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New player needing help on who to upgrade first.

New player needing help on who to upgrade first.

Mar 16, 2021, 16:1003/16/21

New player needing help on who to upgrade first.

Hello all!

I'm fairly new to the game and am wondering which heroes i should focus on getting to 6 stars first.

Deacon armstrong, Dhukk the pierced or Angar?

Any help would be really appreciated.

Mar 16, 2021, 16:3003/16/21

Wish  i  had  champs  like  that  when  i  was  fairly  new.

so,  Deacon  is  really  good  support  and  can  control  waves.  I  personally  think  Angar  is  awesome,  i  would  love  to  have  him.  What  part  of  the  game  are  you  focusing on?  

Mar 16, 2021, 16:4703/16/21

Thanks for replying. 

Not even sure what I want to focus on at this point, i'm that new lol.

What would be the best hero to go for in in general? Like which one would shine in all areas opposed to maybe 1 being good at 1 thing.

Mar 16, 2021, 16:5603/16/21

I'd say go with dhukk, he is the most versatile one, who'll be in with you in most places

Mar 16, 2021, 20:0003/16/21

If I were to pick from your list I'd go with Deacon- solid support with Decrease Def and TM control. It'd be a good idea to post your champion roster here though, you might be missing out on some better options there. 

Mar 16, 2021, 20:1003/16/21
Mar 16, 2021, 20:12(edited)

If I understand the op right, he is literally asking wich champ to make lvl 60 first and he has no lvl 60 champ yet.

Deacon Armstrong is an absolute top champ and worth lvl 60 - but not as first champ overall. He is a supporter and can't solo-farm campaign in acceptable time. The frist lvl 60 allways should be an AoE damagedealer, who can lvl up useless champs as food in campaigne stage 12-3 or 12-6 and produce a lot more lvl 60 champs that way. Definetly NOT Deacon Armstrong as first lvl 60. 

Maybe I got the word "first" in the question wrong and there are allready lvl 60 champs. If that is the case - go for Deacon!

Mar 16, 2021, 20:1403/16/21

If I understand the op right, he is literally asking wich champ to make lvl 60 first and he has no lvl 60 champ yet.

Deacon Armstrong is an absolute top champ and worth lvl 60 - but not as first champ overall. He is a supporter and can't solo-farm campaign in acceptable time. The frist lvl 60 allways should be an AoE damagedealer, who can lvl up useless champs as food in campaigne stage 12-3 or 12-6 and produce a lot more lvl 60 champs that way. Definetly NOT Deacon Armstrong as first lvl 60. 

Maybe I got the word "first" in the question wrong and there are allready lvl 60 champs. If that is the case - go for Deacon!

OP, if this is for your first 60, don't do any of the ones you mentioned. You'd be better off with your starter rare as your first 6* champ. 

Mar 17, 2021, 16:3703/17/21

Thanks for replying guys. 

This will be my actual first 6 star hero ever. 

As requested i've added a screenshot of my hero roster.

If any of you have some better/other recommendations, please do tell.

Thanks in advance.


Mar 17, 2021, 16:4503/17/21

holy crap, unreal starting roster....

Mar 17, 2021, 18:1903/17/21

Im amazed and a bit jelous of some of those champs.

With that said I would focus on getting Kael to 60 as your first champ as he is good campaign farmer which should be your number one priority at this stage in game.

Once you can farm 3-12 brutal you just spam it with Kael (campaign farmer) and 3 food champions to use and rank up your other main champions such as Deacon and Dhukk.

Mar 17, 2021, 18:3103/17/21

I agree with Aedzy, that should be the priority. I would say Tayrel should be in line to be 6 starred (probably after angar, deacon and dhukk). Great starting roster.

Mar 17, 2021, 20:5903/17/21

Thank you very much guys, Kael it is then. 

Never realised he was one of the better heroes.

I just got coldheart, which i read about as being very good and rare ( I guess my luck in this game doesn't seem to run out lol)

Is she better than Kael by any chance since she i higher ranked on the tier list i saw, or should i just stick with Kael?

I did also get a Miscreated Monster just now which should be a good addition aswell.

Thanks again and sorry for all the questions haha.