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Typical disappointed raider..

Typical disappointed raider..

Mar 24, 2021, 08:2203/24/21

Typical disappointed raider..

 So I'm doing all the events and tournaments for fragments used to get Yoshi, currently have about 65 fragments. Then I use an ancient shard and out comes yoshi.."you gotta be ****'N kidding me right"?  Out of all the legendary champs? 

They really shoud have removed him from being summoned by shards. At least while he's obtainable through these events. He was going to be mine in a few days anyways. So wasted energy, leveling champs and blah blah. Not to mention it reseting my mercy counter "ughh".  

 Not that he seems that good anyways. I was just having fun trying to earn him through events and summoning him with fragments.

Re-roll token please? ftlog!

Mar 24, 2021, 09:4703/24/21

Pulling a dupe (or a would-be dupe in this case) indeed sucks. I'd be pissed too if I pulled a Yoshi right now, but that's just how RNG works. On the bright side though, you didn't necessarily waste energy. You still farmed gear and leveled champs- things you're supposed to be doing anyway to get stronger. 

Mar 24, 2021, 11:1003/24/21

I would be happy.  I would trade a blue shard for a lego book in a heartbeat.

Mar 24, 2021, 13:3003/24/21

I would be happy.  I would trade a blue shard for a lego book in a heartbeat.

This, So MUCH this!

Mar 24, 2021, 13:4103/24/21

I pulled every fusion except fro the one I didn't do : Maulie. 

- Brakus, Foli, 4x Harvest Jack, and the list goes on All the way to Astralon 1 day after I fused him !... moral of the story : I feel your pain, but your solution would only delay the RNG, it'll either happen or not no matter how long pulling the fusion from shards is held up. 

Mar 24, 2021, 14:2203/24/21
Rufus Shinra

I pulled every fusion except fro the one I didn't do : Maulie. 

- Brakus, Foli, 4x Harvest Jack, and the list goes on All the way to Astralon 1 day after I fused him !... moral of the story : I feel your pain, but your solution would only delay the RNG, it'll either happen or not no matter how long pulling the fusion from shards is held up. 

Another solution would be a possibilty to "sell" dupe legos and get something good in reward. There are suggestions about that from youtubers like Hell Hades out there allready. 

Now you can use your dupe lego as food (lol) or as skill book only for the copie. Even a lego book, that could be used to any champ, would be better.