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Arena, always arena.

Arena, always arena.

Mar 16, 2021, 13:5803/16/21

Arena, always arena.

After a month and a half of my arena topic, everything remains the same. 

I can't get past bronze stage 3. Before the topic was competing in stage 2 gold and then came the sharp drop. 

I often have to abandon daily missions. In the progressive mission I am stopped on a mission to reach gold 1 in the arena, but I got there and was thrown down and placed in a position where challenges are impossible to advance. 

I would very much like to know from the creators of the game if the best thing would be to stop playing since it will be impossible to progress in the game. 

Mar 16, 2021, 14:2003/16/21

You might as well, if Arena is what you want to play.

They haven't announced any fix to its horrible state and I doubt we will see one any time soon.

Mar 16, 2021, 20:2903/16/21

I'm a pretty new player, and arena has been horrible for me. I made some mistakes early game but have watched a lot of videos now and learned a lot. I took advice from here on the forums and made a speed double nuke team using HK, warmaiden, elhain, and kael. Other than HK all the champions are fully booked, wm and elhain have full proper masteries, kael just needs last tier now, and hk is a little behind but might be switching to apoth now that I got him 6 star.

A month ago I was able to play my random terrible comp of just highest level champs and get into S2 and even S3. Now with a proper team and better gearing overall I can eek into S1 and once I leave the game for 30-1 hour and come back I will be back in B4 being attacked every 5-15 min from teams that are 3-4 leggos and not just bad comps or people that are not even ascended or the likes, legit much higher end teams than I'm capable of. The same goes for my refreshes I avoid certain combos/champs but most page refresh even down in B2 will be insane stuff like maxxed out trundas/hegemons/st nicks, every single team has 1-4 leggos vs my blue comp lol.

I tried putting in a deffensive tank/rez comp to get attacked less and beaten back down in to bronze while not on game happen less and when I woke up this morning I was all the way down to B2 lol, will just keep the speed nuke comp for defense I guess.

I'm bottle necked right now just trying to get a second great hall bonus to level 4 so I can at least knock out more missions until the get to G1 mission hits. Speaking of the great hall the lack of incoming medals is hindering account progress in every single other aspect as the great hall really starts making your account more powerful and able to clear higher dungeons, thus get better gear, ect ect ect.

Arena is frustraiting and the brackets seem exremley broken and unfair atm. I have started a baby second ftp account to go back through the start of the game and I feel this second account will progress much easier and better not due to knowlege but because I will get out ahead of arena(already am) this time so my great hall will progress much better which will make not only arena but the rest of the game easier.

sorry for the rant but this is really souring a rather great game.

Mar 16, 2021, 21:4903/16/21

Someone said someplace they Figured that the Arena was somehow Linked to your Account power .. Well I have 830,000 Account power with only 2 60s , Niether of them Lego

and 230 Heros Most in 40s and a TON in 50s , 

ALL Faction Teams that are Mostly in 6 , with I think 4 in 7 , 8 or 9

and All I see in Arena BRONZE TIER I is Teams of LEGO 6 star with 900 Points 

I cant even get to Bronze II and Stay there ...................................

On the Other hand if i had an Alt account that I played Different ,, 

that Only has an Account Power of 210,000 with NO 60s , 

that I only have about 130 total heros on , if that 

Only 2 Faction Teams into dungeon 8 to get 3 star Glyphs the Rest are Lucky to be in 2 or 3

and that Account would ONLY GET 8 out of 10 teams that it can beat  without any Problems

Even in Tag teams ........................ 

I would start to assume that Arena just might be tied to Account power somehow

Mar 17, 2021, 08:3103/17/21

FluffyPudding is referencing a thread I started; at least at low levels, acct power is definitely tied to your opponents.  You probably have a high acct power if you have a bunch of random dudes sitting around in your vault, so you're facing really strong opponents (possibly inactive players who dropped out of gold) in bronze.  If you want to climb, either delete anyone you aren't using or suck it up and click refresh every. Fifteen. Minutes. to look for teams you can beat.

Or wait until plarium just lets you buy arena medals!  $100 for 10 gold medals special deal!  😃

Dec 14, 2021, 16:4612/14/21

I have been a player for more than a year now and I must say that the game is getting better and better.  I have reached level 78, have spend quite a lot of money of this game BUT the frustration, annoyance and anger that I get from playing the Arena is endlessly overwhelming. 

