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Apr 6, 2021, 18:1604/06/21


The Doom Tower has reset.

We have new changes to the Doom Tower.

Here is the News Update which was given to players in game:





The 2 Bosses which where removed from the Doom Tower are:

- Scarab King

- Frost Spider

Apr 6, 2021, 20:4604/06/21

im confused as to how people have done 30 rooms already when its only been out a day. 

Apr 6, 2021, 20:4704/06/21
Apr 6, 2021, 21:07(edited)

Day 1 of Doom Tower:


I was able to beat Grythion the Celestial Griffin on Hard Mode.

The team I used to beat the Griffin was the below team:


I wanted to redo the fight just to try out other hero's.

I wasn't really happy with Miscreated Monster.

I felt like M.M wasn't adding tons of benefit to the team.

I swapped out M.M for Moss Beard to see if anything would change.

The Moss Beard team has my best time at 4:58.

I went to take a screenshot, but then I accidently clicked the replay button.

The picture you see below is of the Replay battle, but you can see it won in 5:47.

Its really close to my best time at 5 mins.


The strategy I am using against the Griffin is very interesting.

Before I tell you my strategy, Let me give you a quick run down of the Griffin.

- The Griffin Decrease your Turn Meter if you Decrease his Turn Meter.

- The Griffin Gains Turn Meter if you Gain Turn Meter.

- The Griffin transfers Debuffs to your team if you put any Debuffs on him.

What is the first thing which comes to your mind when reading the 3 above statements I said?

The first thing which came to my mind is the Griffin is a Copy Cat!

The Griffin is mirroring what my team is doing.

What esle does the Griffin do?

- The Griffin removes all your Buffs 

- The Griffin ramps up Damage over time with his Sky Bond Stacks - Max Limit 20

We are starting to gain a clear picture of the Griffin!!!

The Griffin is a Copy Cat which Ramps up Damage over time and Hates Buffs.

However, the Griffin has some are retrictions here:

1 - It takes the Griffin several turns before he can ramp up to full damage.

2 - The Griffin can only hate on buffs every 3 turns due to cool downs.

At this moment, I had a brillant idea.

We can call it a Light Bulb moment!

What if I put Decrease Attack on the Griffin?

The Griffin is ramping up damage, but who says I have to roll over and let him?

I can try to slow him down!

The Griffin needs 20 Stacks for full power.

Decrease Attack can make it even harder for him to do full power damage.

This is what I am thinking.

Now lets follow this line of logic to the end.

Lets say I put Decrease Attack on the Griffin.

What will the Griffin do?

The Griffin is a copy cat - He is going to transfer the Decrease Attack back on my team.

Now here is the question which came to my mind.

Is having Decrease Attack on my team a bad thing?

What if I build my team with HP & DEF type heroes?

Congratulations Griffin, You successfully put Decrease Attack on my Team

My Team is Health & Defense based.

What have you accomplished with your move Griffin?

Absolutely nothing!

This line of thinking is how I found the hero Jareg!

Everyone in the game often likes putting Decrease Attack on the Clan Boss.

I looked at the Decrease Attack heroes I have leveled up previously for Clan Boss.

- Jareg

- Sepulcher

These 2 heroes are the ones I use to use for Clan Boss.

I would change them out depending on the Clan Boss Affinity.

The Griffin is Spirit Affinity - Jareg is Magic - Sepulcher is Force

I decided to give Jareg a try since he was good Affinity.

I found Jareg to be extremely good in the fight.

Next Step - The Damage Dealer

I am happy with my Jareg because I feel like he is going to be good for my team.

The question is who do I use as my Damage Dealer.

I am putting Decrease Attack on the Boss which can get flipped to my team.

I want to pick a Damage Dealer who scales from Health or Defense.

I was looking at a few different options.

- Mortu Macaab

- Lord Shazar

- Rhazin

Than I ran across my Rotos

Rotos is very weird.

Rotos deals damage based on ATK + HP

I am doing Decrease ATK on myself vs. Griffin bascially.

My mind was telling me Rotos isn't going to work.

My gut was telling me to try it because Rotos is insane.

Keep in mind, I haven't faught the Griffin, yet.

I am sharing with you the thought process I did in creating the team.

I am trying to make a team of 5 heroes to fight the Griffin.

I am trying to come into the battle with a Strategy to beat the Griffin.

I don't know if the strategy will work or not.

This is why I am thinking Rotos with Decrease ATK is going to do garbage damage.

What I decided to do was counter balance my own Decrease Attack.

I explained to you so far how Jareg got on my team.

You are understanding why I am a little nerves about whether or not Rotos will work.

