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Advice needed

Advice needed

Feb 28, 2021, 07:0302/28/21

Advice needed

Finally pulled some solid champs with this 2x event, but I'm not sure idea how to incorporate them into my current teams.

Legendary: Elder Skarg

Epic: Seeker, Gerhard the Stone, Spider, Snorting Thug

Rare: Avir the alchemage, Acolyte, Gator, Runic Warder, lots of food 


Silver 2/3 arena: High Khatun, Elhain, Hakkorhn, Warmaiden

CB brutal(7-8m): Elhain, Bogwalker, Hakkorhn, Occult Brawler, Warmaiden

Spider 10: High Khatun, Warmaiden, Elhain, Hakkorhn, Tallia

Dragon 13: High Khatun, Elhain, Hakk, Warmaiden, Occult Brawler

Ice Golem 11: High Khatun, Elhain, Hakkorhn, Occult Brawler, Warmaiden (could prob do 12 on manual)

Fire Knight 10: Hakkorhn, Tallia, Athel, Galek, Grappler

Minotaur 15: High Khatun, Warmaiden, Elhain, Hakkorhn

Potions keeps 10-11: Usually Elhain, Warmaiden, Hakk, and 2 others

How can I improve my arena team?  Can I push to stage 13 on spider or any of the other dungeons with skarg and my current roster?  Thanks for any input.

Feb 28, 2021, 11:5102/28/21

Don't have time now to go into much detail, but you certainly have some better options, you're over-using the same bunch of champions, most of which aren't all that good. Consider using Spider (though sadly he needs a lot of books), Seeker, Nazana, Soulbond Bowyer in dungeons. And kinda weird that you use Elhain even in places where she sucks, like CB, but then you don't use her in FK where she's actually good. 

Elder Skarg is probably better than Hakkorhn in arena, also could be great in Spider, considering how powerful AOE HP burn is there (all the spiderlings taking a turn burn down the big spider, provided that you can reduce her turn meter enough - Soulbond Bowyer could help with that part). 

Feb 28, 2021, 11:5302/28/21
  • you're using to many champs that are not at lvl 60. Level up some chickens and and change that.
  • remove Elhain from your CB team. She is an AoE-attacker and offers nothing usefull for CB.
  • Armiger needs more playtime! You don't use him at all, but he is a legendary in uncommen-skin in most dungeons. For example Fireknight. He is not offering something to break the shield, ok, a little downside. But when the other teammates did this, he keeps the shield down with his A1 for a longer time. More hits for your team, more chances to place debuffs. Or Spider: The big Spider only heals, when she gets a turn. Armiger helps to slow down that. You could even try a tactic with Armiger and Souldbond Bowyer and never let the Spider get a turn. Still a hard fight, because you have to deal with the little Spiderlings. 
  • in your dungeon teams is no defense, healing or revive ability. Offense-only dungeon teams don't work in higher dungeon levels - unless they are so strong that they oneshot everything, like Zavia + multi-poisoners combo or other high-end stuff like that.
Feb 28, 2021, 13:3202/28/21

Your Best Arena set up for Farming Medals fast would be:

Leader: High Khatun - Speed Aura

1st move: High Khatun ---> Turn Meter Fill + Speed Buff

2nd move: Seeker ---------> Turn Meter Fill + Increase Attack

3rd move: Warmaiden -----> AOE Def Down

4th move: Tallia -------------> AOE Nuke

Tallia can do bigger nukes vs. Elhain.

The only problem is your Tallia is level 50 vs. Elhain level 60.

Tallia level 50 doesn't do more damage vs. Elhain level 60.

You would have to build Tallia up.

Another very stronger nuker you own is Gerhard the Stone.

Gerhard the Stone can do so big nukes, but he can only attack 1 hero at a time.

You would have to pair him up with a Crowd Control hero.

You do have Elder Skarg.

I don't know exactly how Elder Skarg works.

I don't own him.

However, I think Elder Skarg might work.

A set up which could be worth trying is the following:

Leader: Seeker - Defense Aura

1st move: Seeker ------------------> Turn Meter Fill + Increase Attack

2nd move: Hakkorn ---------------> Cleansing + Block Debuff Buff + Healing

3rd move: Gerhard the Stone -----> Single Target Nuke

4th move: Elder Skarg -------------> AOE True Fears/Provokes

You would want Hakkorn in a Shield set.

