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joke of a 2x event

joke of a 2x event

Mar 6, 2021, 09:3603/06/21

joke of a 2x event

Either my account is the unluckiest account ever or its yet another money grab garbage supposed 2x event that never gives me anyhing. 25 shards, garbage rares and garbage epics from the 3 sacred. Honestly fed up at this point, after all this time and 100s of voids opened i still cant even get a damn coldheart....meh to it all

sad that f2p people have more legendarys than i do with same play time and ive spend literally 100s and 100s on this. what gives eh

Mar 6, 2021, 09:4803/06/21

I suggest you take a look at the rates, they're right there. 

Mar 6, 2021, 10:1303/06/21

thats amazing insight..thanks for that very pointless info

Mar 6, 2021, 10:4003/06/21
Mar 6, 2021, 10:40(edited)

thats amazing insight..thanks for that very pointless info

Seems like you need it since you're under an impression that 25 shards and 3 sacreds are guaranteed to yield something good to the point you're reverting to conspiracy theories despite your absurdly small sample pool. 

Mar 6, 2021, 13:0003/06/21

thats amazing insight..thanks for that very pointless info

Cut the guy some slack.  He's just venting.  

Mar 6, 2021, 13:1603/06/21

Well  if  it  makes  you  feel  any  better  i've  been  saving  all  my  shards  for  the  last  3  months.  I  managed  to  get  8  sacreds  and  got  8  trash  epics.  Hopefully  5  voids  get  me  something  tonight,  but  i'm  not  holding  out  much  hope.

Mar 6, 2021, 21:5303/06/21

the only thing worth buying is energy packs, 

never buy shards

I also bought shards not too long ago and the results were disappointing to say the least.

people who still try to buy shards have a strong desire to collect champions ,  you obviously want to have 1 copy of each hero or at least the nice ones.  trust me, the sooner you get off that high horse the better.  stop dreaming of owning every hero that is out there and learn to develop heroes into killing machines instead.

Mar 6, 2021, 23:1503/06/21

Always save all your shards so you can nab all the books. If you can't nab all the legendary books, wait until the next event.

Leggo books >>>>>>>>>>> leggo champions, you'll never have enough books to ever use all your champs effectively anyways.

Mar 7, 2021, 11:3603/07/21

Seems like you need it since you're under an impression that 25 shards and 3 sacreds are guaranteed to yield something good to the point you're reverting to conspiracy theories despite your absurdly small sample pool. 

This response had me laughing so hard.

Upvoted for sure!

The Finishing Move was at the end of the response:

"Your absurdly small sample pool."

It hurts!

Right there in the Feels!


The Good News is the OP is getting super close to pulling a Legendary!

The OP opened 25 Ancient Shards.

The OP only needs to open 195 more Ancient Shards for the Mercy System to give him a Legendary.

The OP is practically 1/10th of the way there.

Mar 7, 2021, 11:4703/07/21

just to cheer you all up, i got the worst legendary in the game (gurptuk). Guess plarium has a fucking sense of humour after all. and don't be all glib with the oh u have opened this so far so u are 1/0th there. u have no idea how many shards i have opened or the literally hundred and hundreds i have spent on this shitty game. I need to do myself a favour and stop, cause its all a total joke. 

the end

Mar 7, 2021, 11:5603/07/21

Cut the guy some slack.  He's just venting.  

yeah thanks for that, ofc i am. and i expected the responses i got. still i felt a little better

Mar 7, 2021, 11:5703/07/21

Gurptuk the worst legendary? 

Have you not met Pyxniel?

But seriously, the odds of pulling a legendary are so small, 1% with an Ancient Shard today, and then you try to figure the odds of pulling a specific legendary?

I'm sorry you didn't get a "good" legendary but did you really think you would?

My pulls sucked today as well. I saved 100 Ancients and got Narma the Returned. Not terrible, but not who I wanted. 

I'm disappointed but not mad. There's no reason to me mad. It was just a reminder that you never spend money on shards in this game.

Mar 7, 2021, 11:5903/07/21

Hey at least pyxniel is nice to look at :P have you seen the ratings for gurptuk! I mean its not always representative but in this case the 1.5 ratings are deserved. And i thought id hit rock bottom with warchief

Mar 7, 2021, 12:0003/07/21
Mar 7, 2021, 12:02(edited)

Gurptuk the worst legendary? 

Have you not met Pyxniel?

But seriously, the odds of pulling a legendary are so small, 1% with an Ancient Shard today, and then you try to figure the odds of pulling a specific legendary?

I'm sorry you didn't get a "good" legendary but did you really think you would?

My pulls sucked today as well. I saved 100 Ancients and got Narma the Returned. Not terrible, but not who I wanted. 

I'm disappointed but not mad. There's no reason to me mad. It was just a reminder that you never spend money on shards in this game.

Thats the big issue right here, you say sorry you didnt get a "good" legendary..IMO there should be no legendarys that are literally worse than rares and im talking not even great rares too. But hey, what do i know

Mar 7, 2021, 12:0603/07/21

Yeah, I can see your point about legendaries being worse than rares. But we know that going in right?

Out of 100 shards I pulled Narma and Husk. The rest is food. 

That SUCKS and I want to be mad about it, but like the other guy said, the odds are listed right there for all to see.

I feel your frustration though.

Mar 7, 2021, 12:5603/07/21
Mar 7, 2021, 12:58(edited)

I opened 68 ancient shards on my main account....

I got 8 Epics....

1 Sacred shard Hope...

8 Void shards....only rare

For a x2 Event...that is bad luck beyond belief...

Mar 7, 2021, 15:1103/07/21

Its  not  bad  luck,  its  just  that  you  weren't  lucky.  Some  void  rares  are  just  as  good  as  some  legendaries  so  dont  dispair.  who  did  you  pull?

Hope  is  trash  for  mid-late  game.  Ok  in  the  early  game.  

Mar 7, 2021, 15:1603/07/21

You  must  have  all  guessed  it  by  now?

There  hasnt  been  a  leggo  introduced  that  can  even  slightly  compete  with  Valk,  Draco,  Krisk  etc...

It  doesnt  matter  what  leggo  you  pull  or  fuse  or  fragment  summon  they  are  all  replaceable  with  a  very  small  few  that  everyone  wants.  The  others  are  simply  there  to  "play"  with.  Thats  it...  a  way  for  us  to  spend  money,  they  are  sold  to  us  by  the  content  creators  but  do  you  see  any  of  them  in  a  content  creators  main  team?  No!  You  will  see  Draco,  Bad  El,  Valk,  Krisk,  Trunda  Etc...  The  same  old  champs.  Its  a  game  of  maybe  10  irreplacable  champs.  Thats  the  game  we  play.  

Mar 7, 2021, 16:1903/07/21

The last five 2x events have all been sickening for me, absolute rubbish. The last 6 sacreds I opened have been dupes of trash epics, and all of my voids have been dupes of utter tepid vomit rares (Still no CH) 

I'm buying nothing else.

Mar 7, 2021, 16:2303/07/21

If  you  are  after  a  Max  HP  style  champ  then  stop  wasting  your  money  on  shards  and  level  2  Armigers.  They  have  damage  based  on  def  and  enemy  max  hp,  they  have  turn  meter  reduction.  Free  books  from  the  market  and  green  shards.  Dont  hit  as  hard  as  coldheart  but  two  of  them  can  take  down  spider.  

Mar 7, 2021, 17:2503/07/21
Mar 7, 2021, 17:26(edited)


This picture really captures the theme of this thread!