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Roshcard + Bushi UK Comp Speed Suggestions (UPDATE)

Roshcard + Bushi UK Comp Speed Suggestions (UPDATE)

Mar 8, 2021, 16:3503/08/21

Roshcard + Bushi UK Comp Speed Suggestions (UPDATE)

I was able to make this work with Bushi speed of 209. Updated info is below.

I have seen that a UK UNM team can be made using Roshcard the Tower and Bushi. 

The following speed suggestions are before Bushi's A2 was buffed with a 15% speed boost. A note on Jedi's site says to consider his A3 to be on a 4 turn cooldown as the stun will not count as a turn.

There are some suggestions to have Bushi at 209 speed, and needing to manual his A1 until different turns. Some say to manual until the turn where he would die on the stun, or until a specific turn like 7, or 11, but no explanation as to why those specific turns. 

Here is my team and speeds:

    RT 245 (no materies, booked)

    Bushi 173 (no materies, booked)

    FB 177 (no materies, not booked)

    Rhaz 176 (masteries are okay, booked)

    OBrawler 174 (masteries are okay, not booked) 

My initial testing has not worked with these speeds, on Turn 9 RT goes before OB, OB becomes unprotected and dies on Turn 13.

Would like to confim if 209 is the correct speed, and if I need to manual Bushi - on which turn do I hit his A2 and am able to start auto.

Mar 8, 2021, 21:3503/08/21

Just  replace  Bushi with Gnarlhorn,  it  should  be  much  less  complicate.

Apr 2, 2021, 16:2404/02/21

Here is an update on my Roshcard and Bushi unkillable comp. I apologize up front as I know it will be long.

I was able to make this work with Bushi at 209 speed, but you do need to manual until turn 8, then auto after using Bushi's A2.


This is probably my highest damage so far. Normal range is 28~31M

RT 245 (Warmaster, missing one on T5-not sure if retribution will mess up speed tune, A3 fully booked, A2 is at lvl4)

Bushi 209 (only at 50 so no Warmaster yet, A2 and A3 fully booked)

Rhaz 177 (Giant Slayer, A2 fully booked)

FB 176 (Warmaster, A1 and A3 fully booked)

OBrawler 174 (Warmaster, A2 fully booked )  

  • You need to us Bushi's A1 until turn 8, on turn 8 you can use Bushi's A2 then hit auto.
  • After first CB AOE (turn1) you use Rhaz A2 , FB A3, RT A2, and OB A2 in order to not get extra turn from 5 debuffs later on. Do not use FB A2, or Rhaz A3 during manual, auto does not use these either.
  • If Bushi dies on second AOE, or first stun, you need to close game and restart. If he dies and revives on second stun (turn 5) you can continue.
  • This works on Magic CB, I get about 27~29M. On Force I get about 10M, Does not work on Spirit, but can probably bring in Doompriest or Jarl at the right speed, just haven't figured that out yet.
  • You can choose three different damage champs, but speeds need to match, and they cant have any TM or speed boosts.

Someone from another post requested this info, so here is Bushi's gear and stats.


Apr 2, 2021, 18:4304/02/21

Thanks  for  the  comp!  Ill  give  this  a  go  and  see  if  i  can  recreate  something  sinilar