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Warmaiden and Dhukk

Warmaiden and Dhukk

Mar 20, 2021, 23:0303/20/21

Warmaiden and Dhukk

Can  Dhukk  be  used  as  a  replacement  for  warmaiden  or  does  it  make  sense  to  run  them  together  due  to  his  crit  requirement  for  def  down?    Same  question  for  sicia  and  Dhukk,  although  a  bit  different  because  sicia  can  bring  weaken  and  hp  burn  And  only  brings  def  down  to  multi  target  encounters.

i  have  the  following  60s kael,  Dhukk,  sicia  flametongue  and  coldheart.    All  of  these  are  fully  booked  except  for  sicia

i  have  these  at  50,  marked,  fu  shan ,  high  Khatun  and  warmaiden.

Marked  has  a  pretty  good  kit  for  survivability ,  and  seems  To  make  sense  to  take  to  60  and  book.    Fu  shan  is  also  intriquing  with  his  def  down  and  stun  potential.

i  also  have  a  40  fully  booked  diabolist.

Of  this  group  who  would  you  reccomend  for  my  next  60?    

 Seems  like  a  group  of  kael,  marked ,  coldheart,  khatun  and  dhukk  would  give  me  a  good  mix  debuffs,  damage  mitigation  and  turn  control,  but  is  magic  heavy.    Would  this  group  be  viable  for  starting  to  push  through  doom  tower  and  progress  to  dragon  20?

Mar 21, 2021, 01:1203/21/21

Dhukk is definitely an upgrade if you can build him with 100% crit. Shouldn't be too hard.

I'd personally go for Khatun next, but it's not that huge deal.

The team is not bad for lower levels. Tho for higher levels it lacks healing.

In Doom Tower it will easily beat the first boss, but not the second one, for that you need a lot more cleans.

Mar 21, 2021, 01:4303/21/21
Mar 21, 2021, 01:43(edited)


follow  up  question.    Given  the  scarcity  of  legendary  books  and  that  i  am  far  from  a  whale  are  fu  shan  or  flametongue  worth  booking?

Mar 21, 2021, 10:0303/21/21

Fushan is more worth I think, hits harder, places stun and decrease DEF which are very useful debuffs. Regarding the topic of the post, dhukk also places decrease atk, which is more already than warmaiden

Mar 21, 2021, 11:0903/21/21

Fu-shan should be your next 60 and is absolutely worth booking. He offers AoE cc, a massive damage output, and one of the best speed auras in the game.

Dhukk is definitely better than warmaiden and getting him to 100% crit rate isn't too difficult.

Your dragon team should run fu-shan (better damage and a better aura than anyone you listed) and lacks healing in any form, so it won't get you anywhere close to 20. 

Mar 21, 2021, 14:2803/21/21
Mar 21, 2021, 14:30(edited)

Thanks  all.    Will  look  at  fu  shan  next.

my  healer  situation  isnt  great..

Hexweaver,  warpriest,  thenasil,  abyssal,  quargan  the  crowned.

so  that  said  what  is  the  best  dragon  team  i  can  put  together  with  the  champions  i  have.    

Mar 21, 2021, 14:3603/21/21

Thanks  all.    Will  look  at  fu  shan  next.

my  healer  situation  isnt  great..

Hexweaver,  warpriest,  thenasil,  abyssal,  quargan  the  crowned.

so  that  said  what  is  the  best  dragon  team  i  can  put  together  with  the  champions  i  have.    

Fushan, Dhukk, Sicia, Thenasil and not sure on the fifth - HK, Marked or Kael could all be options, you'd have to test a bit which works best. For Dragon, Coldheart should only be considered for the highest levels, like 18-20 or so, because until then her Heartseeker won't do that much (for Fire Knight and Spider, she's great at any stage though, because there her turn meter depletion is key, as well as her 4-hit attack with heal reduction for FK). Thenasil is a pretty solid healer if you build his HP high and will put increase defense as well. 

Mar 21, 2021, 14:5303/21/21
Mar 21, 2021, 14:55(edited)

Fushan, Dhukk, Sicia, Thenasil and not sure on the fifth - HK, Marked or Kael could all be options, you'd have to test a bit which works best. For Dragon, Coldheart should only be considered for the highest levels, like 18-20 or so, because until then her Heartseeker won't do that much (for Fire Knight and Spider, she's great at any stage though, because there her turn meter depletion is key, as well as her 4-hit attack with heal reduction for FK). Thenasil is a pretty solid healer if you build his HP high and will put increase defense as well. 

thank  you.    Just  out  of  curiosity,  does  the  comp  you  propose  assume  all  champions  are  fully  booked.    

right  Now  kael  has  far  and  away  been  my  best  damage  dealer  on  CB,  even  when  running  with  sicia.    both  have  full  masteries  but  sicia  has  no  books.    

Mar 21, 2021, 15:0403/21/21

thank  you.    Just  out  of  curiosity,  does  the  comp  you  propose  assume  all  champions  are  fully  booked.    

right  Now  kael  has  far  and  away  been  my  best  damage  dealer  on  CB,  even  when  running  with  sicia.    both  have  full  masteries  but  sicia  has  no  books.    

No, not at all. HK I wouldn't book at all, Fushan and Sicia don't need books that urgently either. Kael yes, but I assume he should be booked already by now. Dhukk's A2 is your priority for epic books, but already good without them too. Coldheart should also be booked to max her A3 - but as I mentioned, for dragon she isn't a priority yet, only for FK/spider. 

Mar 21, 2021, 15:1703/21/21

No, not at all. HK I wouldn't book at all, Fushan and Sicia don't need books that urgently either. Kael yes, but I assume he should be booked already by now. Dhukk's A2 is your priority for epic books, but already good without them too. Coldheart should also be booked to max her A3 - but as I mentioned, for dragon she isn't a priority yet, only for FK/spider. 

thanks,  what  about  booking  healers?  My  understandings  is  the  %  inrease  healing  is  multiplicative  not  additive  so  a  5%  increase  is  25%x(1.05)  not  25+5.   So  not  a  huge  gain. But  the  1  turn  cd  reduction  seems  significant.    on  Healers  is  the  cd  reduction  more  of  a  nice  to  have  or  must  have?

Mar 21, 2021, 17:5603/21/21

thanks,  what  about  booking  healers?  My  understandings  is  the  %  inrease  healing  is  multiplicative  not  additive  so  a  5%  increase  is  25%x(1.05)  not  25+5.   So  not  a  huge  gain. But  the  1  turn  cd  reduction  seems  significant.    on  Healers  is  the  cd  reduction  more  of  a  nice  to  have  or  must  have?

1. Yes, the %-increase mulitplicative und therefore not really great.

2. If the healing skill has a cooldown reduction, go for it. A healer won't help if he can't heal at the right moment. If your teammember allready died before the cooldown is over, you would need a reviver instead.