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Arena why???

Arena why???

Mar 14, 2021, 23:4903/14/21

Arena why???




So  I've  been  playing  the  game  for  a  few  months.   I'm  trying  to  complete  the  missions  and  just  make  it  to  silver  1  but  ive  been  running  into  teams  like  this  one  that  is  30k  team  power  higher  than  me.  As  you  can  see  im  barely  through  bronze  2.  I've  spent  a  bit  to  get  to  where  I'm  at  but  how  can  i  be  expected  to  make  it  to  silver  with  a  team  like  this  in  bronze  2????  Thr  mission  makes  no  sense  because the  next  mission  is  clear  stage  7  on  a  "hard"  campaign  mission.  Are  there  any  plans  to  rework  the  arena  system  to  place  me  with  opponents closer  to  my  team  power?  I  don't  see  the  point  in  continuing to  spend  with  the  current  format.

Mar 15, 2021, 00:2403/15/21

That power disparity is not really an issue. You've got a sort of speed nuke team which will have a lower power value vs what I assume is a more tanky team (hard to say what their stats are) that will likely have a higher power. Don't let that scare you, look at the team composition instead and look for counters to what you're trying to do. I would take that fight if I were you, you've got everything you need to do a speed nuke; attack increase, defense decrease and an AoE nuke, and even a defense buff in case they survive the first turn to get their own nuke in. If it makes you feel any better, I regularly run into teams that are twice my size. In my current list, there's one 2.3 times my team power. Most of the teams I fight have 50-75% more power than mine, and I can win most of them.

That isn't to say that the current state of the arena is fine, but I'm tired of talking to a brick wall so I won't go over that again. At the very least, the arena-related missions need to be moved much further down the line, because they clearly don't belong at their current place in the mission progression if we are to assume that the arena is supposed to work the way it is. I'm not holding my breath for that one either though.

Mar 15, 2021, 01:1303/15/21
Mar 15, 2021, 02:34(edited)

The only way is to make your team stronger, finish all masteries to start with, ascend, book, get all accesories, use glyps, max out your champs, no other way. I have Trunda, Apothecary Bad El Khazar and ELhain and I got wiped by a single hit from Kael. check out the stats of my team mates, it is frustrating to say the least.




The only way is to check affinity of each champ in the opposing team, also build up good defence, and speed and atk and other stats too.

Mar 15, 2021, 02:3503/15/21

adding Trunda since could not add more screenshots above


Mar 15, 2021, 07:3703/15/21

Basically what @EGDNIT said. Power almost doesn't mean anything, synergy and gear does. 

To help you better understand I'll use your screenshot and tell you what I'd do if I were the one playing your champs in arena:

To start, you already have the right lead in the scenario. Gorgorab is very valuable in arena especially while you're still on your way up the ladder. However, you're using Kael and Tyrant which are weak affinities to 1/2 of his team. You can use your Jizoh to provoke opponent's Shaman to avoid revive attempts after you pick off the Kael or Bystophus. You can also use Robar as your nuke in this situation too because like I said, he has the better affinity matchup for this. 

I understand how frustrating arena is in early game and it's easy to get carried away with posts about arena being broken, but once you're able to look past legendaries and randomly assembled level 60s, you start to analyze synergies, and anticipate match outcomes. Good luck.

PS: Here's a tip, and I did this a lot when I was starting out: If you're unfamiliar with a champ you're about to face, click on it and check its skills so you can anticipate what it can do and how it may affect the match. Analyze and counter accordingly. 

Mar 15, 2021, 09:4803/15/21

You play since a couple of months and 50% of your arena team is not lvl 60. Your champ that can revive, Gorgorab, is only lvl 50 and therefore dies first.

A lot of people complain for better reasons about arena than you. A lot of players, including your enemy on your screenshot, who uses the low ranked, bad champion Shaman instead of high-end Gorgorab, would be happy if they would have your champs. Going into arena with lvl 50 champs is just and only your own fault.

