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Who should I 60 next? (primary focus on clan boss and tag team arena)

Who should I 60 next? (primary focus on clan boss and tag team arena)

Feb 28, 2021, 12:5002/28/21

Who should I 60 next? (primary focus on clan boss and tag team arena)

So I can practically 2 key nightmare but I'm on the "Im cursed and I can't get any counter-attack, team attack, or unkillable " champions. I still can't do UNM and I can only do the second chest with 3 attacks maybe 2 when the affinity is great (my current arena team, Arbiter, Scyl of the Drakes, Iron Brago, Stag Knight, Frozen Banshee)

I can fuse Rhzain in a few days since I just need to ascend two champions and I can level up Nethril too. But I can't book them yet (only scyl is fully booked lego and arbiter being partially booked) 

On the tag team arena side, since I pretty much lack usable champions, I have this lineup

Team 1: Apothecary, Queen Eva, Kallia, Warmaiden (my team which loses 9/10 fights

Team 2: Arbiter,High Khatun, Galek, Stag Knight (my team with the highest winrate)

Team 3: Warden,Scyl of the Drakes,Black Kight, Iron Brago (50/50 since its my tank squad)

If I ever book nethril, I think he will also completely replace my galek in the nuker position so I'm kinda waiting to get leggo books to book him up. Though I think I might book up Rhazin first since he might be the one that will help me farm UNM and increase my chances of getting leggo books. IDK tho. 


And here is the vault


Feb 28, 2021, 19:1102/28/21

Why do you have HK and Arbi on the same team, wasting HK's speed aura? Seems obvious to swap HK and Apo - if you need the double turn meter boost at all on Arbi's team, that is. 

Makes sense to bring Nethril instead of Galek, then Kallia could surely be replaced by better options as well - Armina, Fenax, Luthiea,... while Uugo could replace Warmaiden. 

Feb 28, 2021, 22:4702/28/21

Nethril  is  worth  investing.  He  is  versatile,  a  total  cc  champion

Mar 1, 2021, 03:1203/01/21
Mar 1, 2021, 03:16(edited)

Why do you have HK and Arbi on the same team, wasting HK's speed aura? Seems obvious to swap HK and Apo - if you need the double turn meter boost at all on Arbi's team, that is. 

Makes sense to bring Nethril instead of Galek, then Kallia could surely be replaced by better options as well - Armina, Fenax, Luthiea,... while Uugo could replace Warmaiden. 

I just thought that arbiter's speed aura doesn't work on tag team (or does it?) so I placed high khatun there. 

Wait. Oh poop. I just realized my mistakes. I forgot that tag team is still the arena. OMG I FEEL DUMB. 

Mar 4, 2021, 22:0003/04/21

Dark Elhain can be very good against Tormin teams in Tag Team. I would also recommend using Skytouched Shaman, perhaps in Immunity. She can be very very good in arena!