This sequence of events lead to me put Doom Priest on the team.

I am thinking Rotos scales damage from ATK + HP.

I am putting Decrease Attack which will transfer on my Rotos.

I am thinking of adding Doom Priest to add Increase Attack or Remove my own Decrease Attack.

If my Rotos has Decrease Attack on him, I am hoping Increase Attack will cancel it.

Or Doompriest will Cleanse the Decrease Attack Debuff on my Rotos with her Passive

It sounds crazy, but it makes total sense.

You now understand why I have:

- Jareg

- Rotos

- Doom Priest 

All of the above heroes are on my Fictional Team which I want to use to defeat the Griffin.

Now let me explain how Vrask entered the team:

I was looking at the 3 heroes I have on the Fictional team. 

I was thinking I needed more sustain.

The Griffin is going to do damage + Ramp up Damage.

- Jareg only heals through his Passive which I have no control over.

- Rotos doesn't heal at all

- DoomPriest can do a heal, but it isn't a huge heal.

Are these 3 heroes really going to help me live through the fight?

Probably not!

I was thinking of the above situation in my mind.

I came up with a few options:

- Zelotah

- Lordric

- Roschard the Tower

- Scyl of the Drakes

- Vrask

Zelotah & Lordric can do Shields

Roschard the Tower can do Block Damage

Scyl & Vrask can do Healing

I was thinking what could happen in the fight.

What if Zelotah or Lordric puts a shield on my heroes and the Boss removes it at the wrong time.

My whole team will die.

Roschard was in the same boat - If I put up Block Damage at a bad time, The boss can remove it.

My whole team will die.

After thinking about it for a few mins, I came down to 2 heroes.

Scyl of the Drakes or Vrask.

They both do healing, but they don't use a Buff to heal!

The Boss can't remove it or cancel it.

In the End, I decided to pick Vrask.

The reason why is because of Scyl of Drakes A1 move.

Scyl of the Drakes A1 move can do Turn Meter Decrease.

Lets be honest, Scyl of the Drakes is still an amazing hero.

I am trying to be super picky to settle this tie breaker which I have.

Scyl of the Drakes A1 move has a low chance + It doesn't decrease turn meter by a lot.

Scyl of the Drakes could be amazing in the fight, but I haven't tested it out.

I am just thinking in my mind Scyl might have a little bit more Risk Factor vs. Vrask.

This is why originally I wanted to test out Vrask first in the fight.

We can see how my team has slowly been creating itself.

- Jareg

- Rotos

- Doom Priest

- Vrask

The last hero I picked originally was Skullcrusher.

The reason why is because I have always loved the chemistry between Jareg + Skullcrusher.

Most people including myself liked using Jareg + Skullcrusher in Clan Boss.

Jareg does Decrease Attack on the A1

Skullcrusher does Counter Attack to help the Consistency of Jareg A1 move landing.

They both do Ally Protection which you can Stagger between the 2 of them.

It removes the pressure off of 1 hero.

1 hero isn't taking full damage - The damage is being spread out so no one dies.


- Jareg

- Rotos

- Doom Priest

- Vrask

- Skull Crusher

I took this team to fight vs. Griffin.

I ended up losing the battle.

It was a really close fight, but I ended up failing to win.

My Skullcrusher died to fast.

The Ally Protection caused him to take so much damage.

The Griffin Boss with 10 Sky Bond Stacks was able to penetrate his Unkillable Buff.

In response to the loss, I decided to swap out Skullcrusher for another Ally Protection hero.

This is how Miscreated Monster joined my team.

I was able to win with that team.

I posted the screen shot of my Miscreated Monster team winning.

I thought Miscreated Monster did ok, but he felt really redudant in the fight.

I think Jareg being the only Ally Protection hero is more than enough.

For this reason, I decided to swap M.M out for Moss Beard.

I wanted a hero who can help my team do more damage.

I thought Moss Beard could be a very interest option to try.

He gave me my best time which was cool.

Another option I am thinking about is a Rally hero

The only problem is all my Rally heroes are level 50.

I don't have them level 60, yet

There is plenty of room for improvement - We will see

Lastly, I wanted to end my post with a Strategic Summary:

The Goal is to do the following:

  • Decrease Attack
  • Damage Dealer (Scales from HP or DEF)
  • Ally Protection/Increase Defense (Passive Abilities if Possible or if not Possible Thru Buffs) 
  • Healer (Passive Ability)
  • Damage Amplifier (Counter Attack Hero, Rally Hero, or Increase Damage from Passive Poison)

Apr 7, 2021, 01:1004/07/21
Apr 7, 2021, 01:12(edited)

I beat this today also with a couple teams.  

