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What is wrong with Tag-Team-Arena?

What is wrong with Tag-Team-Arena?

Mar 21, 2021, 12:4203/21/21

What is wrong with Tag-Team-Arena?

Honestly, I love that game and I’m playing every day. I have several 6* and and I am Gold IV in Classic Arena. I think I can say that I know a little about how to build a Arena Team and how to win matches.

But for my feeling, at Tag-Team-Arena are no rules. I stuck in Bronze IV with three teams with strength 146k, 155k and 189k with no chance to win a match. Even against teams around 100k. They blow me out of the area and I can’t even understand what happened. Sometimes I lose against teams of two 5* and 6*… I am literally speckless.

Second thing I am thinking about is that my defense team also loses every fight. And I am speaking about 10 fights in 24h.

Third thing are the teams in general. I have to refresh about 3 times to find even a team that to fight agains. What I’m talking about is the complete amount of strength below 400k. and that on Bronze IV. what kind of teams will be above bronze? Is silver over 600k and gold about a million? I don´t think so.

So maybe someone has a good idea what i can do to change my situation.

Mar 21, 2021, 13:0703/21/21

Remember, Tag Team Arena has limits on how many players can be in each tier, other than Bronze I, unlike Classic Arena where, thanks to the free wins in the past months, a huge part of the playerbase managed to climb into Gold IV, though now some are dropping out again as the free wins have disappeared and arena becomes much harder again. If you have 'several 6*' as you say, it's nice that you made it to Gold IV in Classic Arena, whether you can stay there or not, but it's very normal that you don't manage to get beyond Bronze IV in TTA. Silver and Gold in TTA are for the veteran players with dozens of 6*s and lots of endgame gear. 

Mar 21, 2021, 13:2203/21/21
Mar 21, 2021, 13:25(edited)

Low to mid gold4 classic arena is a joke. I always feel like teams in there does not belong to gold4. Although some say the "bots" are gone now so maybe tomorrow after reset I will still see "real" gold4 comps. 

While 3v3 arena, is a like a test on how deep is your champion roster and how deep are your artifacts. Siphis' and Duchess' are pretty common. I even see one player with 3 Siphis'. 

I never see below 600k total team power in gold4 3v3 arena. And single team there never go below 180k. Common teams there are above 200k power. I also never see below 600k total team power in gold4 3v3 arena and single team there never go below 180k. Common teams are above 200k power.

If you are curious about team comps in gold4 3v3, here is a screenshot as of this hour. 


Mar 21, 2021, 13:2503/21/21

I have no currently no problem to stay in Gold IV with my team. i don´t win all fight but most of them. 

My Tag-Team has a total of 489k. All charakters 6* with equipment level 16 and all fully booked excapt for two with some books missing atm.

It´s hard to belive that this is not even worthy to get into silver. 


Mar 21, 2021, 13:3403/21/21

@JoinME the teams on Gold 3v3 are looking simular at my bronze 3v3 opponents. 

Mar 21, 2021, 13:3803/21/21

I have no currently no problem to stay in Gold IV with my team. i don´t win all fight but most of them. 

My Tag-Team has a total of 489k. All charakters 6* with equipment level 16 and all fully booked excapt for two with some books missing atm.

It´s hard to belive that this is not even worthy to get into silver. 


My first impression of your team is all of them are all running slow comps. 

It will be easier for your attacker to place their attack teams. 

There are two common team, I believe, in this game. High resist team and Speed team. I suggest you build at least two of these

Example, two speed team and one high resist team. Or two high resist team and one speed team. You team by the way does not ressemble any of these. It is just like "i put up because I don't have any more to put"

Why I say put to of the most common team comp? Say, you put two speed team. When I am going to attack you, I will now think twice on where will I put my fastest team. If I will challenge your speed team or not? And the most important is which one is the fastest? 

It will be a gamble on the side of the attacker. If he will challenge your speed or not. Unlike your team right now, I can easily put my speed team and should guarantee me a win. 

I am not sure if I am able to explain my point properly 😅 hope you get it

Mar 21, 2021, 13:4403/21/21

@JoinME the teams on Gold 3v3 are looking simular at my bronze 3v3 opponents. 

Could be, since these are the meta. It is typical that player will put meta defense whether they are bronze or in gold. 

The difference probably are the artifacts / stats. I am seeing 300-400k+ single team comps in gold4. Where most of the Duchess have 600+ resist. When my Sethalia's buff strip with 600 acc got resisted by enemy Duchess, I just auto quit the battle 😅 I don't have time for a long fight and most likely will lose anyway. 

Mar 21, 2021, 13:5303/21/21

Tag  team  arena  requires  far  better  champs  and  compositions  than  classic.  Gold  IV  classic  is  easier  than  Bronze  Tag  Team.  Another  example  of  how  arena  is  messed  up  in  this  game.  

Mar 21, 2021, 13:5903/21/21

@joinme I think I understand what you are saying. Thanks a lot for your support, I will think about my teams again.

