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Useless unbalanced game

Useless unbalanced game

Feb 26, 2021, 02:5802/26/21

Useless unbalanced game

Well your game isn't worth it anymore anyway.  I blew so much money on an unbalanced game.  On arena raids all my legendaries with the possible best armors and all books, masteries, and arena points at near if not at all maxed with all 4 legendaries keep dying in one hit in arena battles from epics and rares.  I quit trying to build it up as it's just useless.  I just don't understand what I am doing wrong and just killing my subscription and the continued course of trying to build my army.  It's just a very unbalanced and poorly made game.  Goodbye plarium.

Feb 26, 2021, 05:1902/26/21

I am curious on the stats of your "best" armors.

Feb 26, 2021, 05:4202/26/21
Feb 26, 2021, 05:53(edited)

My character lvl 63

Abbess lvl 60 with all books and masteries:  

hp 47,777

Atk 2956

Def 2619

SPD 150

C. Rate 75%

C. Damage 195%

Resist 217

Acc 130

This is my avg legendary and she is only one of four.  I have others that are even higher legendaries.  These guys die in one hit from rare heros with even lower lvls in arena battles all the time.  Too much unbalanceness.  I paid way too much money into this to die all the time?  

Feb 26, 2021, 07:2502/26/21

I'm rather new but I'll mention a couple things just from the stats you mentioned. Your speed is low, especially for dumping money in the game. So is your crit rate. HP, atk and def are somewhat useless if the former stats I mentioned aren't high enough.

Anyways, people who don't have millions of dollars to put into the game need a way to compete with those who do. Honestly if the game is keeeping you from winning every fight even with money dumped in, that's a good thing imo. As it should give you an advantage or atleast catch you up to higher tier players quicker.

Also, you should be looking at all the different things outside arena as well. Arena automatically matches you to people roughly around your level so you can't expect to dominate in there. Atleast that's been my experience.

Feb 26, 2021, 08:4002/26/21

My character lvl 63

Abbess lvl 60 with all books and masteries:  

hp 47,777

Atk 2956

Def 2619

SPD 150

C. Rate 75%

C. Damage 195%

Resist 217

Acc 130

This is my avg legendary and she is only one of four.  I have others that are even higher legendaries.  These guys die in one hit from rare heros with even lower lvls in arena battles all the time.  Too much unbalanceness.  I paid way too much money into this to die all the time?  

You showed only one of your champs - and this champs stats are very bad for arena. Your speed is much to low. Your damage doesn't matter if you don't even get a turn.

As you showed only one champ, we can't say for sure, but probably your team composition is not good, as you showed a champ with such a low speed stat. Probably your team would become much better if you replace one of your legendaries with High Khatun in speed gear.

Feb 26, 2021, 09:5302/26/21
Feb 26, 2021, 09:54(edited)

Speed gear shouldn't be what makes or breaks you.  This is silly.  Besides, a legendary with mediocre speed losing to a puny rare with goodspeed stats?  You call that freaking balance?

Feb 26, 2021, 11:1802/26/21

If you say rares should NOT be able to one shot a legendary, then you are wanting a pay-to-win game. 

If that will be the case, everyone should not use rares anymore and just summon until you get all the strong legendaries.

Looking at the fact that there are some players like the OP that is getting defeated by rares and epics, means this game has room for f2p players. 

If your logic is that it SHOULD ALWAYS be like this Legendaries>Epics>Rares, then what is the point of gearing your champions? 

Artifacts matter too.. 40k hp with 2k def is just good enough for pve.. But for pvp, it is pretty low. Especially on the right setup, where your enemy has attack buff and your team is defense broken, your team is prone to get one shotted even with rares. 

If you think those epics and rares are better than your legendaries, then why don't you keep your legendaries in the vault and build those rares and epics too. With your "best armors", maybe you can one shot your opponents too. 

Feb 26, 2021, 12:2002/26/21

Speed gear shouldn't be what makes or breaks you.  This is silly.  Besides, a legendary with mediocre speed losing to a puny rare with goodspeed stats?  You call that freaking balance?

that's... literally the definition of balance. players with weaker characters can compensate through build and team composition. unbalanced would be if legendary characters were so overwhelmingly powerful that they would win regardless of how terrible their build... ya know, the system that you're pushing.

