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Help with Arena Defense

Help with Arena Defense

Apr 7, 2021, 11:4504/07/21

Help with Arena Defense

Out of these champions, who would you put in your Arena defense? 

Scyl of the Drakes, Skullcrusher, Zelotah, Stag Knight, Elhain, Seeker & Sinesha. They are the only ones I have 6* lvl 60. 

Apr 7, 2021, 12:3004/07/21

put same as for your area offence

Apr 7, 2021, 16:1004/07/21

I had it like that until now and they lose almost every single fight (I get maybe 1 in 10 wins). I started dropping significantly in the last two weeks, so I really need to change something. 

Apr 7, 2021, 16:1504/07/21
Apr 7, 2021, 16:18(edited)

what kind of offence area team you use?

did you tried to lower you player power? 

do you have lots of 3* food chaps?

did u started extended food champs  farming during last two weeks?

Apr 7, 2021, 16:3304/07/21
Apr 7, 2021, 16:43(edited)

We are a lot of players on your sitation,from like 2-3 weeks plarium just made something,and the whole classic arena just working as they intended,not care about lot of players complaining that someting is realy wrong with the arena,i am droped from gold 4 to gold 2,and wery soon i will be in gold 1,and then in silver,every refresh i just got overpovered opponents,and in deffence i win like 2 battles out from 10  So not only you in this situation,the prove is the hundreds of posts about the broken arena   And they not even trying to fix something.   Anyway i stoped to spend any more money in this game,because really dont want to pay for frustration,if i pay,then i want to enjoy for what i paid   Bought shards from them,summoned champions,geared the,so i can progress in faction wars,in dungeons,to realise now that i was an idiot,because of my high player power what is like now at 1 milion,i can not finish never the arbiter mission,and will take me like 4-5 years to upgrade my great hall.

Apr 7, 2021, 19:3104/07/21

what kind of offence area team you use?

did you tried to lower you player power? 

do you have lots of 3* food chaps?

did u started extended food champs  farming during last two weeks?

I switch it up depending on who the opponents are but main team is seeker, then stag, then scyl and lastly sinesha. If I go against a team with similar player power I can usually win, but in defense that's not the case. I get attacked by teams that have 50k less power and still lose somehow. Also I used all of the food i had recently to upgrade Scyl so that shouldn't be the issue either. 

Apr 7, 2021, 19:3504/07/21

Not sure its worth it seeing as its broken and impossble to further your self , and seeing as they made it impossible to get further as a free to play player

Apr 7, 2021, 19:3804/07/21

Yes I saw all the posts and people are rightfully frustrated, but to be honest I'm not ready to give up on the game. I love it, and the fact I can still win battles is comforting to me. I wouldn't mind staying where I am for a while until they at least acknowledge there is an issue and try to fix it. But I also don't wanna waste my time trying to keep my spot if failure is guaranteed. 

Apr 7, 2021, 19:5604/07/21

it looks like your defence is nuked by speed teams,

what is speed of your team?

build high khatun with with max speed gear possible and put her as leader (4*with 3 star ascention should be enogh), ensure that your debuffer go second and nukers. 

you can try on tag arena auto to ensure that team has synergy.

also most people seeing speeder as lead just skip

Apr 7, 2021, 20:1404/07/21

it looks like your defence is nuked by speed teams,

what is speed of your team?

build high khatun with with max speed gear possible and put her as leader (4*with 3 star ascention should be enogh), ensure that your debuffer go second and nukers. 

you can try on tag arena auto to ensure that team has synergy.

also most people seeing speeder as lead just skip

Seeker's speed is 238,the test are between 150-200. I sacrificed HK early on when I thought she was useless (when in fact I had no clue how to build her), so I don't have anyone to use as a speed lead. 

Apr 7, 2021, 23:1704/07/21
Apr 7, 2021, 23:21(edited)

try to test:

1.seeker (lead) def aura + increase att

2.zeloath (shield/deff buff)

3.stag (decrease def/att)

4. sinesha/elhain (who hits harder)

take some runs on tag arena on auto and see how they behave.

If seeker has 234 speed min speed on slowest champ should be no less than 178

Try also to squize some more speed to seeker 234 it is on the edge

Apr 8, 2021, 00:4204/08/21

Elhain & Sinesha are your only Damage Dealers which are level 60.

They both do damage based on Attack.

When you use Attack Damage Dealers, You often want them on a Speed Team.

You would want a Speed Lead which is why Tanthil was telling you to build High Khatun.

You responded by saying you don't have HK any more - You got rid of her by mistake.

You responded by saying you don't have a Speed Lead - I am assuming you looked at all your heroes.

Elhain & Sinesha are part of the Speed Arena Meta - You don't have Speed.

Using Elhain & Sinesha with out speed will cause you to get creamed.

If all the above things are true, You need to change the way you play Arena. 

Let me introduce you to the Resistance Arena Meta!


We are talking about Massive Team Power

We are talking about Shields.


We are talking about Defense. 

The enemy team went before me + nuked me.

My team didn't feel it - It was a Scratch!


Compare the pictures!  

My Shield had like 6 Grey Bars.

After the enemy nuked me, My Shield had only 3 Grey Bars.

In addition, The Enemy Team Nuker Triggered my Seeker Passive during their turn.

You can see Increase Defense up on my whole team.

You can see my Seeker Passive says 4 turns on it - It is on cool down.

My Seeker is the fastest hero on my team.

You said your Seeker has 238 speed.

My Seeker has 215 speed.

