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Need some advice after crummy 2x ancient pulls

Need some advice after crummy 2x ancient pulls

Feb 28, 2021, 19:3802/28/21

Need some advice after crummy 2x ancient pulls

Started  6  weeks  ago  (at  the  end  of  the  last  2x  ancient  event).    Bought  daily  gem,  a  warriors  circle  gem/ancient  packed  and  did  everything  I  could  to  collect  ancients.    Opened  140  this  weekend,  and  think  I  only  got  Uugo  and  perhaps  Coffin  Smasher  worth  investing  in.

They  join  Kael,  Coldheart  (from  void  2x),  Mausoleum  Mage  (from  sacred  2x),  and  Elhain  (from  a  mystery)  as  what  I  think  is  my  base  to  invest  in  for  arena/dungeon  teams.

Would  appreciate  advice  to  confirm  these  are  indeed  the  6-7  to  focus  on.

Arena  team  is  High  Khatun,  followed  by  Warmaiden  (soon  to  be  replaced  by  Uugo),  Kael  and  Elhain.    Seems  to  work  ok  as  I  appear  to  be  the  lowest  power  team  in  all  of  Bronze  4  (joking  of  course,  I  have  done  enough  reading  to  know  why)

Clan  Boss  team  is  a  mess  without  a  second  poisoner.    Will  have  Yaga  in  a  couple  days,  but  I'm  guessing  I  should  just  wait  for  a  better  option

Dungeon  team  would  be  Coldheart,  Kael,  Uugo,  Mausoleum  and  High  Khatun  or  Elhain?

Focus  on  completeing  masteries,  dragon  6*  gear  and  spider?

Roster  below  and  thanks  in  advance!!


Feb 28, 2021, 19:5502/28/21

Nazana and Grizzled Jarl are both very solid support champions that can boost your survivability in dungeons/CB. Generally it's good to have 2 support champs and 3 more offensive ones for most dungeons, so probably one of those two along with Maus Mage. I probably wouldn't have taken Coldheart to 6* just yet - at your level of progress, she's only amazing in FK and Spider, but nothing too special in the other dungeons, where she will only become good once you reach the highest stages where bosses have huge max HP. 

So in dragon, you might use Kael, Uugo (or Warmaiden, can swap depending on affinity), Maus Mage, Jarl/Nazana and I guess High Khatun, in lead. But for e.g. FK, you'll want to swap Coldheart in, replace Kael with Elhain, probably Coffin Smasher as well for his 3-hit A1 (assuming you've built him for CB). 

Feb 28, 2021, 20:0902/28/21
  • Coffin Smasher ist not top tier, but in your roster he would really help at Clanboss, he offers atk-debuff and hp-burn. Bring him to lvl 40 (wich is not a big investment) fast and use him in Clanboss. If he dies to fast, he could be worth lvl 50, but keep in mind that he will be replaced someday, so don't invest to much
  • Uugo and Mausoleum Mage are worth lvl 60, concentrate on them next. Don't lvl up Elhain to 60
  • you should definetly go to the keeps more often, even some of the champs you use are not ascended
Feb 28, 2021, 20:1702/28/21

Can second both grizzled jarl and nazana are good options, along with chancellor yasmin. Jinglehunter will also be invaluable for tag team arena, but that's not really worth focusing on at this stage in the game.

Don't bother investing any more in elhain; she's good early on, but certainly not worth bringing to 6 stars.

Feb 28, 2021, 20:4302/28/21

I  see  that  said  quite  a  bit  about  elhain  but  i  still  see  her  in  mid-high  gold  IV  arena.  If  you  hage  nothing  else  i  would  at  the  least  consider  taking  her  to  six  star.  This  game  is  all  about  gear,  not  champions.

Feb 28, 2021, 21:2502/28/21

I read what you said.

I looked at your roster.

I think you have some very good champions which you might be overlooking.

I also think you may be rushing to replace hero's to fast.

Lets pretend I owned all the heroes you owned in your roster.

Lets pretend I was trying to build teams with those champions only.

