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Player power

Player power

Mar 22, 2021, 13:5003/22/21

Player power

I'm curious as to how this works. Does it mean or impact anything over than a relative comparison of who has the largest piles of characters, whether they are kitted out in 6* or not etc?

Currently in (yes that again) arena in bronze 2 I have a list of opposition who all have at least 300 more player power than me. After reset I met a few easy teams - one reset worth - now it's back to being as screwed as before already. Is that right? Does it mattersa other posters have insinuated that player power is so out of sync? Why am I getting such opponents? 

Some transparency on player power overall and for matchmaking in the arena would be a help.

OracleCommunity Manager
Mar 23, 2021, 11:3203/23/21

Hi, Drambuie! Thank you for your interest in the gameplay mechanics and active exploration of the game! Yes, your assumption is correct - Player power indeed impacts matchmaking on the Classic Arena, so, all other things being equal, you are more likely to encounter more opponents with Player power relatively close to that of yours. However, there are also some other factors that influence what sort of teams you will see after a refresh, with the previous performance on the arena being the most significant. 

So, it means - yes, it is fine to see players with Player power higher than yours. The latter case might suggest that despite having a lot of champions and artifacts those players did not use their resources to the best effect. For instance, they did not utilize the synergy between abilities of different champions

Mar 24, 2021, 07:4503/24/21

Thank you!

Mar 24, 2021, 11:0903/24/21

A lot of players suggested the matchmaking in arena would be influenced by player power in other threads. I didn't believe that, because I thought nobody would make such a stupid way of PvP-matchmaking. But now a community-manager literally said matchmaking is done by player-power. 

So if I lvl up my faction war only rares from lvl 40 to lvl 50 and lvl up their gear my player power increases and I get stronger opponents in arena? Why? Just why? That's so stupid. So, to get arena matches I can win I have to delete all my faction war teams. That's kind of sad. I really liked my Steel Bowyer, my War Priest, my Avir the Alchmage with his funny staff, that all come only to play in their faction crypt. Good bye Avir, I have to feed you to another champ.😢

Why do gamedevelopers create such a stupid way of matchmaking instead of using mechanics that allready work in reality for more than 50 years? Did you ever hear of Arpad Elo?

Mar 24, 2021, 14:4503/24/21
Mar 24, 2021, 14:47(edited)

Matching base on player account power is one of the issues, it should be based only on arena team power imho, as player account power  is not only about arena it is overall, eg i can have CB team max out which i use ONLY for CB (like fully upgaded 6*60 5 legos) but for arena i use other specialised team which has 5*50 four rares, in this case CB team power is taken to my player account power and bacisally screw arena oponents matching.

Assumtion that i use my stronget/best champs for arena is not always correct

Mar 24, 2021, 15:0703/24/21

Matching base on player account power is one of the issues, it should be based only on arena team power imho, as player account power  is not only about arena it is overall, eg i can have CB team max out which i use ONLY for CB (like fully upgaded 6*60 5 legos) but for arena i use other specialised team which has 5*50 four rares, in this case CB team power is taken to my player account power and bacisally screw arena oponents matching.

Assumtion that i use my stronget/best champs for arena is not always correct

Sorry, but that makes even less sense.  I am not saying overall player power is perfect, but they are attempting to do what all the complainers are asking for and usingt that as the proxy for matching up teams.  This rare bit of transparency from them is welcomed.

Unfortunately, whatever system is used will put some at an advantage and others at a disadvantage.

Those at a disadvantage with the current system, will likely be at a disadvantage under any rational system due to:

1. Playing the game wrong

2. Leveling up a bunch of 40s and 50s, not 60s

3. Gearing 50 different champs to get to stage 5 or 6 in FW

4. Using poor gear

5. Not using speed boots

6. Using more team comps in arena, because they don't like the meta

7. Lack of intelligence

8. Stuborness

9. No Patience

10. Focusing on missions/shards/legendary champs instead of 12.3 and general progression

There is a simple way to get to progress in this game, many have given good advice.  Not following it is your choice, just don't expect better results.

