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Idea for new champion type

Idea for new champion type

Mar 4, 2021, 05:5603/04/21

Idea for new champion type

So the types that are in game currently are attack, defense, HP, support and whatever else, but I have another type I think would be a nice addition.

Treasure Finder / Thief / Luck

A champion that increases drop rates. I think many players, especially f2p players or ones without a million dollars laying around, would REALLY appreciate atleast a few champions in the pool that helps with drop rates.

Even if it's just a tiny fraction. 1% more would atleast feel like you might be able to get some of the drops listed within a 24 hour timeframe of playing, repeating the same stage again and again and again....

but I think a bit more (make it a lego if you must but I think there should be a lesser form for epic and rare as well) with something like 5 or maybe even 10% would be extremely helpful. And if you really want be petty and greedy, you can make it just for a specific drop. IE champions, gear, shards, etc

Or you could even make one that gives 1 or 2 extra drops as well. So instead of doing a run and getting no gear at all or no champions at all and only a mystery shard or 2, you also get a piece of gear or champion as well, if you have that champion on the team.

The drop rates on this game seem absudly low and if that's not going to change via updates (due to greed or being petty like mentioned earlier) then atleast give us the slight chance of getting a hold of champion that can help us from wasting an insane amount of time on items that should be FAR more common.

Is the least that can be done imo.
