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3 things that could REALLY help player progression.

3 things that could REALLY help player progression.

Mar 26, 2021, 22:3903/26/21

3 things that could REALLY help player progression.

1. get rid of silver cost to unequip items. this severly crushes our ability to play with armor sets and fine toon our champs to fit the roles needed. i have a vault full of champions i would love to use but can never seem to get them gear or tweeked out becuase i literaly have no silver to max out the equipment.

2. books......books.....more......books...almost all the epic champs take atleast 12-14 books to max out. lets do simple math. if i do all the dailies and doom tower at BEST i can get maybe 4-5 books in a month. ONE champion takes atleast 12-14. so im looking at 3 monthes to cap out abilities for ONE champion.....facepalm.

3. great hall and quest for arbiter...with arena being the cosntent cluster of a mess. and the fact u almost NEED arbiter to even compete in progression for arena. remove the great hall requirements for obtaining her. how in gods name are we supposed to get rank 8-9 great hall talents if we cant even progress in arena wich u NEED to get the points for said talents. makes zero sense. the rest of the quest line as rediculouly long as it is, i can live with. choking on monthes of arena becuase i cant push beyond gold 4 ( wich i cant even do now becuase of the current state of arena) is just absurd.