Feb 26, 2021, 14:1602/26/21

Speed gear shouldn't be what makes or breaks you.  This is silly.  Besides, a legendary with mediocre speed losing to a puny rare with goodspeed stats?  You call that freaking balance?

you can NOT WIN with only Attack and Crit ... This game Doesnt work that way at all

you need crit rate gloves with substats SPEED and ACC (( Hopefully some more Crit rate/att))

ATT % Chest with SPEED and ACC  and Crit RATE (( maybe resits, or acc depends on Char right ? ))

You need SPEED BOOTS with SPEED , and ACC , and Resits , or att/def/resist ))


it is all dependant on your Character , ir is ATTACK or HP, or Support

But Ya SPEED , with some def and Speed , with maybe some ACC and SPEED with more speed 

I LOVE watching a team get TWO TURNS to my every one

But I love it even More when I get to go FIRST (( because I have SPPED )) 

and then i get to GO AGAIN because I HAVE MORE SPEED !!!

Feb 26, 2021, 15:2302/26/21
Feb 26, 2021, 15:26(edited)

I have already stopped for a while, because I noticed that everything you do it haves no use. My speed was at 200, critrate 100, and a good team. But I was hardly ever the first to start. you can adjust a bit with the gear, but where you went forward on some things, you deteriorated on other things. But unfortunately I kept getting shit gear. So there was nothing more to adjust. And if you advance with force, you will get back the stronger opponent. That's how it works. That's why I'm glad to have stopped, because that saves you money and annoyance.

it is a unbalanced game. 

If you read the topics carefully, you will see a lot more people complaining about this. You're not the only one.

Feb 26, 2021, 19:2502/26/21
Feb 26, 2021, 19:30(edited)

Thank you EB1972.  Its useless to even try when the start of the game gets slammed with 80,000 hit point loss from chain lightning effect to see all your legendaries fall in one hit in start of game from puny rares.  I put a valkyrie in there with 250 speed and 100 crit.  She gets slaughtered in one to two turns from epics and rares.  I wasted 70 dollars on gears to compensate but like you, crap stats.  I am so glad I quit this game too.  Total waste of time and money.  I literally wasted 2 grand on a game that was made for stroke of luck on rolls and unfairness to the spenders that at least contribute to the game and should get a little boost

Feb 26, 2021, 19:3902/26/21

Speed gear shouldn't be what makes or breaks you.  This is silly.  Besides, a legendary with mediocre speed losing to a puny rare with goodspeed stats?  You call that freaking balance?

You really say it's "balance" that you just have to bring any 4 legendaries into the arena and they HAVE to win because they are legendary? 

High Khatun is epic, not rare, btw. And of course a High Khatun will loose if she fights against any well equipped legendary 1 vs. 1. The game is about team composition. High Khatun is not only fast by herself, she also makes your team faster, she has a move that fills the turnmeter of your other teammembers. Some other champs have the same move, Apothecary, Gorgorab, Deacon Armstrong, Doomscreech and so on, just choose one of them. 

Other players beat your team with rares because you obvieously have no idea how to create an arena team. You can buy shards, but you can't buy playerskill. 

Just one example of a good, rare-only arena team: Spirithost (leader, speed-aura), Apothecary, Kael, Warmaiden. To work well they have to act in the following order: 1.Apothecary: Speedboost, 2. Spirithost: atk buff, 3. Warmaiden: def debuff, 4. Kael: AoE attack. 

To work like that they need the following gear: 1. Apothecary: Speed, 2. Spirithost: Speed, 3. Warmaiden: Accuracy, 4. Kael: Damage.

You hace access to legendaries and to good gear. You should be able to create a team that uses the same idea like the above mentioned team, but has better champs. You have Abbess. She could do the job Warmaiden has - gear her with accuracy for that. Or she could do the job Kael has - gear her with damage for that, and make sure somebody else lands a def debuff on the opponent team before Abbess attacks.

