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someone want to explain this?

someone want to explain this?

Apr 5, 2021, 00:5104/05/21

someone want to explain this?

I just made level 40 and opened the Doom arena, My team 50 50 50 40 40 the opposing team all 125? like I stand a chance?

Apr 5, 2021, 01:2104/05/21

That  is  the  same  as  dungeons.  The  difference  is  that  your  champions  can  have  gear,  masteries,  books,  and  great  hall  bonuses  as  well  as  arena  tier  bonuses.  Gear  is  the  main  thing  in  this  game.  It  is  the  main  factor  between  win  and  lose.

Apr 5, 2021, 03:1704/05/21
Apr 5, 2021, 03:17(edited)

Not too far, I had to wait until I had a Lv.60 and the other 4 at Lv.50 to make it to the first boss. First boss wasn't really a challenge. But the second boss had me change strategy entirely because of the sudden change in type. Again, hope your champs got all 4/5-Stars gear in the Epic/Leg range. Rare as bare minimum. And also ascended at least to the 3rd star. I would try going for the 5/6 Star for the extra gear spot. Technically speaking, if you play well, you can do it in a month or two of practicing. Also, do CBs a lot, and try out tourneys and Events. That goes above and beyond champs. Unless you got mostly crappy ones. But you shouldn't if you do your daily rewards and spam green shards. Also, try to unlock as much as you can the higher levels. Less time invested in training like that.

Apr 5, 2021, 03:2604/05/21

My answer is No, you don't have chance to win and it's absolutely normal. 

Doom Tower is made for end-game players, most of us are waiting for 2 years to play it. Would you expect 1 month of yours = 1 year of others ? (unless you spend enough $$$ to cover the gap) 

Apr 5, 2021, 10:3804/05/21
Apr 5, 2021, 10:45(edited)

Doom Tower is END GAME  .... You and I are still babies compared to the Guys who do Doom that have 30 lvl 60s all with 5 or 6 star +16 Gear , that si Fully GLYPH'D

and the heros all have Full Masteries ...

I can get to room 7 , But its the dang HP Burn that kills me , NO HEALERS

Just maybe once we both can get into Gold Arena and stay there ,  we can do THE DOOM TOWER

Until then , Silver and Gold Arena just keeps getting Futher away , because the Guiys that are Able to Climb DOOM are leaving us behind in the DUST because they are getting the Items from it for Better Armors and Bonuses , and Are Probably be getting the Clan Bonuses too

I can See Bronze Arena turning into a bigger Zoo then it is now as People Climb into Doom Tower

and the Clans Even out into NOOBS ,, Pros and WHALES the Separation between Tiers in Arena will just keep getting  Bigger 


Except it is the beginning of the End , 

Seen it on So many games over the last 30 years , 

it is Starting to be repetively Hilarious 

Pretty soon , all that will be here are the Whales and the ** Occasional Payers **

and the Noobs that get Frustrated and leave after a month or 3