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Faction Wars change we desperately need

Faction Wars change we desperately need

Feb 27, 2021, 15:2402/27/21

Faction Wars change we desperately need

We can all agree that glyphs are a very powerful tool that can make or break a champion's efficiency in certain areas.

As content becomes harder the need for them increases, but the availability of them doesn't.

They were a powerful and much needed addition to the game, but the fact of the matter is that I've been farming Faction Wars to a certain extent since it's release, and have finished it long since BUT I have yet to have a SINGLE artifact with maxed out glyphs. 

Now factor in the amount of items per champion and that we're getting more and more content where we need a larger and larger roster I believe some changes are desperately needed. 

I understand that increasing the chance for glyphs (particularly those of higher level) to land at MAX values would be a slap in the face to all of us who've been farming them for so long only to see them land on their minimum values time and time again , so I propose ONE of the following changes that would be fair for the entire community : 

  • Increase the number of keys we replenish from the Advanced Quest from the current 6 to a FULL key replenish (12). Currently 6 keys leave us at only 2 keys left after we farm a single high stage, and 99% of the community doesn't use those 2 keys. The proposed change would ensure we have no excess keys left when doing all our dailies and increase the glyph farming potential.
  • Increase the number of Crypts open each day to 3. With the new Faction coming out I think this could be a really good idea - having 3 factions open every day instead of random days would dramatically increase the amount of keys and thus glyphs we get in a fair and balanced manner for everyone.
  • Add a "BONUS" Stage 22 for all the crypts that are harder than stage 20 but yield Glyphs level 5 and 6 only (without the useless level 4 glyph that we get from running Boss 21 stage and stage 20). If you use this method please do not increase Lydia's requirements and make these stages "unstarrable" aka players are unable to achieve star progression from them - they exist solely for the purpose of farming glyphs faster.
  • Just increase the amount of daily keys we get from 12 to 20.

I am sure Plarium can look at these suggestions and come up with their own method mixing these in the way they see fit for the perfect balance and enjoyment of everyone - but as things are right now the glyphs are way too slow to acquire and there is no method to speed it up , yet the content is becoming ever more demanding for them for both mid game and end game players. 

Thank you for listening and I hope this post will reach someone at Plarium. 

Feb 27, 2021, 15:4002/27/21

Would  100%  like  to  see  these  changes.  Also  if  they  could  make  the  drop  rates  even  for  every  glyph  type  that  would  help,  please  dont  tell  me  its  rng,  speed  glyphs  have  a  lower  drop  rate  than  the  rest.  

Feb 28, 2021, 15:0302/28/21

Would  100%  like  to  see  these  changes.  Also  if  they  could  make  the  drop  rates  even  for  every  glyph  type  that  would  help,  please  dont  tell  me  its  rng,  speed  glyphs  have  a  lower  drop  rate  than  the  rest.  

Yup, there's certainly something off about them but might just be bad RNG, I don't know. Either way if that's the case they should definitely make the drop rate equal for all types of glyphs. 

Mar 1, 2021, 17:3903/01/21

More fw to work on it 🐳

Mar 1, 2021, 18:1903/01/21
Mar 1, 2021, 18:22(edited)

what a well thought out post, I completely agree with you and like all of the suggestions you made 

cough cough

Mar 1, 2021, 19:0803/01/21

100% agree with AirMaxxx!!! And just can add why you are not thinking of extending the FW to lv50 with new reward champs and fragments for crafting new gears! I have tons of champs build for FW and will be amazing if I can continue use them!!!

Mar 2, 2021, 12:3103/02/21

Thanks guys, hopefully Plarium notices this and applies at least some form of these suggestions.