Feb 26, 2021, 20:3402/26/21
Feb 26, 2021, 20:36(edited)

You fail to listen.  I recently just blew 70 dollars to get gear with better stats and they ended up worse.  I literally spent 2 grand to come in still empty handed with poor gear stats.  It's still hugely unbalanced when you get 4 legendaries get handed down by almost every rare and epic in arena.  I wont even mention the legendaries I go against that are half my lvl.  Read my posts 

Feb 26, 2021, 21:1202/26/21

What 4 legendaries do you use in the arena, and, even more important, why? Do you have any matchplan? A team made of the champs I mentioned above definetly has a matchplan. Like Carpe_Piscis allready wrote - and I really like his comment - it literally is balancing that a team of well chosen rares wins against a team of any 4 legendaries that have no other qualitiy for the arena exept being legendary.

I'm pretty sure you could form an arena team that is much better than the one you use, just with stuff from your account. 

Feb 26, 2021, 21:4002/26/21

Not when you die even before you get a chance.  1 hit kills all 4 leg. no matter who you put in.  Nobody reads.1st hit 1st turn.  I can tell you all sorts of leg. but none will help if you die from 1 hit on1st 

Feb 26, 2021, 21:5302/26/21

Your. Team. Is. Bad.

Get that through your head. I'm sorry you spent so much money on the game, but you simply are not building your arena teams properly. Without knowing exactly what champs you have, it's hard to provide specific critiques, but I can guarantee you that you're making mistakes.

If your team is dying from the first hit, then it almost certainly means that you're using an ATK-based team without appropriately high speed. 

If you can't get your team to be fast enough to make it work, then switch to using a DEF-based team with resist. If you're running Abbess on your arena team, you'd better make sure you're going first, because if not, she's completely useless.

Feb 26, 2021, 22:2602/26/21

Ok, you don't want to tell us wich champs and gear you have, in wich arena tier you are, wich opponent teams you can't beat. Obviously we can't help then.

From the few things you point out I see that you have problems with fast nuker teams wich kill you in their first turn, while you can't even act. Probably these are teams like the one I mentioned above, Apo-Spirithost-Wamaiden-Kael.

There are strategies to beat them. Obviously there are such strategies, your opponents are in the same arena tier as you are - if it would be impossible to beat them, they would be in platinum tier.

One strategy is: get faster than they are. Depending on the arena tier you are in, this may be hard to achieve. Do you have any good speedbuffers?

Another strategy to counter these teams is surviving their hit. Do you have a champ with really, really high base hp? Put him in a shield set. He will protect your team from their first hit. Most fast nuker teams are glass canons. If you survive and hit back you will probably take them out easily. Did you ever try bringing a champ with high base hp in a shield set?

Another possible strategy, a very nice niche, would be 3 good offense champs (that includes a champ with AoE def debuff) that don't have any speed, hp, or defense on their stats, built literally offense only. And a Cardinal with as much def and hp you can imagine. The other 3 champs are not only allowed to die, they are supposed to die. Cardinal revives them with - most important part of this niche - full turrnmeter. All debuffs expire when they die and revived they can immediately hit back. 

A strategy that definetly does NOT work, is just bringing the 4 champs with the highest attack and critdamage you have.

Feb 27, 2021, 00:2502/27/21
Feb 27, 2021, 00:25(edited)

My legendary champs:

Abbess, Raglin, Wurlim Frostking, Visix the Unbowed, Scyl of the Drakes, Altan, War Mother, Lord Champfort, Harvest Jack, Valkyrie, 

Feb 27, 2021, 00:2602/27/21

Queen Eva. 

Feb 27, 2021, 00:3002/27/21
Feb 27, 2021, 00:30(edited)

Visix the unbowed:

+17,346 hp

+1464 atk

+3551 def

+46 speed

+111% c. Rate

+116% c. Dmg

+77 resist

+175 acc

Feb 27, 2021, 00:3302/27/21

Wurmling frostking:

+36544 hp

+1894 atk

+1751 def

+59 speed

+20% c.rate

+75% c.dmg

+84 resist
