dont  point  fingers  there.  Turn  them  around.  Point  at  yourself.  Dont  do  what  a  noob  would  do.  Listen  and  progress.  ARENA  IS  NOT  YOUR  TOP  PRIORITY.  Your  top  priority  is  Campaign  and  Dungeons.  GUESS  WHAT?  THE  CHAMPION  YOU  GET  FROM  PROGRESS  MISSIONS,  ARBITER,  HELPS  WITH  THE  ARENA!  Your  not  missing  out  on  a  crucial  part  of  the  game.  Very  few  players  in  these  forums  understand  this  anymore.  Listen  to  them.  Trips,  Player  J,  Skadi,  AirMaxx,  a  couple  others...  They  all  have  the  right  idea.

Apr 17, 2021, 02:4604/17/21

There  is  a  reason  that  those  players  are  in  Bronze  in  the  first  place.  There  is  nothing  wrong  with  the  arena.  Dont  point  fingers  there.  Turn  them  around.  Point  at  yourself.  Dont  do  what  a  noob  would  do.  Listen  and  progress.  ARENA  IS  NOT  YOUR  TOP  PRIORITY.  Your  top  priority  is  Campaign  and  Dungeons.  GUESS  WHAT?  THE  CHAMPION  YOU  GET  FROM  PROGRESS  MISSIONS,  ARBITER,  HELPS  WITH  THE  ARENA!  Your  not  missing  out  on  a  crucial  part  of  the  game.  Very  few  players  in  these  forums  understand  this  anymore.  Listen  to  them.  Trips,  Player  J,  Skadi,  AirMaxx,  a  couple  others...  They  all  have  the  right  idea.

Last week I didn't know anything about the game and their company. And my first impression was too good to be true! Now I'm facing God tier champions on top level in the arena (on daily base thanks daily missions to get some goodies). Yeah, there's nothing to win except for 1 or 2 fake accounts a day. That's how it goes and I've got it: No one cares about new players. At least not about F2P noobs like me.

Have a good one >)

Apr 17, 2021, 02:5004/17/21

The threads here in the forum don't show this more fundamental problem. I've seen 0 threads, where players that showed us a good arena team couldn't stay in Gold or couldn't leave Bronze. Not "very few" threads, literally 0 threads. Every single "Arena is so bad"-thread showed us either no team or a bad team.

At the end it's PvP-content. It's impossible that everybody is at least in Silver. How should that work? The players without playerskill stay in BRonze, sorry to say so. Players that use "random teams" of any 4 heros and players that use nuker teams without def debuff belong into Bronze. New players are very lucky that it is like this. So new players can earn easy victories if they are willing to become a player with playerskill.

Is there anybody out there with a team of HK, Spirithost, Warmaiden, Kael, all lvl 60, that can't reach Silver? If so, post a pic of your equip, we will say what to change to get into Silver. Everybody could reach Silver. Even if in reality not everybody will. The good players will.

And there's your fundamental problem. Everything in Raid is tied up to classic arena!

Great hall and arena rank bonus are essential in making teams for other parts of the game.

I agree that to a degree player needs to get good to maintain their rank and maintain their bonus. But I have already in this conversation 6+ months ago, and the conclusion I have 6 months ago is that arena 6 months ago is harder than arena 1 year ago, and I find myself having the same conclusion that arena today is harder than arena 6 months ago, THAT is another fundamental problem, that Arena keeps getting harder as time goes by. My arena experience is different than people who played the game 1 year ago, and todays players experience in arena is different than mine.

In any good freemium game, any part of their game should have a steady experience for any player at any time they joined the game.

And THANK YOU J for acknowledging my post as the truth, but am I exagerating? With the progression of how people used to complain about gold rank, then to silver rank, and now people complain about bronze, I can savely say, there is a problem in arena, bigger than just "git gud".

Apr 17, 2021, 03:5704/17/21

Lee.Ozz  -  I  never  acknowledged your  post as the truth.

I  said  your  exaggerating  the  truth.

There  is  One  Pure  Truth.

Than  their  is  Lee.Ozz  Version  of  the  Truth.

These  Truths  are  not  the  same.

I  don't believe in  all  the  rubbish  you  believe  in.

I'm  a  realist.

Apr 17, 2021, 05:5804/17/21
Player J

Lee.Ozz  -  I  never  acknowledged your  post as the truth.

I  said  your  exaggerating  the  truth.

There  is  One  Pure  Truth.

Than  their  is  Lee.Ozz  Version  of  the  Truth.

These  Truths  are  not  the  same.

I  don't believe in  all  the  rubbish  you  believe  in.

I'm  a  realist.

Well then I can only resign, as I said the fundamental problem of arena is that the difficulty of arena keep raising as time goes by.

You can keep ignoring it, but I have posted what I have identify as the problem in arena and how to fix them in every channel possible to give "suggestions" to Plarium.

And I will just say, that the insistence of veteran forumites for new players to "git gud" will just compound the arena problem and drive new players away.

Apr 17, 2021, 09:2604/17/21
Apr 17, 2021, 09:27(edited)

And there's your fundamental problem. Everything in Raid is tied up to classic arena!

Great hall and arena rank bonus are essential in making teams for other parts of the game.

I agree that to a degree player needs to get good to maintain their rank and maintain their bonus. But I have already in this conversation 6+ months ago, and the conclusion I have 6 months ago is that arena 6 months ago is harder than arena 1 year ago, and I find myself having the same conclusion that arena today is harder than arena 6 months ago, THAT is another fundamental problem, that Arena keeps getting harder as time goes by. My arena experience is different than people who played the game 1 year ago, and todays players experience in arena is different than mine.

In any good freemium game, any part of their game should have a steady experience for any player at any time they joined the game.

And THANK YOU J for acknowledging my post as the truth, but am I exagerating? With the progression of how people used to complain about gold rank, then to silver rank, and now people complain about bronze, I can savely say, there is a problem in arena, bigger than just "git gud".

Getting Spirithost, Warmaiden and High Khatun is not tied up to your progress in classical arena, nor is levelling them to lvl 60 (maybe exept Spirithost, who can do her job with lvl 40). It's the other way round, progress in classical arena is tied up to bring a team like the mentioned. People just don't do it.

Ceterum censeo, the ban of my main account should be undone, I didn't spam, the detection algorithm doesn't work.  

Apr 17, 2021, 11:3004/17/21

Well then I can only resign, as I said the fundamental problem of arena is that the difficulty of arena keep raising as time goes by.

You can keep ignoring it, but I have posted what I have identify as the problem in arena and how to fix them in every channel possible to give "suggestions" to Plarium.

And I will just say, that the insistence of veteran forumites for new players to "git gud" will just compound the arena problem and drive new players away.

Don't bother with J. His smooth brain can't comprehend that Gold and Bronze are not the same thing and end game player who throws money at the game like no tomorrow is not the same as a new player or low spender.

Apr 17, 2021, 11:3704/17/21

It is somewhat ironic when new players are given the advice to ignore the arena, seeing how the lack of new players is one of the things that will ultimately exacerbate the problem.