My best time was Royal Guard, Vrask, Longbeard, Kreela, Catacomb Councilor  

Also beat it with a second Royal Guard in place of CC.  For both I had to manual the whole thing since that group is not viable through the trash with no Rez and you have to stop Kreela from using her AoE on the boss due to buffs.  I tried about 20 other combinations that didn't work.  I don't have Doompriest :(


That being said - Plarium, come on - this boss is way overtuned for the FIRST boss of Doomtower.  Yes, its "HARD" but if you wanted to make a "BRUTAL" you should have done that in addition not superseeding Hard.  It's just my opinion but this was a harder boss fight to me than anything in the first 50 floors of the prior Hard mode incarnations ... maybe 70.  There is a ton of RNG even if you do everything "right" with buffs and debuffs and turn meter etc.  No one wants the details, but short versions is sometimes his attacks chain in a way that you can't avoid your team dropping under 50% before heals hit - so he picks up a ton of stacks of Sky Bond which creates a viscious cycle that will almost always wipe you.  You'll need an awesome team to consistently auto this because of that.  You could fix a lot of the balance issues just by dropping the cutoff for Sky Bond low health stacks to 25% from 50% IMO.

Apr 7, 2021, 02:2804/07/21
Apr 7, 2021, 02:33(edited)

Continuation of Day 1 of Doom Tower:


I have tried using Scyl of the Drakes in place of Vrask.

You can see the change worked out!

If you read my previous comment, You know how I was conflicted on which hero to chose.

It was a 50-50 choice between Vrask & Scyl.

I went with Vrask in my first set up due to Scyl A1 move.

I thought the A1 move might be to risky.

However, the game has refreshed with more Silver Keys.

I am able to test out the team with Scyl instead of Vrask.

You can see how it works.

I have a few more Screenshots to Show you peeps.


I have tried using Catacomb C. in place of Moss Beard.

You can see the change worked out! 

I have been wanting to try a Rally hero to amplify my damage.

The problem is my Rally hero's are level 50 as you can see from the above picture.

However, I decided to try it out even with my hero at level 50 to see what would happen.

To my Suprise, The level 50 Catacomb C. helped me reach a new best time.

My new best time is 4:44.

Obviously, A level 50 Catacomb C. isn't going to work on higher stages of Hard Mode.

I am just experimenting.

I am trying out different combinations.


I can't seem to find replacements for the following heroes:

- Jareg

- Rotos

- Doom Priest

Maybe, Septimus could replace Rotos.

I don't own Septimus though so I can't test.

One last thing I want to mention:

All the Screenshots/Teams I have shown you so far have been Auto Teams except for 1.

The Miscreated Monster Team I used was done full Manual.

I wanted to manual the fight to make sure I won the fight for first time.

Every team afterward has been Auto Teams.

Apr 7, 2021, 03:1904/07/21

Well, it was easy on Normal mode but I guess that doesn't help anyone.  I'd mostly just say don't bring a speedbooster and don't bring many buffers/debuffers and just try to nuke it down.  But not a very good comparison since Hard vs Normal is obviously completley different.

Apr 7, 2021, 18:1904/07/21

Well, it was easy on Normal mode but I guess that doesn't help anyone.  I'd mostly just say don't bring a speedbooster and don't bring many buffers/debuffers and just try to nuke it down.  But not a very good comparison since Hard vs Normal is obviously completley different.

Normal Mode is a mirror image of Hard Mode.

The only difference is the stats are increased in Hard Mode.

If you have good enough heroes + good enough gear, You can nuke both modes down.

The below picture is a screenshot from the Best Teams List for Floor 10 in Hard Mode.


Rank 2 + Rank 4 player are both using the same exact team.

1x Trunda + 2x Dracomorph + 1x Turvold + 1x Kreela

I don't know exactly what they are doing because I don't own all those heroes + haven't tested it.

All I can do is speculate on what I think they are doing.


I think the fight is going down the following way:

Wave 1:

1st move: Dracomorph #1 ---------------> A3 AOE Def Down + Weaken

2nd move: Dracomorph #2 --------------> Forces this Draco to do A1 move.

3rd move: Trunda ------------------------> A3 AOE Nuke

Kills all the Waves

Wave 2:

1st move: Dracomorph #1 ---------------> Forces this Draco to do A1 move. 

2nd move: Dracomorph #2 --------------> A3 AOE Def Down + Weaken

3rd move: Trunda ------------------------> A2 AOE Nukes

Kills all the Waves 

Wave 3: At this point, I am not entirely sure how they are playing it out.

I think Trunda at this point doesn't matter as much any more.

