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Help on who to 6 star next

Help on who to 6 star next

Feb 23, 2021, 17:2902/23/21

Help on who to 6 star next

This is my first time posting, I hope I am in the right place!

I have a few decent champs and I am looking for some advice on who would be most useful to 6 star next. 

The time it takes to farm the food makes this a big investment for me and I don't want to make a mistake again, as I feel I may have done with my Fellhound. 

My current goals are to progress with clanboss, reach stage 13 of dragon and hit Silver 1 in arena.  My damage is just not enough for dragon (I get it to about 25% HP then my champs die) but I hope my next 6 star will push me over the line. 

For arena I run warmaiden, apothecary, sepulcher, dhukk. Speed -> Dec Defence -> Buff defence -> Dhukk smash. It works some times, but is not consistent. Who would be my best champ to invest in for arena nuking? 

All advice appreciated and thanks in advance.


Feb 23, 2021, 18:2602/23/21
Feb 23, 2021, 18:58(edited)

So it very much depends on what is your top priority. 

Given your arena team I would go with sepulcher sentinel, since he is in your arena team and he is one of the best CB champs in terms of dec atk and block debuffs. 

But you also struggle with dungeons (especially spider or fire knight, but dragon and ice golem also), so coldheart would be your boy. 

Sandlashed survivor is also great for arena and cb and dungeons, since he can inc duration of your buffs while decreasing duration of enemy buffs + he increases your survivability with passive. 

So these 3 would go first if you ask me. Dependent on the top priority of your acc. I dont think you can get all at once. 

Later - ursala, apothecary and reliquery tender, as they also bring tons of utility.

Since you got dhruuk on lvl 60, i would pass on tayrel - they basically do the same stuff. 

I would also say that lvling felhound was not that bad, since he is great farmer for campaign - if you have proper gear he will let you farm brutal camp in 6-7 sec. 

Feb 23, 2021, 18:3502/23/21

Tayrel. He's strong in every area of the game and vastly superior to warmaiden.

Feb 23, 2021, 18:4302/23/21

You have a ton of excellent epics - excellent debuffers, mostly, so a lot of potentially viable paths. 

Your arena approach sounds good, but indeed Dhukk is more a debuffer than a real nuker - even though perhaps you could build him damage-focused with crit rate prioritized over accuracy, you probably don't want to since you need his debuffs in dungeons... same for Tayrel, you could build him as a def-based nuker, but even if you don't need him to land his decrease defense A2 since you have enough others who can do that, you'd still want him to land his turn meter depletion A3 on the Spider or Fire Knight. Maybe Athel as a more straightforward nuker, but you do have better options for next 60. 

An alternative is to drop Sepulcher and lose her increase defense, but instead add a second nuker after Dhukk's AOE hit. That could be Tayrel, either his A2 or A3 depending on the situation, or Shamael's A2, which if it kills someone, as it really should, will then put a true fear debuff on the opposing team. 

As for next 6*, Sepulcher is surely a good pick, though more defensive. Ursala also looks very, very strong - wish I had one. Tayrel or Shamael would be good picks as well, while Coldheart and Frozen Banshee are future 6*s but maybe not just yet, CH because she's more endgame and FB because she's more specialized and you'd prefer somebody more widely usable now. 

That being said, you'll want to use FB on dragon, something like Sepulcher, Dhukk, Athel, Ursala (or Apo, or Reliquary Tender), FB should work for 13.  FB is useless on the waves but if she's booked and you can get her to the dragon alive, she'll take care of him. She'll also be great on the CB. 

Feb 23, 2021, 21:1602/23/21

Thanks for the input guys. 

I like the idea of Sepulcher, which is a great defensive pick. However, she generally lasts as long as my team at the moment and is keeping up dec attack and the defensive buffs. 

I really like Ursala's abilities as well. I wonder though, if she needs booking to be a better pick than fully booked Apothecary / Reliquary? What do you think? 

I know originally I stated a few goals, but really a main goal at the moment is to improve my arena team, so that I can improve my great hall at a greater rate. However, I do seem to lack some AOE damage in there for the strategy I am using at the moment. My Dhuuk is built with crit and hitting 25k+ with sepulcher defence buff but I am finding when reaching 1200 rating or so, this is not enough to 1 shot on its own. So who would I switch sepulcher out of my arena team for? Is it worth investing the 6 star in an Elhain or Ethel, or will they fall off later down the line? and if so, would I be better to go for the Tayrel or Ishmael?

