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Dont waste your time on shards for Yoshi the Drunkard

Dont waste your time on shards for Yoshi the Drunkard

Mar 17, 2021, 15:2003/17/21

Dont waste your time on shards for Yoshi the Drunkard

Don't waste your time on trying to get shards for Yoshi the Drunkard. He is completely aufull, he is an epic champion at best.

It's a slap in the face that these champions that we put a lot of effort into are dog awefull.

Please give us champions worth our time in effort for fusion. I am not saying they should be the best but they should be a legitimate lego and not at best an epic acting like a lego.

Once again plarium did not test this champion or they intended him to be aweful. 

Mar 17, 2021, 15:2503/17/21

He is not that bad. He has some use in Arena and a lot of use in Doom Tower.

Mar 17, 2021, 15:2603/17/21

I disagree.

Fragment fusions are super easy to do and don't require you to do much outside what you should already be doing.

He is a subpar champion outshone by even Epics who do the same thing as him (Klodd, Pestilus) but you should still go for him incase new content requires what he does, you don't have access to Klodd / Pestilus or wanna use him in the upcoming Faction Wars.

Seeing as how weak this Shadowkin faction currently is I suggest everyone fuse him as having a legendary (even a weak one) in your Faction Wars team will always be a good thing - even if you just use him as a shield set bot - but I believe with his CC he will be useful there. 

Tl;dr : go for the champ guys, it's cheap and easy and I'm sure we'll all get to use him in Faction Wars at least despite him being objectively a bad champ. 

Mar 17, 2021, 16:3303/17/21

He does something quite different from the two. So not really a great comparison.

With his kit, he is objectively great in Arena and Doom tower.  

And the Shadowkin faction has actually quite broken Champions. They are just lacking in roles.

Mar 17, 2021, 16:3903/17/21

it just shows the lack of testing, Why release a new fashion that in current state is a train wreck.

Mar 17, 2021, 16:4903/17/21
Mar 17, 2021, 16:49(edited)

LOL, the noob who could actually benefit from Yoshi says don't waste your time.  And the 2-year player who has the least use for Yoshi says 100% go for it.

I wonder what the correct answer is...

Mar 17, 2021, 16:5403/17/21

Yoshi would not help me at all. he is at best maybe an epic no where near a lego. 

Mar 17, 2021, 17:3903/17/21

If you have the resources, go for every fragment summon. The stuff you do along the way are things you should be doing to get stronger anyway. 

I think Yoshi is great by the way. Even if you're still just starting to climb to Gold 4, he'd still help. Experienced folks should have this figured out by now especially with all the showcase videos around. For the newer players I'll try to illustrate how he can help. He can easily cut in to all the Seekers and the Gorgorabs, even the Arbiters because of his passive and then he can apply fear to opponent nukers to potentially disrupt their turns, even if you initially lose the speed race. All that while enabling your nuker AND debuffer- so people lacking Seeker/Gorgorab gets an Increase Atk now, and their Def Down champ can land debuffs more succesfully. Not to mention that he'd give you a leg up when the Shadowkin crypt drops. 

Mar 17, 2021, 17:4103/17/21

I  guess  the  biggeat  question  here  is  how  do  yoy  get  yoshi?

Well  if  you  are  f2p  and  you  have  saved  your  resources  then  you'll  get  him  from simply  playing  the  game  which  isnt  a  bad  reward.

if  you  are  p2p  and  dont  mind  spending  and  you  have  money  to  buy  the  resources  to  get  him  then  why  not  get  him,  you'll  get  lots  of  rewards  whilst  doing  so.

if  you  are  a  low-mid  spender  and  would  have  to  buy  the  resources  just  to  get  him  then  i  would  say  he  is  not  worth the  money  and  it  could  be  better  spent  elsewhere.

ultimately  if  you  have  to  spend  to  get  him  and  it's  surplus  to  what  you  would  usually  spend  then  i  would  say  give  it  a  miss.  

Mar 17, 2021, 17:5403/17/21
Mar 17, 2021, 17:55(edited)

All the videos I have watched on him, from top theory craft,s have all called him subpar at best. I would put links to the vidoes but Plarium does not like it if you put links on the forums especially to ones that completely disagree with what they are saying.

I trust the theory crafters a lot more then a community manager. A community manager cant really speak out or say something is garbage without bacllash from their boss. 

I think that the community managers opinions are not free and independent. The theory crafters opinions are free and independent. they will be honest if a champion is good or not.

Mar 17, 2021, 18:3103/17/21

All the videos I have watched on him, from top theory craft,s have all called him subpar at best. I would put links to the vidoes but Plarium does not like it if you put links on the forums especially to ones that completely disagree with what they are saying.

I trust the theory crafters a lot more then a community manager. A community manager cant really speak out or say something is garbage without bacllash from their boss. 