I think the main reason they are using Trunda is to clear thru the waves fast.

Trunda will do what ever damage she can vs. Griffin and it would just be considered a bonus.

The Griffin's opening move is the Remove Buffs move.

Turvold deals crazy amounts of damage for each Buff on him.

Turvold can Self Buff + Kreela can do tons of Buffs.

They would have to Stall 1 turn by using A1 move or Speed Tune Turvold + Kreela to be slower vs. Griffin.

They don't want Turvold + Kreela to buff to early or the Griffin will strip it.

The Griffin second move is the Transfer Debuffs move.

Both Dracomorph still have the A2 which does 4 stacks of poison.

They would probably have to stall and do the A1 move till the Transfer move passes over.

Turvold Massive Damage by way of Extra Buffs

+ Kreela Rally

+ 2x Dracomorph - 8x Poison Stacks

+ Trunda left over Damage

= The win 

I think they put a lot of effort into making the Best List.

- The team is very well designed

- The timing of all the moves to be spot on

I can only image how long it took them to make it all work perfectly.

They must have failed a dozen times if not more.

Apr 7, 2021, 19:1804/07/21

Quick Heads Up:

I found a Substitue hero for Rotos.


A player in Global Chat was telling me how they didn't have Rotos, but manage to win with Drexstar.

I put my Drexstar in the team to see if he could win.

He did manage to help me win.

Jareg + Doompriest seem to be the only 2 which I can't find replacements for at the moment.

I am sure there are replacements for them out there I just haven't pulled them from a shard, yet.

Drexstar is F2P because people can get him from Bizarre

Scyl is F2P because people can get her from Daily Login Rewards.

Vrask can be swap out for a general AOE Healer.

Jareg & Doompriest have always been known as Top Tier Epics.

Jareg & Doompriest made there mark in Clan Boss.

Players often use them in Clan Boss which is why they are so highly regarded.

The fact I can use them in Doom Tower to help me win just further sements how amazing they are.

This is why I am having trouble trying to find replacements for them.

Not many heroes can do what they can do.

Apr 7, 2021, 21:0904/07/21
Apr 9, 2021, 02:24(edited)

Day 2 of Doom Tower:


I was able to beat the Magma Dragon on Hard Mode.

It seems to me like the Magma Dragon is completely the same as previously Doom Tower Verison's.

The only difference is the Magma Dragon has changed Affinity which is slightly tricky.

The team I used to beat the Magma Dragon was the below team: 


In the Past, I used the following Strategy to Defeat the Magma Dragon:

  • Damage Dealer (Poison or HP Burn)
  • Cleanser 
  • Provoke 
  • Protection (Shields, Block Damage, Heals, or Unkillable) 
  • Reviver 

Previously, The Magma Dragon was Magic Affinity.

The Damage Dealer I use to use was Frozen Banshee.

Frozen Banshee is Magic Affinity + does a lot of Poison.

The Magma Dragon is weak to poison so it does a lot of damage.

The game changed the Affinity of the Magma Dragon for this Doom Tower Version.

The Magma Dragon is Force Affinity.

Frozen Banshee is weak vs. Force Affinity so I decided to find a new Poison hero.

My Steelskull has made his Grand Entrance!

Steelskull is Spirit Affinity which is the perfect counter to Force Affinity.

Steelskull can do a lot of poison.

Steelskull is the one which is going to kill the Boss for my team.

The Next Part of my Strategy is The Cleanser.

The Magma Dragon likes to put a Hex Debuff Randomly on your team.

You don't know where the Hex will go.

The Hex Debuff allows the Magma Dragon to do crazy tons of damage.

If the Hex Debuff lands on your Poison hero, Your Poison hero might die, but you can always revive them.

If the Hex Debuff lands on your Revive hero, Your Revive hero might die which is game over.

I am using Doompriest as my Cleanser

The Magma Dragon puts Hex randomly on 1 of my heroes (Maybe my Reviver)

Boom - Doompriest Cleansing it off - Hex moves directly to Doompriest!

My Reviver instantly becomes Safe!

If Doompriest Dies, My Revive hero can bring her back

Do you see the interaction between my Revive hero vs. my Cleansing hero?

The Next Part of my Strategy is The Provoke.

The Magma Dragon is the only Boss vulernable to Provoke.

A lot of Bosses in the game are Immune to Provoke.

We should use this weakness to our benefit.

We can use the Provoke as a way of stalling the Magma Dragon.

Keep in mind, We don't mind if our Cleanser dies.

We can revive the Cleanser with our Revive Champion.

However, The Revive skill has a Cool Down.

- Lets say our Cleanser Dies 

- Lets say our Revive Hero brings the Cleanser by to life.

