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The Problem with Arena , the way i see it

The Problem with Arena , the way i see it

Apr 4, 2021, 13:3604/04/21

The Problem with Arena , the way i see it

I have Played numerous games online for almost 30 years so

The Problem as I see it , is that with all the Recent changes over the last 3 months 

players that sat up in Gold 1 and Silver have been driven Down into Bronze 

So that all us Newer players that do not have lvl 50 or 60 heros 

with 5 star gear , or over 150 Speed yet or are just getting to be able to star farming 5 star gear

are getting smeared in Lower Bronze tiers by def teams that actually have 180 to 200 Speed

or maybe just have that one lvl 60 with a Few pieces of 6 star 

that can actually tear our Teams apart , and Yes I have ran into a few like that

Just fast enough to keep throwing up the Shields and Heals to tear down your team 

All the Pros keep saying , high Katum and War maiden ,, High katum and war maiden,, 

Once you have High katum and War maiden you can Beat all those Lego lvl 60s 

So ya Sure ,, Once you have your team in all 5 Star +12 or higher gear with 200 Speed  

SURE YOU CAN  ,, but Lets Face it , Normal Players with even 1/2 a brain will take

Close to 6 Months Game play to get anywhere Near 200 Speed

And then you also have to Sacrafic to the RNG Gods in Hopes of pulling 

an Apothocary , or one or 2 - 1/2 decent Heros with any Synergy at all 

or Even Play Long Enough to get your Main Starter Fully Booked

and get some masteries on your team too 

The Point is ,, all those Players that were up in Platinum and Silver are now Down in Bronze

and they already have a good Start in the Great Hall , 

they already have the 5 star  or 6 Star gear , they already have over 160 to 200 Speed 

While us New Players are Now Lucky if we can Even get our First 50 point Bonuses 

Out of the Great Hall with Bronze medals , Never mind any Bonuses with Gold or Silver medals 

But you all keep telling us to ** GET GUD ** 

If we play long enough we just might

but most newer players just get Frustrated and leave

and thats how games Die 

Apr 4, 2021, 17:5604/04/21

Your main starter should be six star and fully booked+masteries by your second or third week. It's pretty easy if you get your gem mine done, and just spend your energy doing the tournements that come up, you will get plenty of gems,books,energy from them(you do not have to win or even finish just get some of the prizes). You say this will take six months, I have this done pre 30 days and still  have 17 rare books. My warmaiden is also two books away from being fully booked, I farm my champion food in stage 3 deadlands brutal and get free warmaidens to book her.

Getting 150-200 speed is pretty fast as well, i think the game even gives you a free speed set early on. You can also just farm stage six of campaign for what ever boots you need until you get some 3-4 star speed boot even if its a white one, then level it up to 12 or 16 as needed. 

You are misinformed and keep making the same false claims in thread after thread. People myself included have given you advice and told you strategies to use and you would rather moan and complain that its so unfair instead of just taking the advice and moving on.

Apr 4, 2021, 18:0804/04/21
Apr 4, 2021, 18:09(edited)

I will NOT waste resourse on Common or uncommon Junk no matter what it is

and i am not the only one who sees what I see 

as for heros ,, it is all RNG , if they Wont Drop in campaign ,, all you can do is Suffer it out

and i am really not getting anything from Shards that either hellhades or Ayumilove say is worth anything but Food and Thats what i should probably do with most of the trash I have hanging around

BUT , like i said , I finally got to a lvl in Dragon where I can Farm 5 star Gear

and I have finally made peace with the fact I will PROBABLY only win 

1 or 2 arena fights out of 10 so I will SNAFU Arena just to farm the bonuses 

  till i can actually start to win 1/2 or more and Maybe build a Defense team that doesnt get beat back to 900 points and I have to start over in Bronze I with 900 points Every day almost everyday

You Must be One Lucky Guy not to get beat on your Defense 10 or 20 times a Day like I do

Seems My RNg is in the Toilet , i cant even get More SpiritHost or Warmaiden to drop 

and i have 3 Stared Dungeons on easy and hard , Maybe once I work through Brutal 

I might start getting Lucky ,, Who Knows

but Short of throwing a Virgin into a Volcano to Appease the RNG Gods

Maybe Ill just start another Acc and Start from Scratch 

Maybe leaving this Acc alone for a week or 2 might change my luck 

because as it is now, I dont have Any 

Apr 4, 2021, 21:0604/04/21

The truth is somewhere in between, i am 6 months exactly into the game and i have bought 1 gem pack and i am G2 - 252 speed. So it isnt true that it takes 6 months to break 150 speed

However i started a ftp account 6 days ago, i know exactly what i am doing and kept my team lean and farmed efficiently...i hit B4 and suddenly i am faced with level 60's everywhere and epics / legendaries :)

Yes you can have good gear within a few weeks and level 60's, but only if playing to death / experienced OR paying cash in my opinion.

Apr 5, 2021, 14:3904/05/21

How  far  are  you  in  the  game,  with  what  champions.  You  probably  are  just  playing  it  completely  wrong.

Apr 6, 2021, 02:2704/06/21

Low arena is a damn nightmare.  As a level 45,  I can just barely hang onto the bottom of Bronze 3 with a team of Kael, Miscreated Monster, Skullcrown (all 3 full masteries, but missing 3 ascensions on MM) and Apothecary.  Pretty solid team for 18 days playing the game.  But I don't stand a chance against all these teams of 3+ Legendaries fully ascended at L60.

And don't even get me started on Tag Team.  My opponents are almost all over L60 with a decent sprinkling of L70+... in Bronze 1.

I've been playing MMO's since before they had pictures.  This matchmaking is a disgrace.

Apr 6, 2021, 07:4304/06/21

Low arena is a damn nightmare.  As a level 45,  I can just barely hang onto the bottom of Bronze 3 with a team of Kael, Miscreated Monster, Skullcrown (all 3 full masteries, but missing 3 ascensions on MM) and Apothecary.  Pretty solid team for 18 days playing the game.  But I don't stand a chance against all these teams of 3+ Legendaries fully ascended at L60.

And don't even get me started on Tag Team.  My opponents are almost all over L60 with a decent sprinkling of L70+... in Bronze 1.

I've been playing MMO's since before they had pictures.  This matchmaking is a disgrace.

In TTA, that's normal - take a look at how few places are available in the higher tiers, then you'll understand why getting out of bronze 1 in TTA is already an achievement and requires 3 strong teams of level 60 champs. Bronze 2 in TTA is equivalent to the gold tiers in the main arena, basically. 

And yes, that's a very good team for being 18 days in... though a simple Warmaiden might do more for you than Miscreated Monster. 

Apr 6, 2021, 07:5404/06/21

I was in gold 4 and i have a decent team, but atm my 300 speed arbiter just isn't good enough and im struggling to stay in gold 3. the point is, im just gonna get fed up and stop trying soon..and thats only going to hurt people lower down once they come up against my team.