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Apr 6, 2021, 12:3504/06/21


After Reading basically everything, I think I found out what happened to Arena

1) Arena reset is AM UTC

I get Dropped back down to Bronze I Every reset ,,,,

Seems I get Hammered by 15 or 20 players in the last 1/2 hour of the Tourny

So When I am ALSEEP , Seeing as I am on EST in CANADA

The Europeans are Awake in UTC just before Reset , Log in Play Arena and BOOM

I wake up to Arena and I am 900 Points back in Bronze Tier I again

2) Arena match making take total account Power into consideration

I read Yesterday that Arena matching is based on TOTAL ACCOUNT POWER as a factor

As Per Hellhades and Ayumilove and ASH , I Saved all my Heros Rare and up 

and Build up my Food with Uncommons 5 or 6 at a time too 

So it turns out that a Hero Collection game Screws you for Collecting heros

So Now I also know Why I get Shafted Every Monday Morning UTC  ( Sunday Night EST ) 

I am Punching Above my Weight , and Arena Makes total sense now

So it is FOOD EVERYTHING that Hellhades and Ayumilove agree are ** F ** and ** C ** Heros

SAVE EVERY SHARD I GET FOR EVENTS , and FOOD Most of those to if they dont Pull 

at least a 4 Star Rating in 2 or 3 Areas ...

3) I built Faction war Teams and am Up to 6 in all BUT am 7 and 8 in atleast 4

Building faction War Teams ,, Another Mistake I made , got 4 Teams in 7 and 8

So I can Farm 3 Star Glyphs and was Starting to Build them so i could Farm 4 Star Glyphs

ANOTHER MISTAKE that would make my Player Power Higher 

and Put me Against Even Stronger Teams in Arena .....

4) Collecting Heros

So DONT COLLECT HEROS ,,,  it raises your Total Player Power 

which Raises you up in Arena Ranks for Match making

Kill the Ducks then Flub Arena for the Free Energy , then free refresh a few times and see if
you get a Few Ducks to Kill then FLUB the rest so you get the 12 TIMES
for 3 Stars in Guild, 

and Maybe 5 times in Tag for the 1 Point towards the Free Chickens and Lego BOOK 

BUT 10 times a Week for Sure for the Tourny Reward


Just get 4 or 6 to lvl 60 that You can farm Dragon on and Spider where you can get Banners

and Basically Ignore everything Else until you can Auto Dragon 20 it seems  

6) Speed Kills , thats why in Arena your Dead

I dont have Anywhere Near 175 SPEED on Any heros ,, I Followed the Missions and Quests

** PUT ATTACK hero in ATT% Gloves Att% Chest , Att% Boots ** 

** Put Support Hero in 3 Star DEF% Gloves , Def% Chest , Def% Boots **

(( AND PALARIUM SHAFTED US WITH THE MISSIONS we had to do to progress ))

** Put 3 Sets of 3 STAR equipment on Three hero **,,,,

** Put 3 SETS of +8 on them **

** Put them in +12 **  etc  etc etc 

NOW FOR ARENA YOU NEED 200 SPEED PLUS , 150 might do but not really  


But you will get matched up against  Speed Nuke Teams that are , BOOM YOUR DEAD !!

These are the things New Player Dont know , are not Told at all

all we Every hear is ** You should beat those teams ** 

well the Standard Answer or ** Cookie Cutter Team of Katum, warmaiden, Your Starter Spirithost**

Just simply will not Kill when you are faced with a Speed Nuke team that has 200 Speed or more

SO , you need to FARM DRAGON for 5 star Gear ,, 6 star if you can , 

GET SPEED GEAR with Sub Stats of Speed , Crit Rate and Att%

then you can Tweak it with Def% and Resistance if needed

Apr 6, 2021, 22:2504/06/21

I read this and had to start flipping a Coin, then I went back and read a ton of mixed up mumbo jumbo in 4 million posts on arena. Then I came back and read this and it really stared to make sense because I am Just starting to top 175 speed on a few heros and am actually starting to go first but seeing as I am just into lvl 11 Dungeons , I guess I still have a long way to go I just started Farming Brutal 12/3 last week and my Arena teams have no Synergy at all 

