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Plarium is not fair with his playerbase. At least not with new players.

Plarium is not fair with his playerbase. At least not with new players.

Mar 1, 2021, 16:3803/01/21

Plarium is not fair with his playerbase. At least not with new players.

I will share here my opinion about the disgregation the developers made by the time of giving aways the anniversary gifts.

I was lvl 29 by this morning when the event started. I got a gift , an epic book  plus 200k , an energy refill and a rare book. 

That is amazing i though. Then i entered to discord and see that players from lvl 30 received another , much more juicy offer. (1kk, plus a 5* chicken, plus a void shard, plus a lego tome)

The problem with this policy is that you are sending a message. Why not using the message to encourage new players? Even better, was it to difficult to set the same gift for everyone? 

It was not fair. Lets see this example.

I started to play last week. I bought offers and had a strong start. What did i get from you? A gift, which i thank, but a discrimination by my lvl.

And what does the lvl tell you? Is an inactive lvl 30 player more valuable to you than a possible faithful player? 

I dont know but that lvl disgregation made me feel really disgusted. Is that simple to set the same gift for everyone....

Luckily i reached lvl 30 already. So i will wait new gifts from you. For now forget about purchasings.

Thanks in advance.

Mar 1, 2021, 18:2303/01/21
Mar 1, 2021, 18:23(edited)

Hey there

I'm sorry that you're having a sour feeling about it, but gifts/freebies like this are tied to a little level restriction in order to maintain the balance and not add possible powercreep to earlier accounts.

Nevertheless, I do hope you can enjoy the anniversary activities.

Cheers =)

Mar 1, 2021, 19:3903/01/21
Mar 1, 2021, 19:39(edited)

Is this restriction caped to bellow lvl 30? Because i leveled up to 30  . If i get a low tier gift again i will feel really bad.

Mar 1, 2021, 22:3803/01/21

Christmas  in March :)

I am very pleased with the FREE offer from Plarium and very surprised. From this , I am truely looking forward to the month of March

Mar 2, 2021, 10:2603/02/21

You get a free gift.  🎁

Your reaction to the donor is: "Somebody else got a better gift. I hate you!" That's an harrowing amount of envy.

Mar 2, 2021, 10:3603/02/21

I don't see the need of giving gifts according to levels. Why not just give same gifts to everyone. 

Mar 2, 2021, 13:4203/02/21

If you give your son a car as gift to his 18th birthday, you don't have to give his younger brother a car to his 10th birthday.

Mar 2, 2021, 13:5003/02/21

This is anniversary gift in pixels. Not real life. 

Mar 2, 2021, 17:1803/02/21

Doesnt really matter how they do it. Some one is not going to be satisfied. Sheesh

Mar 2, 2021, 17:4703/02/21

Everyone gets a PARTICIPATION AWARD .................

So your participation was NOT ADIQUATE to get a Bigger Reward .........


Your reward is tied to the level of your participation ...........

Good thing the Tournaments are NOT tied to participation 

but on 1st , 2nd , and 3rd place then on Place and Show

Know your place ,,,,,,,,,,,

You can not start Today and get the same thing as players 

that played for 3 months,, 6 Months or a Year



Mar 2, 2021, 18:2803/02/21

Everyone gets a PARTICIPATION AWARD .................

So your participation was NOT ADIQUATE to get a Bigger Reward .........


Your reward is tied to the level of your participation ...........

Good thing the Tournaments are NOT tied to participation 

but on 1st , 2nd , and 3rd place then on Place and Show

Know your place ,,,,,,,,,,,

You can not start Today and get the same thing as players 

that played for 3 months,, 6 Months or a Year



Yes  tournaments are  tied  to  level,  cupcake.

I  got  first  in  the  tourny  at  christmas  using  all  my  resources  and  got  top  prize,  Jingle  Hunter  because  santa  leggo  wasnt  offered  at  top  prize  for  my  pool.  Points  i  achieved       would  have  given  me  santa  if  i  was  in  the  main  awards.

also,  think  you  need  to  calm  down  you are  sounding  very  emotional  about  this  topic.

Mar 2, 2021, 20:0903/02/21
Mar 2, 2021, 20:15(edited)

Its not about participation. I know innactive accounts which reached lvl 32(mostly referrals ones) and they got the big gift.

Yes, i arrived late to the party but i bought the good wine(yes i bought packs) and i spend hours playing the game. So , the inactive account deserves the "participation award" and i dont? That has 0 logic. And those account are not that old. One friend of mine is only two weeks older than me in the game and got the big 

If they want to keep away those "luck testers" who may open new accounts to pop out the free shards then put a cap by date and not level. (For example accounts created in determinate date up to the day the anniversary starts dont receive the best gift).

I have reached lvl 31 now. Lets see if tomorrow plarium wants to add me to the good tier list or they are still putting innactive lvl 32 accounts over me.

Mar 2, 2021, 21:2403/02/21

If you give your son a car as gift to his 18th birthday, you don't have to give his younger brother a car to his 10th birthday.


Mar 2, 2021, 22:4503/02/21

For someone who just started, you sure sound entitled, especially if you haven't played enough to surpass dummy accounts in level. 

Also, as entitled and dramatic as you sound about a free gift, I seriously doubt you will last as an f2p, so that whole "you won't see a penny from me" shtick ain't gonna fly. If you are determined to go f2p, you better curb your expectations, but something tells me that you'll either quit or keep spending because you think spending money entitles you to better rewards (spoiler alert: it doesn't). 

So chill out, enjoy the game, and thank Plarium for free stuff that they didn't have to give you in the first place, you ungrateful brat. It's their 2-year birthday, of which you were there for a week. That's like going to a birthday party of someone you've met a week ago and getting pissy because you're not invited to sit at the main table. 

Mar 2, 2021, 23:3603/02/21

You guys, and Plarium, is not looking at the marketing aspect of giving equally nice gifts to new players. 

This can push new players to play more. This can make old players that quit early and play again. But now, some of them are just frustrated because of Plarium's bias logic. 

And for the record my main account is level 88. Already got bored after finishing faction wars and doom tower hard. Only logging in and finishing all the daily missions. 

I just feel bad for new players in this game. They should not be frustrated really, gifts are still gifts, but I don't blame them. 

I have a low level account, that I already stop playing for almost a year now. I thought I might start playing again If I get juicy gifts from Plarium, but it is not 😂 so it will stay unplayed again 🤣

There is no harm in giving same gifts equally to low or high level players. Like I said, these are just pixels. This is not a car that you will spend a fortune just to give your son a car. Stop thinking that this is just like real life. You are playing too much games to think that you should apply here what you teach to your sons 😂

If Plarium wants to be generous, why not be equally generous to all.