Mar 15, 2021, 13:2603/15/21

I appreciate the feedback everyone. I just got Gorgorab a last week and still working on his masteries and leveling him up. I think @egdnit understood more what I was saying in the sense that where I'm at in the game the area position doesn't match up. The difficulty scales poorly with the other missions.

Mar 15, 2021, 14:0303/15/21

I appreciate the feedback everyone. I just got Gorgorab a last week and still working on his masteries and leveling him up. I think @egdnit understood more what I was saying in the sense that where I'm at in the game the area position doesn't match up. The difficulty scales poorly with the other missions.

Everybody understood that just fine, but it's been that way forever and it's not going to change, so veteran players have little interest in discussing it for the thousandth time. The arena missions are the bottlenecks in the progress missions, yes, which is why you get advice on how to improve your team so you can get medals faster. 

Mar 15, 2021, 14:0403/15/21

The arena mission is indeed much to early and the following missions will be done before it's completed.

On the other hand: you allready have the champions to be and to win in silver arena. Level them up and gear them in the right way, and you will have no problems to beat the teams you meet in bronze. Maybe once in a while there will be a team with Hegemon and Mountain King that is in bronze for unknown reason, but you don't have to take such a fight.

Mar 15, 2021, 16:4503/15/21

The arena mission is indeed much to early and the following missions will be done before it's completed.

On the other hand: you allready have the champions to be and to win in silver arena. Level them up and gear them in the right way, and you will have no problems to beat the teams you meet in bronze. Maybe once in a while there will be a team with Hegemon and Mountain King that is in bronze for unknown reason, but you don't have to take such a fight.

Hegemon and Mountain King are definitely not uncommon, at least not for me. There's a Hegemon in my current roster for example. A week or so ago, I had one with 3 mountain kings (not the same team, thankfully). I even remember seeing a team with 2 hegemons at some point. There are a bunch of others I've learned to avoid as well, like Brakus and Ma'Shalled. Also a Candraphon that has given me a bad time more than once, but I've also faced some pretty badly geared ones too. Sir Nicholas is another fun one, but I've got Serris so I can quite often work my way through that one, but I'm sure there are others who can't (also had a Roshcard last refresh, who is sort of the same deal).

That's just picking some of the ones from my current list of opponents. I could give you some truly horrendous examples if I looked through a few more refreshes. Point is, bronze has plenty of very nasty teams in it, and it's not just "once in a while" that they pop up. In my experience, it's once in a while that they don't.

Mar 15, 2021, 17:1303/15/21
Mar 15, 2021, 17:16(edited)

shambhavi, your gear is just atrocious...

1. Yes, the arena missions are the most difficult.

2. It has always been that way, not gonna change

3. The problem isn't lack of champions on your roster....


1. Bad gear

2. Bad comps

90% of bad gear issues are due to:

1. Focus on sets instead of stats

2. Just too slow

3. Gear spread too thin ( If you have more 50s than 60s... you likely have this problem)

4. Low quality gear, becuase same as #3 you are not making 6stars and your dungeon progression is lacking -- the 2star glyphs dont help that much... forget fw progress lol

Mar 15, 2021, 20:3103/15/21

I agree with everything Trips has said.

A lot of people have Bad Gear.

A lot of people have Bad Team Compositions.

A lot of people have Bad Understanding of the Game.

@Shambhavi was brave enough to show pictures of her champion's gear.

The gears are bad, but its much more than just bad gear.

There is a deep rooted problem which Shambhavi isn't grasping.

Apothecary is a Turn Meter Filling Champion.

You want your Turn Meter Filling Champion to be the fastest hero on your entire account.

Shambhavi Apothecary has 166 Speed.

Shambhavi Bad El Kazar has 185 Speed.

Shambhavi can have the best gear in the entire game, but if she doesn't understand Apothecary needs to go before Bad El Kazar.

She will build the champion wrong.

This is a picture of my Apothecary:


This is a picture of my Apothecary Total Stats:


My Apothecary has 265 Speed.

Shambhavi Apothecary has 165 Speed.

This is 100 Speed Difference.

This means my heroes will move before Shambhavi hero.

