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Rare Champion Abyssal Broken

Rare Champion Abyssal Broken

Feb 25, 2021, 10:3402/25/21

Rare Champion Abyssal Broken

Been running dungeons with Abyssal for heals and buffs as im still realitvely low level. However out of interest I have booked him up a little for the heals as it is designed to be a 40% heal to allies of their max HP.

However here is what ive found through testing.

The healing doesn't scale as 15% + 5% +10% +10% to make 40%

Rather it goes 15% x 5% x 10% x 10% to make a total 19%

Is this correct or does this need fixing - as I beleive the heal value should total 40%

Feb 25, 2021, 10:4602/25/21

That is correct. Healing and shields are like damage - when it mentions a percentage increase when upgrading the skill, they really mean just that percentage, so a multiplicative increase and not an additive one. 

Also, rare champions just aren't going to do AOE heals of 40 percent of all allies' max HP. Even legendary healers like Sethallia and Shirimani do only 20 percent of allies' max HP on AOE. 

Feb 25, 2021, 10:5802/25/21

Really think they need to look at their wording as that deffinately isn't how it reads on paper.

Feb 25, 2021, 11:1802/25/21

I made the same mistake with Warpriest before I was informed of what it actually meant, and yes, it's badly misleading and makes the skill upgrade practically pointless (in the case of Warpriest, heal goes from 20% to either 24% or slightly higher depending on how the upgrades stack, at the cost of 3 books). Especially considering that there's also the +X% buff/debuff chance skill levels that, from what I've been told at least, is actually additive to the base chance.

Feb 25, 2021, 13:1502/25/21

I've always thought it goes "15% x (5% + 10% + 10%) = 18.75%" rather than "15% x 5% x 10% x 10% = 19%". Never tested it, though. Not a big difference, but still a difference.

Have you got the exact 19% in your tests?

Feb 27, 2021, 08:3802/27/21

I've always thought it goes "15% x (5% + 10% + 10%) = 18.75%" rather than "15% x 5% x 10% x 10% = 19%". Never tested it, though. Not a big difference, but still a difference.

Have you got the exact 19% in your tests?

your probably closer with oyur calculations TBH - i just did quick maths and got close to the numbers i was seeing

Feb 27, 2021, 08:5302/27/21

I understand your upset because the Healing part is tricky for people who are not use to it.

However, Abyssal is an amazing champion.

You shouldn't feel bad for leveling him up.

Abyssal can Farm Brutal 12-3 in like 7 seconds.

Abyssal is also helpful in Demon Spawn Faction.