Mar 24, 2021, 15:2903/24/21

Well all those points will be still valid if arena matching will  take only arena team power, it will get rid of anything else except arena team compositon (chaps, levels, gear, synergy etc). 

Mar 24, 2021, 17:5203/24/21
Mar 24, 2021, 17:53(edited)

It's just irrational that any stuff of the game exept the arena performance itself has influence to the matchmaking.

Just imagine it would be the other way round: players in higher arena tiers would get stronger PvE-content (but the same price for winning). Nobody would accept this. Punishing the players therefore, that they play the game (like faction wars) is just bad game design. Getting easier opponents in arena as "reward" for deleting champions is bad game design for a game that gets advertised for the big number of playable chars.

On the other hand, the big advantage of matchmaking by player power: 

Mar 24, 2021, 22:3403/24/21

They added this late last year after complaints from new players that they are being matched with veterans/whales and it's entirely fair that they did this as a stop-gap measure for early arena.  

It was done for Bronze and Silver arena with no word from Plarium that it'll extend into Gold (I don't think it would make much sense anyway given the context of the problem it is solving).

Trips post is spot-on.

Mar 25, 2021, 04:0103/25/21
Mar 25, 2021, 04:02(edited)

It's funny when seeing someone may not understand anything but still saying Thank you (for your help/reply), lmao!!!!

What if I say something different from [Moderator], would anyone believe me ? No. 

- Player power does not play any role in Classic Arena sorting or such. 

Proof : in my current list, there are 1mil, 2mil, 6mil power. My power: 4mil.

- Arena Team power does not play any role in Classic Arena sorting or such.

Proof: in my current list, there are: 94k, 161k, 200k. My team: 216k

- What factor they use in sorting ?

Not only this game, it applies to 90% games, Arena sorting base on your arena points. Simple, easy. 

Mar 25, 2021, 04:0203/25/21
Mar 25, 2021, 04:25(edited)

They added this late last year after complaints from new players that they are being matched with veterans/whales and it's entirely fair that they did this as a stop-gap measure for early arena.  

It was done for Bronze and Silver arena with no word from Plarium that it'll extend into Gold (I don't think it would make much sense anyway given the context of the problem it is solving).

Trips post is spot-on.

The change was a very bad idea.

Like it was before, new players could improve their chance in arena by just improving their champs. It's a realistic approach that players have 6* artifacts while they still have to use 1* and 2* Glyphs, because a dungeon team that can beat stage 14 is much easier to make with the first 4 or 5 lvl 60 champs than a dozen of faction war teams that can beat the first boss each.

It's a logic step to improve your arena team with getting better glyphs at that point. But instead of beeing rewarded like "your Apothecary got +10 speed from better glyphs, you can win now" you get punished with "you made faction war teams? Lol, you have stronger opponents in arena now". A game should never punish the players for playing the game. 

The change should have been for Bronze I. But Bronze and Silver? That's ridiculous.

Sep 1, 2022, 04:0009/01/22

I disagree with trips post.... How can you achieve the synergy you need for Arena if you have not yet acquired the champions or gear you're needing to do so (e.g. speed boots in the right gear) no amount of intelligence is going aquire them for you in a random drop scenario..... Further more why have 16 different factions to build teams for in faction wars if building 80 champions is going to affect Arena..... (16×5=80 for those less intelligent peeps) Shouldn't the mechanics of the game be set up so you can enjoy all aspects of the game and experiment with different team and gear set up instead of relying on SPEED BOOTS? Why doesn't every boots just have speed as a primary if that's all that works? What's the sense in Hp Att Def percentage boots if you NEED speed boots? A Defense champion should gain more advantage from Def percentage than speed... why have all these different types of gear if simply using speed boot and speed sets so you can cycle through your skills and attack more often is how you win? I'd much rather prefer a mechanics where some champions gain more speed out of 6 star boots than others (e.g. a Champion has 25 percent chance to stun vs 75 percent chance to stun) Therefore utilizing Def percent on Defense champions would be more beneficial than just simply speed and accuracy on everyone..... if that's the case then all boots should have speed primary, all chest plates accuracy, all gauntlets critical damage or rate, and all helmets shields and weapons att Def or hp percentage..... leave the additional bonuses to substats and accessories only..... Speed speed speed..... acc acc acc..... not much strategy needed there. Just luck on receiving the right gear for a reward.

