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Clan v Clan accessories

Clan v Clan accessories

Mar 9, 2021, 15:0603/09/21

Clan v Clan accessories

Okay, bloodshield is absolutely fantastic. Reaction accessories is going to be broken from the start! But please consider making these accesories a set not an individual buff. Arena is though af for f2p already and after this every arena defense is going to have 25 % change to be hit with crit hit. Add weak affinity to that and you cant kill anyone. It would be great even if 3 piece set gives you 35% change to get hit by weak hit. And 3 piece set of Bloodshield gives you 15-20% of damage dealt shield. Or make reaction accessories work so that it only works in arena offense. 

And why not clan v clan for real. This is going to be a competition on witch clans give you most money wins. Well done. 

For once please think of the game, players, playability and everyone in this community instead of money. You are ruining the game for most players with your endless greed and decisions to make game impossible to beat without spending money or 24 hours a day in game. 

Sincerely Salty Much

(ps. please nerf scarab king lol )