In Fact, My Apothecary is going to move 2 full times before Shambhavi Apothecary move 1 time.

My Apothecary is a Speed Demon!

What does this mean?

This means my Apothecary will fill the turn meter for the rest of my team so they can move next!

What is the Turn Meter Bar?

Its the Yellow Bar under your hero's Health

Here is a picture:


When the Yellow bar is Full, it means your hero will move.

They will take there turn.

When the Yellow bar is Empty, It means your hero will not move.

They will have to wait till it fills up.

This is why people try to make "Turn Meter Filling Champions" very fast.

They want them to fill up the Yellow Bar fast.

The faster you fill up the Yellow Bar - The more your team moves!

This is why my Apothecary has 265 Speed.

I want my Apothecary to help my team move before the enemy team.

This way I get the first punch on the enemy.

I want it to be a Knock Out Punch!

The hero who will do my Knock Out Punch will be my Damage Dealer!

Here is a picture of my Trunda:


This is a picture of my Trunda Total Stats: 


My Trunda has close to 5k Attack.

Shambhavi Trunda + Elhain + Apothecary have close to 2k Defense.

Shambhavi Bad El Kazar has close to 3k Defense.

You don't have to be a Math Expert or a Raiding Expert to figure out what will happen here.

5k is greater than 3k by an overwhelming amount.

It's going to be a total slaughter.

We can make all kinds of speculations:

Maybe, The Bad El Kazar can survive due to the Affinity match up.

Maybe, My Trunda will do a weak hit on Bad El Kazar.

Maybe, Bad El Kazar will survive with 1/4th health left.


The rest of the team will be dead.

1 Bad El Kazar 1/4th health vs. 4 fully healthed heroes

Bad El is going to lose.


Ooooooo you are using a Legendary "Trunda"

Shambhavi already admitted to being 1 Shot by a Kael.

A person can build a Kael with 3k Attack.

Shambhavi Trunda + Elhain + Apothecary have close to 2k Defense.

Shambhavi Bad El Kazar has close to 3k Defense. 

A Kael with 3k Attack is still going to destroy the 2k Defense heroes.

The only hero who might survive is the Bad El.

1 vs. 4 fight - Bad El will lose


For the record, I'm not picking on Shambhavi.

Shambhavi is the only person with the guts to show her champion gears.

The rest of the people who complain about not reaching Silver 1 in Arena don't show there gears.

They don't have the guts to show there gears because they don't want people to laugh at them.

They are trying to reach Silver 1 with a Champion with star 2 gear +4 with no Speed.

Than they wonder why they can't reach Silver 1.

Want me to tell you the Truth?

The Problem isn't the "Mission".

The Problem is "YOU".

The Mission is so bloody easy.

You are making it more difficult than it needs to be.

Mar 15, 2021, 21:1903/15/21

I must admit I kept on using gear as and when I got it. now I need silver to redo the whole thing. I will ofcourse do that. another thing was I was trying to build my BEK for solo dragon, I guess I got carried away and ruined it. anyway will redo the thing.

Mar 15, 2021, 21:2503/15/21

Classic Arena Gold 4 is where I am with a team of 209,000 power and  4 legends

I still get beat from time to time by teams of just 1 legend and 3 epics or 1 legend 2 epics and a rare whom are 80,000 power less than me

It happens because those teams are likely speed tuned with gear that works best for their team. Also their team composition is likely better built to work together than mine

This game has some very deep strategy and even though I have a ton of power, I will face opponents whom understand the game alot more than I do and they can kick my butt

Thats why I say owning legends is not a sure win......but understanding the game and  its mechanics is far more valuable

Mar 15, 2021, 21:4103/15/21

Player J, your Apothecary is even 9 points faster than mine. :)

While comparing their speed I just recognized something, maybe a little bit off topic, but I just wonder how it comes that our Apothecarys have a base speed of 106 at lvl 60 and Shambavi's Apothecary only has a base speed of 101 at lvl 60. Does anybody know?

Mar 15, 2021, 21:5903/15/21

I think it's because his isn't fully ascended, you can see that banner is locked.