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Yet another who-to-level thread

Yet another who-to-level thread

Mar 14, 2021, 14:5803/14/21

Yet another who-to-level thread

Well, see below. I've got plenty of food, just not sure what to invest it in. My next daily reward champion is Yaga in 5 days.

I'm probably mostly in the need of a dungeon team, though clan boss is also good. For dungeons, Athel, Serris, Apothecary, Doompriest and Shaman have been it for the most part. I'm trying to work Coldheart in there as well, but her performance has been unreliable. Coffin Smasher and Coldheart have been more for the Fire Knight, but I can't seem to get my team in sync for taking down the shield and then dealing damage, so I'm kinda stuck there. For the clan boss, I've been using Coldheart instead of Doompriest, but have also been grooming Frozen Banshee to take over that role (I may also replace Shaman with one of them as her revive is not really that useful there, but I need more books to get the poison reliable enough).

So the plan has been Frozen Banshee primarily as she can use the less expensive books and can dish out some poison damage on the clan boss. Maybe Jareg second for general purpose or wait for Yaga for a more purebred poisoner for clan boss. Coffin Smasher might help with the Fire Knight, but I don't know if it's worth it. Seeker is another one, but between Apothecary and Doompriest, I'm not sure where he'd fit in except the arena which I've more or less given up on anyway so I won't bother investing too many resources there. Steelskull and Cardinal are also some potential clan boss candidates, one with a revive and the other with stronger healing and protection, both with light poison as well, but expensive in terms of books. I'm leaning towards Cardinal between the two as she seems to have more utility for dungeons as a possible Shaman replacement.

Any other suggestions on champions I've overlooked or possible team compositions with what I have to work with?


Mar 14, 2021, 16:2403/14/21

Forget Yaga. FB is definitely your gal for CB - and potentially dragon, though yes, she needs books, and she's useless on the waves so you would need more damage for the waves than just Athel before you can put FB on your dragon team. 

It's entirely normal that Coldheart isn't that great yet in most dungeons other than FK and Spider - her enemy max HP damage is nothing special for mid-level dungeons, it's only in the highest stages that it shines. And on CB it's severely nerfed, so she's pretty bad there too. 

Jareg, Seeker, Cardinal and Steelskull are all valid choices, as is the new guy Klodd Beastfeeder - any of them is loads better than Shaman for sure. Coffin Smasher is good not only for FK but also for the CB, although if you choose Jareg who also has the decrease attack on the A1, you don't really need CS anymore. 

You could use some more AOE damage champions - your existing core team is already mostly support and most of the new candidates for 60 are too, it's becoming a bit unbalanced. But I don't see too many great picks for that, so I guess for now you'd have to go with slower, tankier teams. 

Mar 14, 2021, 17:1903/14/21

Yes, my AoE problem is known and I can feel it while working my way up to the bosses. I've considered investing in Galek or even doing something silly like a Saurus glass cannon, but that seems like a short-term investment. I'm getting near the point when I may just wait for Dark Athel, but hopefully I can get something else before then. The Serris/Athel combo has sort of had to fill my entire AoE role, and it works somewhat okay so far.

I think I'll continue to work on Banshee then, she's only 5 books away from being maxed out. Jareg next, hopefully between the poison from Banshee and his attack decrease, I can take Serris out of the clan boss team without losing too much damage or sustain, and he's relatively cheap to book. After that probably Cardinal. Hopefully by then I'll have more options, otherwise Seeker though I'm still struggling to find a spot for him that I'd rather not have another in.

I'm not sure what to do with Klodd, but I do need someone with shields if I'm ever to get past that stupid Scarab King and its counter attack.