You would need all the heroes to be level 60.

This set up will be slightly more risky because the enemy will get first move in against you.

If all things go right, The set up would be very fun to play.

Mar 1, 2021, 01:0203/01/21


Yeah I use Elhain a lot because she's my campaign farmer and so I put my best lifesteal gear on her.  This results in her usually coming 1st or 2nd in damage done for all dungeons and CB.  I had mixed results in FK with her, so that's why I don't have her there, but I'll try her again.  I'll probably replace HK with Seeker in most dungeons and play test Nazana and SB more then.  

Should I run shield, frost or sleep on Nazana?  How would I gear elder skarg?  He has a provoke as an atk champion, so I'm kind of confused.


I'm addicted to masteries atm.  I only farm chickens when I have an xp boost going, so it's pretty slow.  My elhain as a placeholder does 1.5-2m on CB.  For reference: OB does 3.5-5m, WM does 1-1.2m, Hakk and Bog do 500k-1M.  Who would be a better option?  

I pretty much forgot Armiger, thanks for the reminder.  I'll try running him and SB with Skarg in spider.

How would I go about making a more defensve dungeon team?  I don't have too many healers or revivers.  I have hakkorhn, runic warder and mother superior as healers and shaman and grinner as revivers.  Everyone time I try to use shaman she just keels over and dies before everyone else, never bothered with grinner.  I don't know if the latter 2 healers are worth investing in.  I'm just sitting around hoping for an apothecary at some point.

@Player J 

I'll try out the first setup with Elhain then.  Will a non-booked Tallia hit harder at 60 than a fully booked Elhain at 60, with the same gear and masteries.

Really love the second team, looks super fun but I'm too poor for it right now.

Thank you all for the suggestions.

Mar 1, 2021, 07:4503/01/21


I haven't compared the damage of a Non-Booked Tallia vs. Booked Elhain.

I can't really say who would do more damage.

What I can tell you for sure is under the same conditions.

Tallia is by far the superior damage dealer to Elhain.

This has been tested & proven by players.


The next thing I want to talk about is Lifesteal gear.

I read the message you wrote to Me + L9753 + Skadi.

In your comment towards L9753, You said your Elhain is in Lifesteal gear.

What you need to be aware of is Lifesteal gear is more of a PVE gear set.

Lifesteal is great for Campaign.

Lifesteal is great for Dungeons.

Lifesteal is great for Clan Boss. etc.

However, Lifesteal is considered bad in Arena.

It isn't a PVP set.

It is also extremely bad to have your Damage Dealer wearing such a set for PVP.

It will greatly reduce your damage output towards the enemy team.

The Ideal sets for a Damage Dealer (which scales damage off Attack) in Arena are the following:

- Savage

- Cruel

- Fatal

- Relentless

- Divine Offense

- Offense

- Divine Critical Rate

- Critical Rate

- Critical Damage

You want gears which help your Damage Dealer destroy rival heroes.

Most of the above gears you see try to enchance your Heroes - Atttack + C. Rate + C.Damage 

It is about Maximizing your Heroes Damage Efficiency.

Keep in mind, We are talking about the Damage Dealer.

The Damage Dealer in your Arena Team composition is designed to kill the enemy.

If your Damage Dealer isn't at Maximum Damage Output, The enemy team will not die!

They will have a chance to live and can potientally kill your team.

Now before you start panicking about all the silver it will cost to remove Lifesteal from your Elhain, I would like to offer a suggestion.

Your Tallia isn't finished, yet.

What you could do is level up your Tallia as your PVP Damage Dealer.

Than use the gear sets I mentioned above on your Tallia.

Elhain will be in Lifesteal gear as your PVE Damage Dealer.

Tallia will be in Damage gear as your PVP Damage Dealer.

This could be one way to save silver.

You wouldn't have to pay any silver in gear removal cost.

Again, I just wanted to put this information out there so you can think about it.

Mar 1, 2021, 09:0203/01/21
Player J


I haven't compared the damage of a Non-Booked Tallia vs. Booked Elhain.

I can't really say who would do more damage.

What I can tell you for sure is under the same conditions.

Tallia is by far the superior damage dealer to Elhain.

This has been tested & proven by players.


The next thing I want to talk about is Lifesteal gear.