- Lets say our Cleanser Dies again

At that point, We might be in trouble because our Revive might not be off Cool Down.

We need a way to stall for time so our Revive can come back off Cool Down.

We need the extra 1 or 2 turns so our Revive Skill can be off Cool Down.

The hero I am using as my Provoke champion is Maulie.

Maulie Provoke is on a 3 turn cool down when booked which I do have her booked.

Maulie Provoke can last for 1 turn or 50% chance to last for 2 turns.

I have Refresh Accessories on my Maulie so she can get her Provoke move back a Little Faster.

I have Reflex Gear or Provoke Gear which I can put on my Maulie to get her to Provoke more.

I am doing all of these things to Slow Down the Magma Dragon.

Lets be completely honest!

- My Provoke Hero can't stop the Magma Dragon forever!

- The Magma Dragon is going to take a turn.

- The Magma Dragon is going to kill my Doom Priest.

I am ok with all of the above things happening as long as I can revive the Doompriest back.

I want the revive skill to be up and ready when Doom Priest dies.

The Next Part of my Strategy is The Protection.

The Magma Dragon can do a lot of damage.

The Protection hero gives you an extra Layer of Defense to stay alive a little longer.

I am using Roschard the Tower.

You don't have to use Roschard the Tower.

You can use a Shield hero or Healing hero.

Lets say it takes the Magma Dragon 3 hits to kill my Doom Priest.

The Protection Hero Job is to try and extend the amount of hits.

Instead of 3 hits to kill my Doompriest, I want it to take the Magma Dragon 5 hits.

The more turns it takes him to kill my Doompriest.

The more turns I have for my Cool Downs to come back.

The Final Part of my Strategy is The Revive Hero.

The Revive hero is the backbone of the set up.

I am using Arbiter, but there are a lot of other options.

I have used other heroes who can fill the role of Revive.

They do completey fine

It all depends on what you have leveled up.

You do want a Revive hero.

Can you see how my strategy is creating an Endless Loop!

It is a Cycle of Events which will repeat itself over and over again.

- Cleanser will Die

- Reviver will Revive

- Provoke will Stall for more turns to get Revive back

- Protection will Stall for more turns to get Revive Back

- Cleanser will Die

- Reviver will Revive

This set up is designed to repeat itself, until the Magma Dragon dies.

Why will the Magma Dragon die? Because he has no Healing Mechanic.

I am using 4 heroes to create a Endless Loop.

The 5th hero is my Poison Hero.

The 5th hero is the Rogue Hero who comes out of Left Field to make the Game Winning Play!

This is what the Poison hero is doing Ladies & Gentlemen.

People like to say the Magma Dragon is easy, but its not easy.

I am so very skilled I make the Magma Dragon look easy.

Its like watching Michael Jordan play Basketball.

Everyone will say Basketball is easy when watching him play, but its not easy.

The Magma Dragon will tear you apart if you undestestimate him.

The Magma Dragon has Hex which is extremely dangerious.

Don't forget what I told you:

- Provoke Gear

- Reflex Gear

- Refresh Accessories

You get the right Strategy.

You get the right Team.

You get the right Gear.

You get the right Accessories.

You can be very Successful!

If you don't put the effort, The Magma Dragon will knock your block off.

I am pretty sure people said the Magma Dragon is the hardest hitting Boss in the Doom Tower.

It is because of the Hex Debuff.

Apr 8, 2021, 23:2804/08/21

I wanted to share the New Video the game released about this Doom Tower Rotation.

Apr 9, 2021, 00:3804/09/21

Day 3 of Doom Tower:


I was able to beat the Nether Spider on Hard Mode.

It seems to me like the Nether Spider is completely the same as previously Doom Tower Verison's.

The only difference is the Nether Spider has changed Affinity.

The good news for me is the Affinity Change had no effect to my team.

The team I used to beat the Nether Spider was the below team: 


The team I use to win doesn't have the most impressive time, but it does the job.

The Set up has never let me down - I use a Slow & Steady Approach.

I use the following Strategy to Defeat the Nether Spider:

  • Damage Dealer (Poison, HP Burn, or Strong Single Target Nuker)
  • Cleanser 
  • Healer
  • Shielder
  • Block Damage
  • None of the Above heros should have AOE moves on A1 or Random Hit moves on A1. 

The Nether Spider does a lot of Poison.

The Nether Spider has moves which say the Poison can't be Resisted.

The Goal with my team is to Welcome the Poison.

My Plan is to use so much protection my Health never Drops below 50%.

My Healing hero (Vrask) will heal any damage I take from Poison.

