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Too Much to do in RAID or too Little

Too Much to do in RAID or too Little

Mar 8, 2021, 23:1203/08/21

Too Much to do in RAID or too Little

Some Youtubers are saying there is too much to do in Raid and  not enough time to do it !

FTP players have posted there is not enough to do in the game and they want  more.

My opinion is that gaming  is  my only hobby and I spend 40+ hrs a week doing so. I spend 3-4 hrs each night  in Raid when I get home from work 

Sat and Sun is  my gaming days and I spend 10-12 hrs each day. If Raid did not have enough content to keep me busy gaming  on the weekends I would find a game that could. Fortunately with all that Raid can offer I have no need to play any other games

I personally hope Raid only adds  more content  not reduce the time that I play. I should have to choose what content I want to run and  manage  my time accordingly. Thats the sign of a FULL game with tons  of end game content

Keep up the good work Raid and do not listen to the you tubers

Mar 8, 2021, 23:4603/08/21

Agreed. Raid does a great job of giving opportunities for the player to stay active. It actually rewards you for playing more, unlike some games that actually try to limit how active you can be. 

That being said, the "required" daily content (daily quests, advanced quests, and doom tower keys, i.e. anything that resets daily) is also completely manageable in just about an hour or two, so it never feels like a huge time sink, even on busier real life days.