I read the message you wrote to Me + L9753 + Skadi.

In your comment towards L9753, You said your Elhain is in Lifesteal gear.

What you need to be aware of is Lifesteal gear is more of a PVE gear set.

Lifesteal is great for Campaign.

Lifesteal is great for Dungeons.

Lifesteal is great for Clan Boss. etc.

However, Lifesteal is considered bad in Arena.

It isn't a PVP set.

It is also extremely bad to have your Damage Dealer wearing such a set for PVP.

It will greatly reduce your damage output towards the enemy team.

The Ideal sets for a Damage Dealer (which scales damage off Attack) in Arena are the following:

- Savage

- Cruel

- Fatal

- Relentless

- Divine Offense

- Offense

- Divine Critical Rate

- Critical Rate

- Critical Damage

You want gears which help your Damage Dealer destroy rival heroes.

Most of the above gears you see try to enchance your Heroes - Atttack + C. Rate + C.Damage 

It is about Maximizing your Heroes Damage Efficiency.

Keep in mind, We are talking about the Damage Dealer.

The Damage Dealer in your Arena Team composition is designed to kill the enemy.

If your Damage Dealer isn't at Maximum Damage Output, The enemy team will not die!

They will have a chance to live and can potientally kill your team.

Now before you start panicking about all the silver it will cost to remove Lifesteal from your Elhain, I would like to offer a suggestion.

Your Tallia isn't finished, yet.

What you could do is level up your Tallia as your PVP Damage Dealer.

Than use the gear sets I mentioned above on your Tallia.

Elhain will be in Lifesteal gear as your PVE Damage Dealer.

Tallia will be in Damage gear as your PVP Damage Dealer.

This could be one way to save silver.

You wouldn't have to pay any silver in gear removal cost.

Again, I just wanted to put this information out there so you can think about it.

Hmm, that's a good idea.  So that's why every Tallia guide I've watched always runs helmsmasher as her 6th mastery.  I'll dedicate Tallia to the arena and FK then and get her to 60.  Thanks for the suggestion and the clear explanations :).

Mar 1, 2021, 09:4103/01/21

Hmm, that's a good idea.  So that's why every Tallia guide I've watched always runs helmsmasher as her 6th mastery.  I'll dedicate Tallia to the arena and FK then and get her to 60.  Thanks for the suggestion and the clear explanations :).

Exactly, Tallia is perfect for Helm Smasher.


Tallia hits like a Freight Train, Naturally.

Tallia has good base attack + good damage multipliers.

I have been completely destroyed by Tallia's in Arena before.

Adding Helm Smasher to Tallia - Is like adding Icing on a Cake 

It is the best way to increase your Damage Output even more.

Mar 1, 2021, 11:1903/01/21

@15349 Don't focus too much on sets, focus on stats. But out of the ones you mentioned, only Shield could be interesting on Nazana, provided that you have the right stats on your shield set pieces. Sleep is useless and frost is mainly for champions that provoke. 

Elder Skarg's gear should be focused on accuracy, speed and offensive stats, mostly. When he provokes he automatically gets an increase def buff, plus he only places it on legendary champions whose damage is reduced against him, so he doesn't need to be all that tanky. 

Mar 1, 2021, 17:4003/01/21

You have amazing champs, you need more 6* heroes to progress in dungeons.

Elder Skarg is amazing! But you are not ready for him yet.  Your goal should be dragon 20 next.  Then you will have gear and more 6star champs and can properly gear more champs.  

I think Spider (epic hero) is your best option, gives u arena and dungeon progress.  But does need books.  

Once you progress in dungeons, elder skarg (does not need books!) will help lead you to Arbiter.


Mar 1, 2021, 17:4003/01/21


Mar 2, 2021, 01:3703/02/21


Ah, gotcha.  I've got some ok primary stats on my shield sets, so I'll run with that.  I'll gear Skarg like Warmaiden then.


That's great to hear!  Yeah, I played tested Skarg and only progressed 1 level in spider.  I'll work on dragon, it's easy and straight forward with my current roster.  Unfortunately, I just booked out Seeker yesterday since he was getting rave reviews from all of the youtubers.  Probably won't matter in the long run since I'll be using them both.  That's more good news, barely get any leg tomes as f2p.  

Thanks again both of you.