My Shielding hero (Zelotah) will absorb any damage I take from Poison.

My Block Damage hero (Roschard) will block any damage I take from Poison.

My Cleasning hero (Mage) will remove some of the damage I would take from Poison.

- I want my team to take all the Poison Damage straight to the Face!

- I want my team to brush all the Poison Damage off and Laugh!

- I want my team to become Invisible.

The fight can last for 2 mins.

The fight can last for 2 hours.

The fight can last for 2 days.

It doesn't matter because my team is never going to die.

I recover my health faster than the Nether Spider can damage my health with her Poison.

This is my Kung Fu and it is strong!

The Final Champion I have on my team is the "Sleeper"

The "Sleeper" is my Damage Dealer.

You can use a wide range of Damage Dealers.

I, personally, like using a Poison Damage Dealer.

It amuses my Sadistic nature.


I don't know about you, but I find it amusing.


Previously, The Nether Spider was Spirit Affinity.

I used Frozen Banshee (Magic Affinity) to do my Poison.

Currently, The Nether Spider is Magic Affinity.

My Frozen Banshee is Nuetral Affinity to the Spider so I can just keep using her.

If I wanted to get super nerdy, I could use a Force Affinity Poison hero.

The only Force Affinity Poison hero I have is Aothar, but he isn't going to work.

Aothar does random hits with his Poison.

Random hits are bad because it will hit the baby spiders.

If you hit the baby spiders, They will counter attack + heal up the mother spider.

I don't want the mother spider to heal at all in the fight.

I could use a Force Affinity HP Burn Hero instead of Poison.

- Drexstar

- Yoshi the Drunkard

- Wretch

OMG - I haven't used Wretch in over 2 years.


A long time ago, when the game was fairly new, Players used to use Wretch in Clan Boss.

You can still see the Life Gear + Accessories I have on him.

The game only had 2 or 3 HP Burn heroes at the time.

Wretch was the only Rare Champion which could do HP Burn at the time.

Wretch was a God to F2P players long ago.


I pulled Wretch from a Shard and was jumping for Joy.

You can see my Wretch is fully booked from 2 years ago.

I don't think Wretch at level 50 is going to beat the Nether Spider on Stage 30 of Hard Mode.

I am wondering about the Nether Spider on Normal Mode.

Yeah - I think I should try Wretch out in the name of science.

When I start doing Normal Mode of the Doom Tower, I will put Wretch in my team.

I will swap out Frozen Banshee for Wretch.

Apr 9, 2021, 01:1304/09/21
Apr 9, 2021, 01:14(edited)

I'll keep this simple and it's just my opinion. Hard Doom Tower 5 is WAY overtuned - like who beta tested this, just HellHades?

Gryphon is cool - but almost requires you have a maxed Doompriest or Vrask - that's too narrow a gate for the 1st boss.  Magma is fine.  Despite the above post, my impression is Nether Spider was changed because someone has an issue with leaving spiderlings up as a strategy - I was getting tons more poison stacks compared to last iteration - I couldn't keep my team up with 2 maxed Sanguinias  (60, 6 star, full book, full mastery, all 16s) and Lillitu ... that's crazy.  If you want people to kill spiderlings then make the heals manageable with a 50% heal reduction instead of requiring 100%.

SR1 is fine but the others are literally laughably ludicrous.  SR2 is fine if you have the one single HP champion that can cleanse, otherwise it's a wipe (I've heard of people doing it with perfect unkillable rotations but really.... for SR TWO you need that?).  SR3 is the worst of all - it's less doable that the entirety of all of the prior hard doom towers.  

Congrats Plarium - I have been driven back to normal, I won't waste any more time or money on hard.  My opinion, for the 1 red gem it's worth, is that HARD was balanced before and if you wanted this version of Hard, you should have just made a BRUTAL mode.  I'd love to see the completion numbers on DT Hard 4 vs DT Hard 5.... I'd predict less than 20% of those that finished 4 will finish 5.

Apr 9, 2021, 02:2104/09/21
Apr 9, 2021, 02:23(edited)


You bring up a very good conversation starting point.

I have been using Vrask against the Griffin.

Vrask has been a game changer for me vs. the Griffin.

You have been saying how you feel Vrask is required to beat Griffin.

I was getting the same sort of feelings.

However, A few content creators have been saying Vrask is terrible vs. Griffin!

Stew Gaming has released a new video saying Vrask doesn't work vs. Griffin.

The Game allowed the Content Creators to do Tests on a Testing Server.

The Game moved all the Content Creators accounts to a Test Server with all the Doom Tower Open.

I think the Game (Plarium) is trying to get Content Creators to come up with teams to help people.

