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Not excited about new faction

Not excited about new faction

Mar 14, 2021, 23:0603/14/21

Not excited about new faction

Well  as  title  says  im  not  excited  and  thats  a  real  shame.  Main  reason  is  that  it  means  a  lot  of  new  champs  but  where  am  i  going  to  get  books  to  complete  them?

l  Have  1  rare  champ  fully  booked,  a  few  epics  half  booked  and  again  a  few  lego  with  important  skills  booked.  Currently  have  no  books  or  ways  to  get.  Its  becoming  a  game  breaker  for  me  i  think.

Mar 14, 2021, 23:3103/14/21

Can you people stop crying? Jesus Christ. Always with these god damn books man. 

Do you even realize you don't need EVERY single champion booked? Do you?

The ONLY place where the books are an absolute MUST have is CLAN BOSS?

Or do you think that your 50% crit, 2k atk, awfully geared champion isn't working due to lack of books? 

Holy moly ... Someone has to say it... 

Mar 14, 2021, 23:4303/14/21

The  new  faction  champs  will  need  books  to  be  any  use  at  all.  Unlike  you,  not  all  of  us  have  the  op  champs  so  we  need  to  use  ones  we  get.  The  new  fusion  being  one  of  them.

Mar 14, 2021, 23:5303/14/21
Wild amazonian

The  new  faction  champs  will  need  books  to  be  any  use  at  all.  Unlike  you,  not  all  of  us  have  the  op  champs  so  we  need  to  use  ones  we  get.  The  new  fusion  being  one  of  them.

I like  in your OP where you say you have no way of getting books. LOL Do you play the game?

Missions  / Quests / Challenges / Classic Arena / Doom Tower / Faction Wars / Clan Boss / Tag Team Arena 

Heck Advanced Quests gives you a free epic and a free legend  book every month 

Just play the game ! Yes its a grind. But do not say you have  no way of getting books when your obviously not playing the game

Free things do not often fall in your lap, but Yes even Raid goes that far to just hand  out free rewards without doing anything.

Just play the game already!

Done  my rant

Mar 14, 2021, 23:5503/14/21
Wild amazonian

The  new  faction  champs  will  need  books  to  be  any  use  at  all.  Unlike  you,  not  all  of  us  have  the  op  champs  so  we  need  to  use  ones  we  get.  The  new  fusion  being  one  of  them.

How does this fusion, who is a support and does his job just fine without books NEED BOOKS again?

What are you even talking about? Do you understand the game at all? Can you think of a single scenario where the fusion would need books?

I have NEVER in my life bought a single book - yet all my 30+ legendaries who I use actively, everday  are fully booked. Untold amount of epics I used in faction wars to obtain Lydia and elsewhere ALL fully booked.

Stop crying and learn to use your resources properly. It's not that hard.

I opened this thread expecting something constructive, maybe discussing how these new champs are all pretty underwhelming since they're mostly single target while single target is dominated in PvP by ignore def champs and in PVE by max% hp champs, but no ... Just 50th thread in 5 days crying and demanding Plarium give them MORE free stuff since they don't know how to spend their resources properly.

So tiresome. 

Mar 15, 2021, 00:1203/15/21

Oh yea somehow I forgot to mention there are free books just for login  to the game , add that to the numerous  other ways I stated to get free books

Lets address the real issue. Players think they win this game by having the most champions. The more Legend and Epics they own they think they are closer to winning

Then they try and throw the too few books they own at the too many champions they have .

Like AirMaxxx said spend what resources you have correctly on a couple good champions. Keep grinding content and more books will come. But step back from the shard summons because you probably do not need  more champions. You just need to focus  on the ones you already have

Lots of free to play you tube videos  on how to build a free to play team. I reccomend 'Ash' and watching  his free to play account where he is doing good without spending a $ .  Watch his other videos on game content where he flexes his pay to win account thru content

Mar 15, 2021, 00:3103/15/21

I hope plarium increases the size of the champion vault though, there at more than 550 champs now and we can only hold 300 champs including dupes. as for books finishing faction wars will fetch well over 40 books.

Mar 15, 2021, 00:4003/15/21

you forgot that you can allways use duplicatated champs instead of books...