I think that the community managers opinions are not free and independent. The theory crafters opinions are free and independent. they will be honest if a champion is good or not.

Subpar at best? What videos and who are these *top* theorycrafters if I may ask? 

Also, since I see no CMs campaigning for Yoshi around here so I assume you're referring to me. I'm just a mod here, not a CM. If you don't want to trust me that's absolutely alright, but IMO rallying people to not go for a champ that's actually good (especially if their time and resources allow them to) is just plain irresponsible. 

Try looking past the moderator tag, and read my earlier point. Cheers. 

Mar 17, 2021, 18:4103/17/21

All the videos I have watched on him, from top theory craft,s have all called him subpar at best. I would put links to the vidoes but Plarium does not like it if you put links on the forums especially to ones that completely disagree with what they are saying.

I trust the theory crafters a lot more then a community manager. A community manager cant really speak out or say something is garbage without bacllash from their boss. 

I think that the community managers opinions are not free and independent. The theory crafters opinions are free and independent. they will be honest if a champion is good or not.

Hmm, I have actually seen some who rate him as very good champion to get for Arena and Doomtower. 

Mar 17, 2021, 20:0903/17/21

If you have the resources, go for every fragment summon. The stuff you do along the way are things you should be doing to get stronger anyway. 

I think Yoshi is great by the way. Even if you're still just starting to climb to Gold 4, he'd still help. Experienced folks should have this figured out by now especially with all the showcase videos around. For the newer players I'll try to illustrate how he can help. He can easily cut in to all the Seekers and the Gorgorabs, even the Arbiters because of his passive and then he can apply fear to opponent nukers to potentially disrupt their turns, even if you initially lose the speed race. All that while enabling your nuker AND debuffer- so people lacking Seeker/Gorgorab gets an Increase Atk now, and their Def Down champ can land debuffs more succesfully. Not to mention that he'd give you a leg up when the Shadowkin crypt drops. 

Wow this champ can work in Gold 4 and lower?

Damn he is OP!

After reset on monday I saw Kael, HK lv50, Warmaiden lv50 and SpiritHost in Gold 4, now the question is would I replace anyone on that team for this legendary hmm ... 

Yes trust in the showcase, the same showcase that get paid by Plarium and sensationalize their content - just look at their Pyxniel, Vergum or Drokgul videos (praise, praise, praise!!!).

We can list the champion's strengths in a speculative way all day, but the truth is your own speed buffer will cut in enemy speed buffer 90% of the time in Gold arena where noone bothers to speed tune their teams.

Now, I'm not saying this champ should be Platinum viable since he is after all, just a fragment fusion champ - but he is a complete dud everywhere else, except Faction Wars and that is only due to lack of better champs. 

And don't say he is good in DT, outside his fear he brings nothing other champs don't bring better there. 

Mar 17, 2021, 21:0103/17/21

Wow this champ can work in Gold 4 and lower?

Damn he is OP!

After reset on monday I saw Kael, HK lv50, Warmaiden lv50 and SpiritHost in Gold 4, now the question is would I replace anyone on that team for this legendary hmm ... 

Yes trust in the showcase, the same showcase that get paid by Plarium and sensationalize their content - just look at their Pyxniel, Vergum or Drokgul videos (praise, praise, praise!!!).

We can list the champion's strengths in a speculative way all day, but the truth is your own speed buffer will cut in enemy speed buffer 90% of the time in Gold arena where noone bothers to speed tune their teams.

Now, I'm not saying this champ should be Platinum viable since he is after all, just a fragment fusion champ - but he is a complete dud everywhere else, except Faction Wars and that is only due to lack of better champs. 

And don't say he is good in DT, outside his fear he brings nothing other champs don't bring better there. 

Literally no one praised Pyxniel lmao you can't make things up to make a point, my guy. There's no consipracy here. The point I was making with showcase videos was so we could see how he performs in those showcase videos, whatever the presenter was saying was irrelevant. Therefore through the videos we're not discussing purely speculative situations here anymore because we've now seen how Yoshi performs. and imo Yoshi fills a spot no other champ does (and no, it's not just for increase acc). Tbh I, too, didn't think Yoshi would have any place in the game before I saw him perform, so I understand where you're coming from. 

I'm not trying to convince everyone here with a "praise, praise, praise!!!" attitude, I literally let people rip the Pyxniel fusion months ago because I call things as a player, not a Plarium mod. 

Anyway, people reading this thread should be old enough to make their own decisions 😂 So good luck to everyone going for Yoshi. Cheers.

Mar 17, 2021, 22:0703/17/21

I am all in on this fusion. A free legend of the new faction......hell YES!

I am very happy to have the chance to aquire this Legend. Thankyou RAID!  :D

Mar 18, 2021, 03:1003/18/21

Yup, I would not spend shards in both Summon event & tournament to get him, that means I may collect 90 fragments, but it's fine, he is not good.