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Arena advice (the 721547th)

Arena advice (the 721547th)

Mar 1, 2021, 09:1903/01/21

Arena advice (the 721547th)

So i am (Level51) currently stuck at Bronze3, but i need Silver 1 for Progress.

To get a idea how strong i am (or not), here is where i am

Golem 14 (2:20)

Dragon 14 (01:32)

FireKnight 10 (1:56)

Spider 10 (01:36)

Tower normal 21 (only occassonal)

Campa brutal 3star full

First: My Def


My Offensive:



Apo 216

Stag 174

MaSha 172

Kael 170

Spulcher 196 (not full redstar)







and a few more

Mar 1, 2021, 09:3803/01/21

So at the moment you don't have any aura at all in arena? Not even Kael's weak HP aura? 

Try using High Khatun instead of Apo for her speed aura - your other champs are very good, Ma'Shalled especially is so good in arena if properly built that it's kind of cheating, once he gets a turn the battle should be pretty much over. And use the same team for defense as for offense - Sepulcher Sentinel is a great champ but she's not doing much for your arena team there. 

I'd also suggest building Basher, Sinesha and Peydma, who are all excellent. And consider replacing Kael on your arena team by Bystophus, Basher or Sinesha - all three can do serious damage as well as blocking opponents from using their cooldown skills, which is great in arena. 

Mar 1, 2021, 09:4803/01/21

So at the moment you don't have any aura at all in arena? Not even Kael's weak HP aura? 

Try using High Khatun instead of Apo for her speed aura - your other champs are very good, Ma'Shalled especially is so good in arena if properly built that it's kind of cheating, once he gets a turn the battle should be pretty much over. And use the same team for defense as for offense - Sepulcher Sentinel is a great champ but she's not doing much for your arena team there. 

I'd also suggest building Basher, Sinesha and Peydma, who are all excellent. And consider replacing Kael on your arena team by Bystophus, Basher or Sinesha - all three can do serious damage as well as blocking opponents from using their cooldown skills, which is great in arena. 

Are there any rares that  would be good? I have no more epic books

Mar 1, 2021, 10:1903/01/21

Bit of a noob here, but you've got some great champs for arena.  I've run into ma'shallads that 1v4 my arena team with ease.  Maybe someone can expand on how to gear him and what not.

Mar 1, 2021, 11:0903/01/21

Are there any rares that  would be good? I have no more epic books

Doesn't matter, you don't need any books for High Khatun, Sinesha or Basher to be good. In arena it's all about the first few rounds anyway, reducing the cooldowns with books is nice but not essential. 

Mar 1, 2021, 11:5803/01/21

Your Best AOE Damage Dealing Champions are Lua & Sinesha.

Your Best Single Target Damage Dealing Champions are Faceless & Ma'Shalled.


One very important thing to be aware of.

Sinesha AI is a bit tricky.

Sinesha AI likes to do the A2 move on Auto which is Single Target.

If you was to use Sinesha as your Nuker, You wouldn't be able to use her on Arena Defense.

You would only be able to use Sinesha on Arena Offese.

You would have to manually force Sinesha to do the A1 move.

This is something you need to take into consideration.


Your Best AOE Def Down Champions are Uugo & Stag Knight.

Your Best Speed Aura Champion is Jingle Hunter.

Your Best Crowd Control Champions are Ma'Shalled, Harvest Jack, Achak the Wendrin, & Basher.

Your Best Turn Meter Filling Champions are Apothecary & High Khatun.


The Arena team you currently own looks sort of like a speed team.

It doesn't look like it has been designed correctly.

You need a Speed Aura for this set up to work.

If we was to use your accounts best possible options, We could find ourselves with the below team:

Leader - Jingle Hunter - Speed Aura 24%

1st move: Apothecary or High Khatun -------> Turn Meter Filling + Speed Buff

2nd move: Jingle Hunter ---------------------> Decrease Enemy Turn Meter

3rd move: Stag Knight or Uugo --------------> AOE Def Down

4th move: Lua or Sinesha --------------------> AOE Nuker

Here is where things get tricky because you can make trade offs here!

You could decide to lose some Speed Aura to gain extra Damage on your Nuker.

For Example: You could make the following set up

Leader - High Khatun - Speed Aura 19%

1st move: High Khatun ------------------------> Turn Meter Filling + Speed Buff

2nd move: Doompriest or Ma'Shalled --------> Increase Attack Buff or Increase C.Damage Buff

3rd move: Stag Knight or Uugo --------------> AOE Def Down

4th move: Lua or Sinesha --------------------> AOE Nuker 

In the Above Example, We see we have lost a total of 5% Speed Aura.

In Exchange, We have gained a Buff - Attack Buff or C.Damage Buff depending on who we pick.

The Loss of Speed Aura will mean the enemy team might be faster vs. your team.

This means they might move before you and potientally kill you before you have a chance to go.

On the Flip Side, if your team does manage to go first, Your Nuker will do more damage.

Lua & Sinesha both scale Damage off Attack - Attack Buff will help increase there damage.

Lua & Sinesha both should have 100% C.Rate - C.Damage Buff will help increase there damage.


It is the decision all players who run Speed Teams struggle with!

What will you do? What would be your prefered set up.

Also keep in mind the decision you make doesn't have to be from a Techinical Stand point.

It could be an Emotional Stand Point.

For Example:

Lets say you love Ma'Shalled!

Since, the first day you pulled Ma'Shalled from a Shard.

You knew it was love at first time.

The thought of an Arena team with out Ma'Shalled in it is completely unbearable for you.

Ma'Shalled as connected to your heart.

Some people feel this way about heroes.

If you have similar feelings, You could try to use an Arena set up which has the champion you love.

You would pick an Arena team with Ma'Shalled in it.

Thus, It would help you in your decision on what team set up to pick.