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Dilemma on clan boss team!

Dilemma on clan boss team!

Mar 1, 2021, 16:1703/01/21

Dilemma on clan boss team!

Hey all

As a ftp player it takes me forever to level characters to six star-

I have been running clan boss with Jareg (6 star), Zavia (6 star), doompriest (5 star), apothecary (6 star) and kael (6 star)

and it is not too bad, i am doing about 15 million on brutal. I pulled frozen banshee and have been working to get her to 6 star for the last week or so. The intertion was to replace kael with her.

But- i just pulled fayne and from what i can see with the defence down she would be a better fit than banshee? 

Given the huge investment to get a fresh 6 star i am not sure what to focus on?


Mar 1, 2021, 17:1303/01/21

Are you doing level 20 dungeons yet?  If not, I would worry about that first.  Post a screenshot of roster if you want any suggestions.  Guessing that team can do dragon20, if not now with Doom at 60 since you have no reviver.  How much per key can u do on NM?

Mar 1, 2021, 18:0003/01/21
Mar 1, 2021, 18:03(edited)

Hey trips. i have done dragon 20, and minatour 15 is easy- but none of the others.

I am embarrased to admit i have almost no champions, despite being on day 139! Until recently i used to use almost every champ i got as food. That will change for faction wars etc and luckily i still have lord legionary and scyl etc to come.

My clan has not opened up nightmare yet, i am looking for a clan that has, my clan has gone inactive

I dont think i have anything useful that has not been mentioned, but roster below


Mar 1, 2021, 18:1103/01/21

Critical Skills for Clan Boss:

1. Decrease Attack

2. Decrease Defense

3. Weaken

4. Poison / HP Burn

5. Team Turn Meter Filling / Team Counter Attack

Bonus Skills for Clan Boss:

6. Healer

7. Shielder

8. Debuff Extender

9. Increase Defense

10. Cleanse / Block Debuffs

11. Ally Protection

These are the things you want for Clan Boss when you run a normal team.

The goal would be to try and have your champions doing as many of the above things as possible.

Based on the above information, I think your best Clan Boss set up would be:

Jareg ----------------------> Decrease Attack + Ally Protection + Increase Defense

Fayne ----------------------> Decrease Defense + Weaken + Poison

Zavia or Frozen Banshee --> Poison

Apothecary -----------------> Turn Meter Filling

Doompriest -----------------> Cleansing + Healing

With these 5 heroes in your team, You will only be missing a Shields & Debuff Extensions.

Mar 1, 2021, 18:2503/01/21

^^^ Thanks, since zavia is already fully booked i will keep Frozen banshee on hold for now and get fayne 6 starred - my instinct was that her defence decrease would be important.

Thanks again.

Mar 1, 2021, 18:2703/01/21

i would not 6star fayne yet... though u will eventuall. doompriest is more versatile.  did u use epics as food?

Mar 1, 2021, 18:3803/01/21

i would not 6star fayne yet... though u will eventuall. doompriest is more versatile.  did u use epics as food?

Im afraid i did, i didnt really start playing the game regularly until a few weeks back or pay attention to what i was doing 

I use doompriest everywhere but she is built like a tank and survives really well (only jareg lasts longer), i am not sure what i benefit from by 6 starring her right now?

Sorry if that seems a dumb question!, only really got hooked recently

Mar 1, 2021, 18:4703/01/21

frozen banshee gives u small incremental gains in cb and is not needed elsewhere.  u need more versatile champs, unfortunate u ate some probably lol

Mar 1, 2021, 18:4903/01/21

and doom is good for cb and at 60 can get u further in ig, 20 maybe even as weak affinity

Mar 1, 2021, 18:5003/01/21

I just pulled Fayne yesterday. Her skillset looks great, but her defeinsive base stats are so awfull. The uncommens in her faction have more hp and def. 

I hope you will give us a review how she works in your CB team when she is 60, so I can decide if I build up mine. 😉

Mar 1, 2021, 18:5803/01/21

I just pulled Fayne yesterday. Her skillset looks great, but her defeinsive base stats are so awfull. The uncommens in her faction have more hp and def. 

I hope you will give us a review how she works in your CB team when she is 60, so I can decide if I build up mine. 😉

fayne is still really good for CB but needs books and strong support or will die fast lol. Depends on who else u r using.  but she is not much use elsewhere imo

Mar 1, 2021, 19:0303/01/21

I just pulled Fayne yesterday. Her skillset looks great, but her defeinsive base stats are so awfull. The uncommens in her faction have more hp and def. 

I hope you will give us a review how she works in your CB team when she is 60, so I can decide if I build up mine. 😉

I only just noticed how low her defence is! -

I will review when i eventually get her to 60, but right now i am thinking of following Trips advice and  6 starring doompriest first and keeping banshee and fayne for when i have 6 starred doompriest.

I have a banner already for doompriest with lots of speed on it -so will be a clear upgrade to my team.

I think if i can find a clan with NM open i can already probably get the ultimate chest off NM