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Champion Idea

Champion Idea

Mar 4, 2021, 12:1703/04/21

Champion Idea

A champion with a skill that changes stances, from attack to defence. once the stance button is used the champions skills change from attack types with debuffs, to defence type skills with buffs on or something?

You can steal HP and turn meter.......How about a champion that can steal a skill for x ammount of turns from an enemy...and that enemy cant use that skill while its "stolen" ?.

Have fun.

Mar 4, 2021, 21:5003/04/21

That sounds like a pretty interesting idea, thanks for sharing!

Mar 5, 2021, 20:2203/05/21

1st idea 

get the right Artifacts. 

for example the champion who kills the boss gets the artifact in the way the champion is build , for exaple a defens type champ gets an defense based artifact, same for attack type or hp type. 

2nd idea

Some Bosses have certain artifacts they fight with which can be earned at the end when winning the fight.

for example a special shield or Gloves a Banner etc. that could be imagined trough the fight (what is strong or special on the item etc. ( or you see the artifact before the fight   : ) ) 

( this would be also god for the artifacts you offer to buy ....not so much gambling stuff where you dont know what you get , better to know for what you fighting or paying for  )

3rd idea 

extra arena place , where you can battle  for Arifacts from the opponent.

the leader champ can choose what artifact to place before the fight. 

so everybody would pay attention against whom to fight because you can loose an good artifact 

Mar 5, 2021, 20:2403/05/21

another idea :

team up with other members from your clan to fight against other clans .

2 from each member for example. this would improve the conversation in between the clans.

Mar 5, 2021, 20:3003/05/21

design new campaigns the players can pay for and earn new artifacts or gems or something special like artifacts that last a certain ammount of battles or hits . 

or campaigns only for certain champions or champions with certain artifacts etc.