For Arena, I think I would have the following team:

Leader: Jingle Hunter - Speed Aura 24%

1st move: High Khatun ------> Turn Meter Fill + Speed Buff

2nd move: Jingle Hunter ----> Decrease Enemy Turn Meter

3rd move: Warmaiden -------> AOE Def Down

4th move: Kael ---------------> AOE Nuker

For Clan Boss: I think I would have the following team:

Coffin Smasher -------> Decrease Attack + HP Burn

Warmaiden -----------> Decrease Defense + Poison

Kael --------------------> Poison

Catacomb Councilor --> Rally Attack

Flesh Tearer -----------> Healing + Debuff Extension

For Dragon Dungeon: I think I would have the following team:

High Khatun --------------> Turn Meter Filling + Speed Buff

Warmaiden ---------------> AOE Def Down

Kael -----------------------> AOE Nuker + Poison

Bergoth the Malformed --> AOE Provoke + Healing 

Mausoluem Mage --------> Cleansing + Block Debuff Buff + Healing

After reading all of the above things, You are probably shocked.

I didn't use Uugo in any of the above teams.

I used Warmaiden in my above teams.

Is Uugo Bad?

Absolutely Not!

Uugo is a very good Champion.

Uugo is an amazing Champion.

But you have to think about the Big Picture.

How many Epic Books do you have?

I don't know about you, but I am struggle to get Epic Books.

I don't have a lot of Epic Books.

Now think about all the Epic heroes I just used in the above teams!

High Khatun - Catacomb Councilor - Mausoleum Mage

Do you have enough Epic Books to fully book them?

Plus, have enough Epic Books left over to book Uugo?


Maybe, you do.

Or maybe, you don't

I don't know how many Epic Books are on your account.

I am only thinking in terms of how many Epic Books are on my account.

Not very many.

In my Eyes, Uugo is a Luxury Champion.

The question you have to ask yourself is do you have the resources to afford this Luxury.

In a Perfect World, what would your Dragon team look like?

(Fully Booked) High Khatun --------------> Turn Meter Filling + Speed Buff 

(Fully Booked) Uugo ---------------------> AOE Def Down 

(Fully Booked) Kael -----------------------> AOE Nuker + Poison 

(Fully Booked) Bergoth the Malformed --> AOE Provoke + Healing 

(Fully Booked)  Mausoluem Mage --------> Cleansing + Block Debuff Buff + Healing

Do you have the resources to do this?

Have you saved up enough Epic Tomes?

If you don't have enough Epic Tomes saved up, You have to find short cuts.

Warmaiden can be a short cut.

You can use Warmaiden to do Def Down.

This will allow you the ability to redistribute your Epic Tomes to the remaining heroes on the team.

Than later on down the road when you acquire more Epic Tomes.

You can always replace Warmaiden with Uugo.

Mar 1, 2021, 18:2303/01/21

Thanks  for  the  advice  everyone!

Mar 2, 2021, 05:5403/02/21
Mar 2, 2021, 05:55(edited)

if you need a clan boss team, you need to upgrade your mastery's ~ but aside from that;

Yasmin - Heal's every other turn

Romero - More Heals

Kael - Weak poison's, but in a Toxic Set, 

Mausoleum Mage - Increase Defense, and Block Debuffs

Coffin Smasher, or Fayne - Attack Down/Defense Down

Mar 4, 2021, 21:5603/04/21

I would recommend Mauseleum Mage, Uugo and Grizzled Jarl. Very solid champions!

Mar 6, 2021, 13:5503/06/21


Didn't get anything great with 4 2x sacred

However, I think I got a transformative character on the void 2x this morning...Seer!

...and apparently she makes an awesome pairing with Mausoleum Mage.

Mar 6, 2021, 14:1403/06/21


Didn't get anything great with 4 2x sacred

However, I think I got a transformative character on the void 2x this morning...Seer!

...and apparently she makes an awesome pairing with Mausoleum Mage.

Seer is really an endgame champion though - to speed up your stage 20 runs in dungeons, using karma burn which is based on enemy max HP and the number of buffs on your team. Based on your roster above, I don't think you're quite ready to start using her yet. 

Mar 7, 2021, 12:5503/07/21

Further  update!    Got  Tayrel  on  the  2x  ancient  this  morning

Mar 8, 2021, 00:1803/08/21

Looks  like  Seer  might  be  my  ticket  out  of  bronze  arena  hell.    Now I'm  scared she  will  get  nerfed  in  the  upcoming  void  rebalance.    It'd  be  so  disenheartening,  I'd  probably  walk  away  from  the  game  despite  the  money  and  time  I  put  in.


Anyway,  I'm  happy  now.    Thanks  for  all  the  advice  guys!
