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How far in is it still worth it to restart to get Kael?

How far in is it still worth it to restart to get Kael?

Feb 25, 2021, 05:0302/25/21

How far in is it still worth it to restart to get Kael?

I'm 2 weeks into daily logins with 3 epics and 7 champions at 4 stars + 40 including Elhain, Shieldguard, Warmaiden, graybeard, valerie, Saurus, Arminger and diabolist.

I've spent a decent amount of time grinding/farming for xp and silver, have most of the gear for Elhain close to maxed out (lifesteal).

So I'm wondering, with some people talking about restarting to start with Kael, how far in the game is it still worth it to restart to get him or is it more worth it to just keep on going with where I'm at?

EDIT: Also have Ogryn and then some weaker rares(and likely ones I'll use to upgrade other heros). Also have been doing the dailies since day 2 or 3 or so.

Feb 25, 2021, 08:5702/25/21

The reason why people say Kael would be the best starter is, that he offers poison, wich is great for the Clanboss. On the other hand - he is a poisoner, but not a great one, there are champs like Frozen Banshee or Occult Brawler, wich overshadow Kael in poison. 

He will end up like all other starter champs: farming the campaign 12-3 sided with 3 food champions.

Feb 25, 2021, 09:0302/25/21

Sounds like I'd be better staying on track with the daily logins for the champs from there then. If he's not as endgame viable as some claim.

On a another topic, because there's not alot of word on Elhain being worth investing in either;

What is a good versatile f2p champ worth 6 starring? Shieldguard? Warmaiden? Wait till the daily login champs?

Feb 25, 2021, 09:1702/25/21

Warmaiden is a great champ to invest in, but you also won't hurt yourself by investing in Elhain as your first champ/campaign farmer. I started the game with elhain and that was well before Frozen banshee was an option as a poisoner and things worked out fine for me. As long as you're having fun playing on the account your on keep going with it :)

Feb 25, 2021, 10:0302/25/21

Sounds like I'd be better staying on track with the daily logins for the champs from there then. If he's not as endgame viable as some claim.

On a another topic, because there's not alot of word on Elhain being worth investing in either;

What is a good versatile f2p champ worth 6 starring? Shieldguard? Warmaiden? Wait till the daily login champs?

6* on your starter is never a bad move, though some lucky people happen to pull even better options before they get there. But then we're talking about top tier epics or legendaries - among rares, you won't find better options than the four starters. There are some rares that are better overall than the starters, but not better at farming campaign, which is the primary role of your first 6*. 

Shieldguard or any other uncommon requires super strong gear to be good, which at this stage you won't have yet, so don't even try. Warmaiden to 6* could make sense, but definitely not ahead of your starter (Warmaiden is a one trick pony and will get replaced as soon as you get an alternative for her AOE decrease defense). 

Feb 25, 2021, 10:1202/25/21

Also, regarding the daily login champs, unfortunately most of them aren't actually all that good. High Khatun at 30 days is crucial, especially if you don't have Apothecary, and so is the legendary Scyl at 180 days, but the rest not so much. 

Feb 25, 2021, 13:1702/25/21

Also, regarding the daily login champs, unfortunately most of them aren't actually all that good. High Khatun at 30 days is crucial, especially if you don't have Apothecary, and so is the legendary Scyl at 180 days, but the rest not so much. 

ghrush is also quite useful, but yeah, the others are niche at best

Feb 25, 2021, 18:0502/25/21
Feb 25, 2021, 18:26(edited)

I suppose to answer my original question though, The range is probably more like a few days to at most a week? If one is to switch starters? Seems too much progress (true progress, not the kind that many consider now) to throw away at this point.

Edit: Also depending on how much money you have or have not dumped in the game of course (Have been mostly f2p myself with only $9 spent on a few mini packs for the chickens).

Feb 25, 2021, 18:3802/25/21

I wouldn't bother restarting if you had taken Elhain. Honestly, she's fine - she's a better campaign grinder, and a worse CB champ, but at the end of the day, Kael isn't really a great CB champ either.

For the daily login champs - Khatun is a monster, Scyl is very good, and Ghrush is okay. Rest are trash.

Regarding your current champs - I'd honestly not max any, except for Elhain. Leave the rest at 40 or 50. Focus on farming up food for when you get good champs to max.

Feb 25, 2021, 18:5802/25/21

I wouldn't bother restarting if you had taken Elhain. Honestly, she's fine - she's a better campaign grinder, and a worse CB champ, but at the end of the day, Kael isn't really a great CB champ either.

For the daily login champs - Khatun is a monster, Scyl is very good, and Ghrush is okay. Rest are trash.

Regarding your current champs - I'd honestly not max any, except for Elhain. Leave the rest at 40 or 50. Focus on farming up food for when you get good champs to max.

Appreciate the response. And honestly this is seems like better early game advice than what yt'ers are saying. Getting your first 60 is important but seems like wasted resources and time if your only going to turn around and put the first one in the vault later on. Getting lots of food built up seems like a better priority. Just from what I've experienced so far.

Feb 25, 2021, 19:1602/25/21
Feb 25, 2021, 19:31(edited)

I personally maxed Elhain, and was lucky enough to snag Sinesha as one of my first epics - so in retrospect, even maxing Elhain was a waste. But honestly, you snowball so quickly from one level 60 that it isn't a big deal. I'm at about 240 days in, and I have like ... 25-30 maxed champs. And I'm FTP - never bought a single thing.

Your priority should be getting Elhain maxed, then farming food until you can get a decent CB team. You need to get at least brutal CB, since that's when you really start getting good stuff from it (ancient/void/sacred shards, epic/lego books, etc...).

If you're lucky enough to snag a Frozen Banshee early, make sure to max her - she's amazing for CB. Other important champs are basically anyone who has leech - something new people don't realise is that on CB, with Warmaster or Giantslayer and leech, you basically heal to full every turn. No need for lifesteal or wasting a slot on a healer champ.

Important champs for CB are ones with poison, leech, team DEF up, boss DEF/ATK down, and weaken. There are quite a few of them, so try to find good ones to use.

But most importantly - don't waste time or resources leveling sub-standard champs.

Feb 25, 2021, 19:2702/25/21

kramaswamy forgot one of the most important things vs. Clanboss: atk debuff. Make sure, your team has someone who applies this constantly all the fight.

Feb 25, 2021, 19:3102/25/21

kramaswamy forgot one of the most important things vs. Clanboss: atk debuff. Make sure, your team has someone who applies this constantly all the fight.

Good call. Edited to fix.

Feb 25, 2021, 20:0402/25/21

No reason to restart, and I hate Elhain lol.  But easier to gear cause you can ignore ACC.  Don't make any more 40s, get a farmer to 60.

Feb 26, 2021, 01:3202/26/21

Ok, I'll follow through and 6 star elain. Another question, is it worth it to use books on her or should I hold onto them for a better champ?

Feb 26, 2021, 01:5702/26/21

Use rare books on elhain if you are going to 6star for sure. epic and lego books be real cautious

Feb 26, 2021, 19:3202/26/21

Possible mix up in plans, Pulled a Sicia Flametoungue last night. Will most likely follow through with 'ol reliable' Elain still but seems like a pretty solid pull...

Feb 26, 2021, 20:1502/26/21

Sicia can probably singlehandedly take out Spider 20. She is absolutely worth maxing just for that, I assume she'll work well on waveclearing for the other dungeons, although I'm not sure how well she'll work on the actual bosses. Don't think she'd really fit on a CB team, though.

All said, I'd definitely max her, if only for Spider.