Some people are not very good at team building. 

The Content Creators can help those people who struggle.

I think it is a brillant Idea by the Game.

The Content Creators have been trying out different team set ups to beat Griffin.

Stew Gaming has been testing out teams against Doom Tower Floor 90 - Hard Mode.

Now here is the tricky part - Doom Tower Floor 90 - Hard Mode - isn't open to the public, yet

I have been doing awesome stuff with my Vrask on Doom Tower Floor 10 - Hard Mode.

The question is does Vrask drop off?

Stew Gaming has been saying Vrask doesn't work vs. Floor 90 because of Vrask A1 move.

Check this out!


Vrask A1 move gains turn meter when he does Critical Hit.

We always want Vrask to do a Critical hit so he can heal our whole team from his Passive.

The Griffin is a Copy Cat:

- If you gain meter, The Griffin gains meter

- If you decrease meter, The Griffin decreases meter

Is Vrask a Long Term Liability vs. the Griffin?

It is making me have doubts about my Griffin team.


Vrask is so clutch for me right now.

What will I do?

Scyl of the Drakes is my only fall back option.

Apr 9, 2021, 04:1104/09/21

Doompriest works for many in lieu of Vrask.  I tried a pretty decked out Raglin because I thought that might be a path to being able to auto it - but I had zero luck - she can't keep up with the damage in later phases of the fight.  My guess is that you could make Raglin work on a team with multiple "enemy max hp" based DPS and a cooldown resetter so you could down the boss before Skybond got too high for her to heal through (won't work on higher floor incarnations though).

For me, the key for Vrask was the Relentless set + Retribution.  I also used group attack champs (Kreela, Cata Counc, and Longbeard) all of which provide extra heals through Vrask.  Even if the Griffin is gaining meter through Whack - all the extra Lightning Strikes are pure heals with no benefit to Griffin.

Apr 9, 2021, 18:3004/09/21
Apr 9, 2021, 18:35(edited)

Doom Tower Summon Event:






We got the Septimus.

We got the 2nd DoomPriest.

We got the Tyrant just for good measure!

Apr 9, 2021, 19:3004/09/21

Also, has anyone gotten legendary Griffin feathers from re-killing Grythion?  I've managed to "farm" kill him 5-10 times and all I've gotten is 1-2 purple feathers.

Apr 9, 2021, 19:3304/09/21

Day 4 of Doom Tower:


I was able to beat the Eternal Dragon on Hard Mode, but it is insane!

It seems to me like the Eternal Dragon is a Nightmare.

The Eternal Dragon is Void Affinity.

You would think the Eternal Dragon with Void Affinity would be easy, but it is crazy tough.

The team I used to beat the Eternal Dragon was the below team:  


I feel like there is a miscommunication here.

I was under the impression we could use Block Revive on the Minion's.

I added Rotos to my team to Kill + Block Revive the Minion's.

The Minion's Summoned themselves back as if nothing ever happened.

Check out the below picture:


Take a look at the Conjure Souls Passive.

"If only one Eternal Priest is summoned or no minions are summoned by this skill."

Well if I Kill + Block Revive all of them, They will not be summoned.

 I think something fishy is going on here.

Take a look at the below message which was sent to people:


This message was suppose to give us a "Hint" on how to beat the Eternal Dragon. 


I leveled up my Basher.

Basher is a Skinwalker Epic

Basher can increase the cooldowns.

Take a look at the below picture:


I put Basher in my Eternal Dragon team.

Basher got absolutely destroyed!

It was a Total Slaugther!

The Eternal Dragon hits so bloody hard.

Basher is an Attack Type hero with 13k HP + 900 DEF

It was a suicide run - Never had a chance!

I feel like I leveled up Basher for no reason.

They baited me so good.

How do you people feel about Elegaius?


I use Elegaius on my Arena Offense Team.

Elegaius has 22k HP + 1.2k DEF

I feel like Elegaius might be able to survive the hits of the Eternal Dragon.

All of Elegaius skills are on long cool down's though.

I guess I can try Elegaius out in the name of science.

I wanted to write this post to tell peeps what I have discovered so far.

I am going to do more tests.

Apr 9, 2021, 19:4404/09/21

Also, has anyone gotten legendary Griffin feathers from re-killing Grythion?  I've managed to "farm" kill him 5-10 times and all I've gotten is 1-2 purple feathers.

I have been getting some.

I have crafted 4 or 5 pieces already, but I had to sell 3 due to Flat Stats.

Apr 11, 2021, 03:5604/11/21

Day 5 of Doom Tower:


I was able to beat Grythion the Celestial Griffin on Hard Mode.