I am sure, that I wont have a chance to get in the gold range with this teams and I need to work on my charakters. My point is, that I don´t fight agains gold teams, I just lose against Bronze.

See, if someone starts this game and has enough rare and epic champs to buid three teams, he will be in the same Bronze level as I am. But I dont see any "easy opponents" around here. And if I do, I will still lose... My goal is to win 2 of 3 battle but mostly I lose all of them.

For example, my speed team has a Kazar with 218 speed. Fu-Shan gives him another 24% what makes a speed of 270,32. And still I´m slower then teams without a speed-up aura, when I´m in 3v3 on bronze.

I just thought that there are other gamers with the same feeling, that there is something wrong in 3v3. 

Mar 21, 2021, 14:0303/21/21

I  am  just  clinging  on  in  bronze  IV  tag  team,  i  have  3  fast  speed  leads  but  it's not  enough  yet  to  get  me  into  silver.  Tag  Team  arena  is  a  real  test  of  your  roster,  your  gear  and  the  champs  you  have.  

Mar 21, 2021, 14:1103/21/21

Thank you all. I´m feeling much better, now that I know that I´m not the only one who stucked.

Another example. I have a Lord Champford who is able to kill the L16 Minotaur and Dragon all alone. And in 3v3 he don´t even get the chance to hit once or if he does, it will have no effect on enemies.

I was starting to freak out about 3v3 😂

Mar 21, 2021, 14:2103/21/21
Mar 21, 2021, 14:35(edited)

Honestly, I think, in my own opinion without any proof in hand and just opinion 😅, the problem in arena (in general) is the lack of new players. I mean there ARE new players probably from Twitch sponsored streamers, but that's probably the most of it. Probably they will stop playing after they reach the level (10 I think?) the steamer wants them to do and most of them will stop playing. 

In 3v3, you may not see new players as this is not really required for progression so new players may not have the motivation to play 3v3 arena until they summon meta champions or geared their champions very well. And most players don't like long battles so they don't play 3v3.

Mar 21, 2021, 15:0803/21/21

Team power is the least relevant in this situation, it's more about team composition, builds, gear and synergy. Your team power average is higher than mine and I'm in Silver 3. I could reach gold but one of my teams is kinda bad so I don't have many hopes of beating other people with that team, once I upgrade some more useful champions for arena I should be good (note: this team is actually the one with the higher score of my 3 teams, mainly because they have high resist, and resist has a lot of weight on total power, but their speed sucks)

You can expect to find teams with similar up to Silver 3 (at least that's what I'm facing, sometimes they have 3 teams with 200k power each, but it's rare)

In gold 4 (the highest), you will find teams with anything between 200k and 400k power each. The 400k will be high resist, high survivability teams, and the 200k teams will be fast with high nuke power (sometimes even lower than 200k)

A good trick you can use to farm some gold bars fast and not lose much time every day is to remove your defense team completely, everyone will attack you and you will be in the red zone fast. While in the red zone you will find lots of teams with only 1 champion and you can farm them on auto in a few seconds.

Mar 21, 2021, 15:3903/21/21

Here is a very good example of my problem:

  1. 155k agains 109k not even a chance to attack
  2. 146k agains 113k was very close
  3. 189k agains 99k...(!) he killed me like was not there.

If anyone knows how to build a team like the third, I would be happy to see how he did that.


Mar 21, 2021, 15:5703/21/21

Here I switched the teams to get a feeling about the all his teams. Each team is about 300 speed, he was alsway quicken then me.

The first team killed me entire speed team in his first round. So all of the chars are about 300 speed, even the monster. I cant belive that it is possible with a Team streght of 109k. So the chars are about 25k strenght... My Karar has 53k and Rotos 56k. So they have the same stenght as every team of this player. 

I never saw teams like that in the classic arena. This kills my mind.



Mar 21, 2021, 16:3003/21/21

That  is  the  inly  way  to  win  on  Tag  Team,  you  need  a  deep  roster  of  champ  so  that  you  can  counter  specific  threats  on  the  opposing  team.  Classic  arena  you  can  just  farm  the  easy  wins,  Tag  Team  you  need  to  have  different  team  conpositions  as  option....  it  is  a  true  test  of  strategy  and  one  of  the  harder  parts  of  the  game.  Eventually  you  will  climb  higher  but  it  will  take  time

Mar 21, 2021, 16:4003/21/21

indeed, but I don´t see any rule to see what will be in that team. In classic arena, I can look at a team and normaly have a good feeling if I can win or not. But 3v3 it is not possible for me. That´s what I mean when I say: there are no ruels in 3v3. It is alway a suprise...

Mar 21, 2021, 16:5703/21/21




Mar 21, 2021, 16:5903/21/21

This is for you to see that I am not a liar. I normaly fight and win against teams with 190k, 170k and against teams with speed boster. Absolutly no problem for me.

And in 3v3 I lose against teams under 100k