Mar 15, 2021, 07:2203/15/21

Agree with @AirMaxxx and I've been saying this for the longest time: you are not required to book up everyone. Pick a few good champs and be efficient with your resources. Yes, Pyxniel was too much but insane book requirements are nothing new. Even old champs like Alika needs 20 books. The game is obviously not something that can be finished in a short time. A way to farm books would be really really nice but for now patience and efficiency will go a long way.

If you have only 1 rare champ fully booked, that's not on the game. Like what the earlier comments said, there's a lot of free books (especially rares) to be obtained in game through challenges and such. 

I personally am excited about the new faction. When the Dwarves got released the reception was pretty underwhelming but as we know, they eventually solidified their place in the game. I expect the same for the Shadowkin faction. 

Mar 15, 2021, 10:2803/15/21

Can you people stop crying? Jesus Christ. Always with these god damn books man. 

Do you even realize you don't need EVERY single champion booked? Do you?

The ONLY place where the books are an absolute MUST have is CLAN BOSS?

Or do you think that your 50% crit, 2k atk, awfully geared champion isn't working due to lack of books? 

Holy moly ... Someone has to say it... 

Stop crying you whiny whale.

Not everyone is willing to blow half their salary on books.

Yeah, I am pretty fucking sure doing 20% less damage and not landing debuffs due to lack of books is quite hindering the performance of champions.

Mar 15, 2021, 14:0503/15/21

Stop crying you whiny whale.

Not everyone is willing to blow half their salary on books.

Yeah, I am pretty fucking sure doing 20% less damage and not landing debuffs due to lack of books is quite hindering the performance of champions.

I literally just said I have not bought a single book in my life. There's an abundance of them you can obtain for free.

I guess reading comprehension is too hard for a f2p. Rather cry and moan that you can't save up your resources and use them properly.

20% less damage is literally nothing on your horribly built 2k attack champ, sorry the books are not the issue. 

Ironic you'd call me a whiner when you are literally the author of a thread complaining about the best summoning event we've ever had 

I wonder if you can self reflect at all. Whiny, needy, entitled f2p. 

Mar 16, 2021, 05:3303/16/21
Mar 16, 2021, 05:33(edited)

30+ legendary champs with fully booked, LMAO. (about 300+ legend books)

I would say his words would not be counted in our discussion, he is in different level. Let say we're bikers (bycicle, motobike), he is in a plane. 

Mar 16, 2021, 05:5203/16/21

After I finish faction wars and doom tower, i have no reason to fully maxed skills champions that I don't use much. I remember maxing a champion's skills that I know that will only be use in faction wars. I have low motivation to build new champions either. 

I have 36 legendary book, 69 epic books, 216 rare books waiting for new champion in my roster that deserved to be skilled up. 

I also don't buy books, most of these are from clan boss. Some from doom tower. 

I can say the game is really generous when it comes to giving free books. 

Mar 16, 2021, 13:4303/16/21

After I finish faction wars and doom tower, i have no reason to fully maxed skills champions that I don't use much. I remember maxing a champion's skills that I know that will only be use in faction wars. I have low motivation to build new champions either. 

I have 36 legendary book, 69 epic books, 216 rare books waiting for new champion in my roster that deserved to be skilled up. 

I also don't buy books, most of these are from clan boss. Some from doom tower. 

I can say the game is really generous when it comes to giving free books. 

This sounds actually realistic, unlike the "I didn't buy my 300 books" guy.

But the problem with books (especially legendary and a little bit epics) is long time sustainability. After spending those initial 20 or so books from missions and FW, it takes about 4-5 months to get enough books to book a lego. And while I agree that is a reasonable time, it can sometimes feel frustrating with the rng.

Mar 16, 2021, 17:2803/16/21

Right  now  i  dont  Have  a  champ  that  does  shield  up  all  the  time  for  scarab .  i  just  havent  had  the  books  for  my  lodric  to  make  his  shield  work  well  so  im  stuck  at  normal  scarab.  I  did  a  lot  of  the  quests  but  dont  have  the  epic  books.

thanks  for  encouragement  all.  I  avoided  this  thread  after  the  other  guy  got  quite  nasty  in  his  tone.