It has not been my favorite part of the game at all since day one but yet I have been forced to play it as otherwise I cannot make my champions stroger and go up the other parts of the game. I am stuck between Silver 4 and Gold 1 ( which is impossible to pass). I keep fighting stronger players that can spend more money, making thier champions stronger than mine  and really struggling to go up! Not an help to go up from Plarium. I can admit that I am not really good at it like some other players but I cannot be forced to become extremely proficient and efficient in something that I do not really like nor enjoy.  I was lured to this game being playing the Campaign which I liked and I still like also playing the other part of the game but never the arena.  

The whole Great Hall concept is a mammoth task and seems like climbing up the Everest! Even if I play a lifetime, I will never get all golds in the Great Hall. Virtually impossible! This is truly disheartening and off putting, let alone UNFAIR! When the game started off  the first players did not need to get 1000 Golden Metal to reach Level 10 but less! How am I supposed to reach the Arbitrer from the Missions, which is a pivotal player in the Arena and would help me to be more competitive, when It is taking me so much time to get at Level 7 (700 Gold medals )on one mission and Level 8 (800 Gold Medals) on another mission at a pace of 2 gold medals or 3 Silver Medals each time (if I manage to win)?? Just in a life time! 

I cannot go up with my Dungeouns Level as my champions base stats are not getting high enough, I cannot go up the Doom Tower and play maybe the Hard level, because my champions base stats are not high enough. I cannot play the clan bosses and get high value items as my champions base stats are high enough, I cannot finish my Faction wars and get Lidia because my champions base stas are not high enough!!! 

Every aspect of the game goes around the arena and depends massively on it. I log in every day, I do spend a bit of money at times but not crazy amount because I have a life to live , bills to pay and a social life to enjoy. And where I am standing at in the game?? Stuck at mid game and impossible to reach higher levels unless I will spend a fortune and waste all my life and time in the Arena! I could keep pouring in more money into their pockets but it seems that they will not do anything to make thier customers more satisfied as well as listening properly to the complaints about the game. 

Does Plarium really want this from his customers?? Get them frustrated and pushing them to spend more money for than making them staying at the same level?? Does Plarium understands that we are all different and enjoy different things of the game? I have been working in the customer care sector for all my life and I do not think that Plarium really understand how unfairly they are treating all of us. Please prove me wrong! 

I really want to hope that things will change in the Arena, take feedbacks on board and make things much fairer all their players. I hope this complian will manage to resonate inside of them and prompt them to make a change!

Dec 14, 2021, 23:1212/14/21

I'm a pretty new player, and arena has been horrible for me. I made some mistakes early game but have watched a lot of videos now and learned a lot. I took advice from here on the forums and made a speed double nuke team using HK, warmaiden, elhain, and kael. Other than HK all the champions are fully booked, wm and elhain have full proper masteries, kael just needs last tier now, and hk is a little behind but might be switching to apoth now that I got him 6 star.

A month ago I was able to play my random terrible comp of just highest level champs and get into S2 and even S3. Now with a proper team and better gearing overall I can eek into S1 and once I leave the game for 30-1 hour and come back I will be back in B4 being attacked every 5-15 min from teams that are 3-4 leggos and not just bad comps or people that are not even ascended or the likes, legit much higher end teams than I'm capable of. The same goes for my refreshes I avoid certain combos/champs but most page refresh even down in B2 will be insane stuff like maxxed out trundas/hegemons/st nicks, every single team has 1-4 leggos vs my blue comp lol.

I tried putting in a deffensive tank/rez comp to get attacked less and beaten back down in to bronze while not on game happen less and when I woke up this morning I was all the way down to B2 lol, will just keep the speed nuke comp for defense I guess.

I'm bottle necked right now just trying to get a second great hall bonus to level 4 so I can at least knock out more missions until the get to G1 mission hits. Speaking of the great hall the lack of incoming medals is hindering account progress in every single other aspect as the great hall really starts making your account more powerful and able to clear higher dungeons, thus get better gear, ect ect ect.

Arena is frustraiting and the brackets seem exremley broken and unfair atm. I have started a baby second ftp account to go back through the start of the game and I feel this second account will progress much easier and better not due to knowlege but because I will get out ahead of arena(already am) this time so my great hall will progress much better which will make not only arena but the rest of the game easier.

sorry for the rant but this is really souring a rather great game.

Nice necro, funny to see myself resisting posting rage in an area thread from 8 months ago.

I see I was having trouble getting a second level 4 great hall bonus here. Here is what 8 months and "newly added sever segments" did for my progress in the great hall department.


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