Hard to Break the habbit of using the same team like I have for every other game for the past 30 years , Guess I just can not wrap my head around m ixing and matching 6 or 8 teams depending on where I am fighting , but I am getting there ,, FW , Dragon, Ice Golem and Spider are just about set , and by what I have read, when i get to 13 , I will have to switch them up again because 13 is different then 11 and 12

But, like I said I am starting to win in Arena, but still can not dig myself out of Bronze I 


I really think my biggest problem is focus , I get side tracked and go off sideway , 

Like I just pulled Miscreated monster the other day, and well, He isw going to 60 before I do anything else now , and Reliquery has to go up to 60 too , but so does Tomb lord and  Roxam and well, Bellower needs to go up to Farm brutal 12/3 and then there is the Abyssal I pulled last week that needs to get to 60 too and soulbound boyer  and Spirithost, and banshe and Diabolist and Vergis,, and ,, and   lol 


Apr 6, 2021, 22:3304/06/21

HellHades just put out a video today of an account takeover that he did

He took over a free to play players account who has played 100 days so far. He takes the players RARE champions and re-gears them with gear the player had

He then does arena after a speed tune during gearing

He moves the free to play account from Bronze1 to Silver 1 in a single sitting !

Valuable content there about how to do arena successfully , I encourage all to watch. I am Gold 4 and enjoyed watching the whole video as well picked  up some tips

Apr 7, 2021, 00:2704/07/21

HellHades just put out a video today of an account takeover that he did

He took over a free to play players account who has played 100 days so far. He takes the players RARE champions and re-gears them with gear the player had

He then does arena after a speed tune during gearing

He moves the free to play account from Bronze1 to Silver 1 in a single sitting !

Valuable content there about how to do arena successfully , I encourage all to watch. I am Gold 4 and enjoyed watching the whole video as well picked  up some tips

I bet most of the players will just ignore the video and will just go back and complain that it is impossible to progress in arena for new players. 

There are also other youtubers out there that shows good strategies in arena. Like Iamsteamin (not sure if correct) I found his video on how he is winning in platinum arena with only like around 250+ speed team. And his team does not have high resist or high shield amount at all. There is really more in arena than just speed and nuke. Players just need to be taught and they should be willing to learn. 

Apr 7, 2021, 02:4304/07/21

I bet most of the players will just ignore the video and will just go back and complain that it is impossible to progress in arena for new players. 

There are also other youtubers out there that shows good strategies in arena. Like Iamsteamin (not sure if correct) I found his video on how he is winning in platinum arena with only like around 250+ speed team. And his team does not have high resist or high shield amount at all. There is really more in arena than just speed and nuke. Players just need to be taught and they should be willing to learn. 

Or you could listen to all of what he said including his comments about how the arena IS broken.  He was doing nothing that I haven't done for my 70 day old account.  The speeds he got would have been HARD-STOPPED at low silver 2.  So yes he made some improvements which were rather obvious even to a new player like myself.  These were improvement that I started making in my second week playing the game.  The question I have is why I had to know about speed tuning and why I had to have 2 speed boosters geared solely for speed just to get to a level in the arena which matches progress missions which I finished in my first week in the game.  If the arena wasn't tied to progress missions (and I honestly don't care about getting Arbiter, I worked on the challenges which don't lead to arbiter because they were put there by game designers to mimic the actions THEY believed you should be taking in order... an order which doesn't exist) and if the great hall didn't represent such a power increase, I would have ignored the arena until I understood the game a bit better.  However, I had to learn enough to have been able to do what HH did in that video just to get out of bronze which the game designers obviously believed was supposed to be something really easy to do.