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Advice needed

Advice needed

Feb 28, 2021, 22:2702/28/21

Advice needed

 Hey all, I've been struggling in silver 3 & 4 for this last round after making Gold 1 last time. Team has been Gorgorab, H.K, Abbess & Kael for a while now. Gorgo leads for the speed aura, H.K has speed at 238 & goes first. Abbess & Kael hit Aoe with Abbess lowering def at least some of the time.

 Seems like this speed-nuke combo just isn't cutting it & I'm not sure where to go from here. I did pull Ithos & am levelling him to 60 & musing if he could replace Kael for a harder hitting Aoe with his A3. Similarly Abbess could be replaced by Warmaiden once more or Stag Knight which I also have.

Aside from this I have no clue what else to try in arena. I have M.M, Coldheart, Drogkul, Maulie, Astralon, Rhazin, Iron Brago, Uggo, Godseeker Aniri & Skullcrown among others, but am really struggling to find a good strategy before I use resources to level up & gear a team.

Feb 28, 2021, 22:4302/28/21

Maulie  is  solid.  If  she  can  land  2  provokes  basically  your  opponents  wouldnt  have  a  chance.  Try  building  her  up  and  replace  with  hk  or  gorgo.  

Feb 28, 2021, 22:4402/28/21

What is the speed of your Gorgorab? Ideally you want him going before Kael and Abbess for the increase attack.

Feb 28, 2021, 22:5302/28/21

Might try that with Maulie. Gorgo is at 207 currently & does go before Abbess & then Kael last.

Feb 28, 2021, 23:0502/28/21

My only problem with Maulie in that case is how to gear her. Most of what I'm keeping is 5* so far. I've had very few 6* pieces. She's currently in one set of frost & one of defence. Boots have speed as primary, but even levelled to 16 she would be slow. I could go with 3 speed sets in order to try to quicken her up, but that's likely to take quite a while unless I use common artifacts from campaign stages.

Feb 28, 2021, 23:0902/28/21

Maulie is a solid option but she needs accuracy to land the provoke. On the other hand, it sounds like your Abbess either isn't booked, totally understandable, or doesn't have enough accuracy, or both. if it's an accuracy issue, you might have the same issue with Maulie.

You might try upping Kael's attack/cr/cd. 

Feb 28, 2021, 23:1502/28/21

Yeah, didn't want to use books on Abbess following reading up on her (seemed a waste), Kael is on 2273 attack cr 79% & cd 175% Masteries all done & fully booked.

Feb 28, 2021, 23:3702/28/21

I would either book Abbess or swap her out. 

Since her buff, she hits hard, but only you know if you can spare the books. 

But you need that defense down to land, especially with the stats you have on Kael.

Feb 28, 2021, 23:4002/28/21

Sure. I wonder about Stag Knight instead then. Easier to book & may land both def & atk down.

Feb 28, 2021, 23:4002/28/21

Sorry, one last thing. I would try Stag Knight first, either way to see if that helps.

Feb 28, 2021, 23:4602/28/21

Thanks Chill, I'm tempted to go with Stag Knight in place of Abbess then unless & until I can afford to book her. Kael I may swap for Ithos as I think he will hit harder.

Feb 28, 2021, 23:4802/28/21

Abbess is better off as your damage dealer rather than your debuffer, particularly if you don't want to book her. I'd suggest switching her role and swapping kael for stag knight.

Feb 28, 2021, 23:5302/28/21

In which case Carpe I wonder how Abbess stacks up against Ithos?

Mar 1, 2021, 00:2503/01/21

Ithos might be the better one if you intend to build him exclusively for arena. Since his a3 is guaranteed to be critical, you can focus entirely on damage and not worry about raising his crit rate like you would on most champions. 

Unfortunately, i own neither ithos nor abbess, so i can't compare them particuarly well.

Mar 1, 2021, 00:3203/01/21

I think I will try him. I managed one crit damage set & one swift parry set on him so far. Otherwise he's just going to carry me through nightmare campaign once he's fully levelled.

Mar 1, 2021, 10:1903/01/21
Mar 1, 2021, 10:21(edited)

Ithos is the Best AOE Damage Dealer you listed out of all the heroes you said.

You should go with Ithos as your Nuker.

I would book Ithos.


Abbess is the AOE Def Down hero you listed.

You said she isn't booked which means she is useless.

You should remove Abbess, unless your planning to book her to 100% Chance.

I don't know how many Legendary Books you own.

Do you have enough Legendary Books to book both Ithos + Abbess?

If you do, You can do it.

If you don't, I would remove Abbess as soon as possible.


You did say you owned Stag Knight.

Stag Knight is another great option for AOE Def Down.

I don't know how many Epic Books you own.

Do you have enough Epic Books to book Stag Knight?

If you do, You can do it.

If you don't, I wouldn't use Stag Knight.



You did say you owned Warmaiden. 

Warmaiden is the cheapest option.

You can get her skills maxed out by farming copies of her in Campaign Chapter 9.

There is no shame in using Warmaiden.

Warmaiden is an Amazing Champion.

I even use Warmaiden for my own teams.


Based on what you said, Your other 2 heroes are fine.

High Khatun + Gorgorab should remain on your team.

They are great hero's.

Based on all of the above information, your new team can be the following:

Leader: Gorgorab - Speed Aura 23%

1st move: High Khatun ------------------------> Turn Meter Fill + Speed Buff

2nd move: Gorgorab ---------------------------> Turn Meter Fill + Increase Attack

3rd move: Abbess/Stag Knight/Warmaiden ---> AOE Def Down

4th move: Ithos ---------------------------------> AOE Nuke

What I am going to tell you next is very important.

Don't beat yourself up over the AOE Def Down hero!

Why? Because 1 day you are going to do Faction Wars!

Guess What?

Every Faction Team you make is going to need an AOE Def Down hero.

Stag Knight - Banner Lords Faction

Abbess - Sacred Order Faction

Warmaiden - Barbarian Faction

Do you see what I am saying?

There is no point in you beating yourself up on who to use because 1 day your going to have to use all 3.

Just use the AOE Def Down hero which you can fully skill up in the short term.