Your Seeker is faster, but whose seeker is stronger?

Check it out!


I want you to be aware!

The Enemy Apothecary has 300 Speed, but my Seeker with 215 Speed doesn't really care.

Seeker Total Stats:


310 Resistance + Rhazin 90 Resistance Aura = 400 Resistance in Battle.

Take a look at the below picture again!


Enemy Team has Miscreated Monster - He does Stun

Yet, none of my heroes are Stunned.

Enemy Team has Tomb Lord - He does Decrease Defense + Decrease Attack

Yet, none of my heroes have Decrease Defense or Decrease Attack.

Enemy Team has Lord Shazar - He does Bombs

Yet, none of my heroes have Bombs on them.

My Team Resisted it all!

The Enemy Team Accuracy wasn't high enough.

And now that their Attack has Failed.

My Rhazin is going to tear them apart!


Why am I telling you all of this? Because I think you can do a similar thing!

You own some very good Champions:

- Seeker ----------> Can do similar things as my Seeker

- Zelotah ---------> Can replace my Vrask --------> Put Zelotah in a Shield set

- Scyl of Drakes --> Can replace my Maulie

The only thing you are missing is a Damage Dealer who is Defensive.

I am using Rhazin!


Did you fuse your Rhazin?

If you did, Booom!

Apr 8, 2021, 10:5504/08/21
Player J

Elhain & Sinesha are your only Damage Dealers which are level 60.

They both do damage based on Attack.

When you use Attack Damage Dealers, You often want them on a Speed Team.

You would want a Speed Lead which is why Tanthil was telling you to build High Khatun.

You responded by saying you don't have HK any more - You got rid of her by mistake.

You responded by saying you don't have a Speed Lead - I am assuming you looked at all your heroes.

Elhain & Sinesha are part of the Speed Arena Meta - You don't have Speed.

Using Elhain & Sinesha with out speed will cause you to get creamed.

If all the above things are true, You need to change the way you play Arena. 

Let me introduce you to the Resistance Arena Meta!


We are talking about Massive Team Power

We are talking about Shields.


We are talking about Defense. 

The enemy team went before me + nuked me.

My team didn't feel it - It was a Scratch!


Compare the pictures!  

My Shield had like 6 Grey Bars.

After the enemy nuked me, My Shield had only 3 Grey Bars.

In addition, The Enemy Team Nuker Triggered my Seeker Passive during their turn.

You can see Increase Defense up on my whole team.

You can see my Seeker Passive says 4 turns on it - It is on cool down.

My Seeker is the fastest hero on my team.

You said your Seeker has 238 speed.

My Seeker has 215 speed.

Your Seeker is faster, but whose seeker is stronger?

Check it out!


I want you to be aware!

The Enemy Apothecary has 300 Speed, but my Seeker with 215 Speed doesn't really care.

Seeker Total Stats:


310 Resistance + Rhazin 90 Resistance Aura = 400 Resistance in Battle.

Take a look at the below picture again!


Enemy Team has Miscreated Monster - He does Stun

Yet, none of my heroes are Stunned.

Enemy Team has Tomb Lord - He does Decrease Defense + Decrease Attack

Yet, none of my heroes have Decrease Defense or Decrease Attack.

Enemy Team has Lord Shazar - He does Bombs

Yet, none of my heroes have Bombs on them.

My Team Resisted it all!

The Enemy Team Accuracy wasn't high enough.

And now that their Attack has Failed.

My Rhazin is going to tear them apart!


Why am I telling you all of this? Because I think you can do a similar thing!

You own some very good Champions:

- Seeker ----------> Can do similar things as my Seeker

- Zelotah ---------> Can replace my Vrask --------> Put Zelotah in a Shield set

- Scyl of Drakes --> Can replace my Maulie

The only thing you are missing is a Damage Dealer who is Defensive.

I am using Rhazin!


Did you fuse your Rhazin?

If you did, Booom!

I didn't fuse my Rhazin but this has definitely made me rethink my strategy entirely! Time to jump into the vault and see what I have to work with! Thank you for this amazing answer

Apr 8, 2021, 16:5404/08/21


Not having Rhazin is a small set back, BUT you might be able to pull this off still!

You own Zelotah - Zelotah has a 70 Resist Aura for Arena.

You can use Zelotah as your Resist Leader instead of Rhazin.

I have used Zelotah on my Resist Team before.

Zelotah is a very good Arena Defense Champion.

The only thing you are missing on your team is a Defense Based Damage Dealer.

Check to see if you have any lurking in your Vault.

Apr 8, 2021, 17:0004/08/21





That is a decent defensive team, I love defense/resist arena teams.  That said, they may actually be more difficult to gear than the traditional speed nuking team.  

Apr 8, 2021, 22:4004/08/21


This is what i have atm and so far i can not get into silver at all , the changes they made to arena makes it broken

Apr 9, 2021, 00:5504/09/21


This is what i have atm and so far i can not get into silver at all , the changes they made to arena makes it broken

Your roster has heros good enough for gold. You cannot reach silver because you leveled up to many champs to lvl 50 and to less to 60. You have only one lvl 60 champ at all. Your lvl 50 champs don't win vs. lvl 60 champs. 

You could make a speed nuking team, for example:

High Khatun: Team leader (Aura), speed buff. Make her as fast as possible.

Lanakis: Additional turnmeter boost, as bonus ally attack on the same move.

Tayrel: AoE def debuff, needs acc.

Astralon: AoE attack.