The team I used to beat the Griffin was the below team: 


I had to manual the fight.

The team composition isn't Auto Friendly at all. 

I am trying to figure out how I can make the Fight more Auto Friendly to Farm the Gears. 

It is proving to be very difficult.

In addition, I tried several times to win with Vrask.

I don't think he is working out to good for me vs. Floor 50.

Vrask A1 Turn Meter does seem to be slowly having its effect on the Griffin.

Its hard to believe such a Small Turn Meter Gain on 1 hero is doing such an impact.

I have been Auto Farming Floor 10 of the Griffin.

I have been running Vrask in the team with great success.

- Jareg

- Drexstar

- Rotos

- Vrask

- Doompriest

I don't want to give up on Vrask, yet. lol

I still believe in Vrask.

I feel like he can make a come back on Floor 50.

Apr 12, 2021, 19:3704/12/21

Day 6 of Doom Tower:


I was able to beat the Magma Dragon on Hard Mode.






What is the game thinking?

Those floors are disgusting.

I know people who can defeat the Boss, but can't defeat the Floors leading up to the Boss. lol

Those Floor battles lasted for  20 mins.

The team I used to beat the Magma Dragon was the below team:


It took me 2-3 hours to reach the Boss.

It took me 7 mins to beat the Boss.


It's a sick joke.

They made it so outragiously hard & time consuming.

The reward you get after all that effort is 1 Void Shard + Few Materials.

- The Void shard will most likely give me a Dupe Void Rare Chicken.

- The Few Materials will most likely give me an Garbage Artifact which I'll sell for Silver.

Am I the only person doing the Doom Tower?

I feel like everyone esle has given up.

Can we really blame people for giving up on the Doom Tower?

I feel like they are being realistic.

If a person spent 20 dollars to gain 5 dollars.

Wouldn't we consider them an idiot?

I spent 3 hours trying to get to the M.Dragon.

I beat the M.Dragon.

I got 1 Void shard.

I feel like that was one of the dumbest things I ever done.

No one cares that I beat the Magma Dragon.

There is no mission which says you have to beat the Magma Dragon.

The Doom Tower is going to reset in a few weeks and no one will even remember me beating M.Dragon.

The General Managers in the Discord said the Doom Tower is suppose to be SUPER END GAME.

Its suppose to be SUPER HARD.

You look at the rewards and they don't match the SUPER HARD push they are talking about.

I can get 1 Void Shard from Brutal Mode Clan Boss.

It will take me 10 mins to do a run and get max chest.

It took me 3 hours to get past the Floors Leading up to the M.Dragon

It took me 1 hour to get the right amount of Stats to be able to defeat M.Dragon.

I had to get right Speed + Accuracy + All the necessary things.

It took me another 10 mins to beat the M.Dragon.

That is like 4 hours + tons of Silver not including all the times I failed.

All for 1 Void shard.


Obviously, I am a little upset with myself for expending such huge effort.

I managed my resources inefficiently.

I can see that now.

My first reaction is of course to point fingers at other people.

Why is the game not making the rewards better, but there is that old saying.

When you point your finger at another person, you have 4 of your own fingers point at you.

Maybe, My Account is to weak.

Maybe, My Account has not progressed enough to win faster.

Its causing my effort to outweight the rewards.

There might be people in the game winning the whole thing in 10 mins.

It could be very beneficial for them to go after the void shard.

They might not need to use tons of effort.


Lets be Objective about this.

Lets turn off the Emotion. 

There is only 2 sides of the Story.

The reward they are doing is either Good or Bad.

If the rewards are good, The problem is not on their end - it is on my end.

If the rewards are bad, The problem is on their end - It is not on my end.

The effort shouldn't out way the reward.

It is inefficent and unsustainable to have huge effort with little reward.

I got to think about this.

If I push for Stage 70, it might be just as hard.

I think what I need to do now is change my plans.

1 - I need to back track to Normal Mode (I can beat this mode a lot faster vs. Hard Mode)

2 - I need to do more Dungeon Farming.

I think I got the right heroes to beat some of these Doom Tower bosses.

I think I need to get better gear so I can win at a faster pace.

Yeah - I think this is what my plan should be.

May 5, 2021, 17:3205/05/21

The  Final  Day  of  the  Doom  Tower:  5th  Doom  Tower  Reset  Approaching


We  are  currently 414  Global.

Congratulations to  the  Top  11  Players  in  my  Clan  for  Normal  Mode.


Congratulations to  the  Top  11  Players  in  my  Clan  for  Hard  Mode.


It  was  tough.

We  tryed  our  best  and  thats  all  we  can  do.