Sep 1, 2022, 11:5609/01/22

I SO don't even know where to start.  

1) This game is a marathon, not a sprint, with a TON of RNG involved.  If you are trying to run silver arena or higher with a bunch of 5* level 50 champs that you got from the campaign, it's probably not going to work.  You CAN synergize with those initial champs and login rewards.  And, albeit slowly, work your way up the ranks.

2) Speed boots are NOT required, but right now Speed is one of the MOST important stats in the game, getting the first turn is important,  but you work around it if you have high RES/DEF/HP.  After much trial and error, moderators/CC/end game players have found out what frequently works best.  The game wasn't built that way, it's just the way it worked out and experienced players have learned to optimize the game to their advantage.  That just takes time, and dedication.  Speed is important because that what everyne does now: tries to go first, ATK up, DEF down, maybe Crit DMG up, then nuke.  Not likely to get a prolonged fight in PvP.  That's why Speed is important, not because of the game, but because of the players.

3) The game is what it is.  The people here who give the best advice have done so after many years of playing, learning what works and what doesn't.  They use the game to their advantage and offer others the advice to do the same.  RNG is huge and it may take an entire day of grinding dungeons for artifacts and campaign for levelling up chickens and champs.  You may only get 5 useable artifacts (SPD boots may not even be one), including upgrading (yes, even that is RNG) during that time.

4) PvP has always been a point of contention among players, generally newer players who don't have the champs to compete with someone who has been playing for a year.  I don't agree with the mathcmaking style Plarium uses, but then again, I don't like PvP in general.  I'm really not any good at it.  I prefer to stay in PvE, but in order to progress, I needed to move out of my comfort zone.

I don't think I'm done with my rant, but I'm going to stop here

Sep 1, 2022, 11:5909/01/22

I SO don't even know where to start.  

1) This game is a marathon, not a sprint, with a TON of RNG involved.  If you are trying to run silver arena or higher with a bunch of 5* level 50 champs that you got from the campaign, it's probably not going to work.  You CAN synergize with those initial champs and login rewards.  And, albeit slowly, work your way up the ranks.

2) Speed boots are NOT required, but right now Speed is one of the MOST important stats in the game, getting the first turn is important,  but you work around it if you have high RES/DEF/HP.  After much trial and error, moderators/CC/end game players have found out what frequently works best.  The game wasn't built that way, it's just the way it worked out and experienced players have learned to optimize the game to their advantage.  That just takes time, and dedication.  Speed is important because that what everyne does now: tries to go first, ATK up, DEF down, maybe Crit DMG up, then nuke.  Not likely to get a prolonged fight in PvP.  That's why Speed is important, not because of the game, but because of the players.

3) The game is what it is.  The people here who give the best advice have done so after many years of playing, learning what works and what doesn't.  They use the game to their advantage and offer others the advice to do the same.  RNG is huge and it may take an entire day of grinding dungeons for artifacts and campaign for levelling up chickens and champs.  You may only get 5 useable artifacts (SPD boots may not even be one), including upgrading (yes, even that is RNG) during that time.

4) PvP has always been a point of contention among players, generally newer players who don't have the champs to compete with someone who has been playing for a year.  I don't agree with the mathcmaking style Plarium uses, but then again, I don't like PvP in general.  I'm really not any good at it.  I prefer to stay in PvE, but in order to progress, I needed to move out of my comfort zone.

I don't think I'm done with my rant, but I'm going to stop here

Well said

Sep 1, 2022, 12:0209/01/22

Well said

Awe, gee thanks! 😁