Also, I get Khatun tomorrow, so that may be my arena speedy lad instead of Apoth.

Feb 24, 2021, 03:0002/24/21

Based on what your saying, It seems to me like you haven't tapped into Fellhound true potiental.

Upgrading Fellhound to level 60 wasn't a mistake.

You did a very good decision even if you are not completely aware of it.

Fellhound is a 5 Second Brutal 12-3 Campaign Farmer.

Fellhound can be your Campaign Farmer Forever 

Fellhound doesn't need to be replaced by any other Campaign Farmer because he is top tier.

Fellhound is useful in all stages of Fire Knight because he is Void Affinity.

Fellhound has Reflect Buff which is useful for breaking the Shield.

Fellhound is useful in Demon Spawn Faction.

Fellhound offers a Faction War Aura.

Fellhound is one of the very few heroes in Demonspawn which provide Healing with C.Heals.

The Demon Spawn faction have the following:

- 1 Resurrection hero (Duchess)

- 0 Shield hero

- 2 Healing hero (Fellhound + Hateflower)

Why am I telling you all of this? Because I have been leveling up a Fellhound of my own.

I have beat all the Dungeons.

I have beat all the Arbiter missions - I own Arbiter.

I attack Ultra Nightmare Clan Boss - I get max chest.

I own 50 different legendaries on my account.

The next thing I have to conqueror is Faction Wars to get Lydia.

I have to beat Demon Spawn in order to get Lydia.

I had to create a team of 5 heroes only using Demon Spawn heroes.

The Demon Spawn waves can be very tough.

I had to think of a way to survive the onslaught done by all the waves with only Demon characters.

If my heroes don't survive, I will not get 3 stars on each level.

I own 50 legendaries, but Duchess isn't one of them.

This means I have no Ressurection hero.

The Demon Spawn faction have no Shield hero.

The only Shield hero I saw them have was Nazana, but she only shields herself.

She doesn't shield the whole team.

You are beginning to see the situation.

How do I keep my team alive with no Ressurection hero or no Shielding hero?

I have to find a healer as the only option.

Looking through all the heroes, I only saw 2 Healers at the time.

Tainix Hateflower + FellHound 

Tainix Hateflower can heal, but it requires me to have Decrease Speed on enemy.

Tainix Hateflower can de Decrease Speed on her A2 if I fully book her.

Tainix Hateflower is an Epic hero.

Epic Tomes can be very tough to get.

Fellhound can heal, but it is only small verison of C.Healing.

Fellhound can be booked so his C.Healing is on 2 turn cool down + 2 turn cycle.

Fellhound is a Rare hero.

Rare Tomes can be tough, but surely not as touch as Epic Tomes.

Wouldn't you agree?

Thru the process of Elimination, you can see how I came to the conclusion Fellhound should be on my Demon Spawn team.


This is my team current line up.

The team is still a work in progress, but you can see what I am saying.

- Diabolist ----------> Turn Meter Filling to increase my teams over all speed

- Mortu Macaab ---> Shield set for Protection + Block Buffs + his Peril is deadly if it unlocks

- Soul Drinker ------> He is my Main Damage Dealer with his Bombs

- Drexstar ----------> HP Burn + AOE Provoke to lure enemy waves away from my Squishy heroes

- Fellhound --------> Aura + Healing + Block Damage

The Block Damage could be clutch because Drexstar will do Massive AOE Provoke

I could time the Block Damage on Drexstar when he does his provokes.

This way the enemy will hit my Drexstar, but he will take no damage from hits.

Another set up I have been thinking about is the following:


This set up reminds me of like an Arena Team.

- Diabolist ----------> Turn Meter Filling to increase my teams over all speed

- Alure --------------> AOE Defense Down almost like you would see in Arena.

- Lord Shazar -------> He can increase his own Attack + AOE Damage with Bombs

- Drexstar -----------> AOE Provoke to lure enemy heroes who are still alive.

- Fellhound --------> Aura + Healing + Block Damage to protect Drexstar

Obviously, I still have to level the heroes up to level 60.

I am merely creating team lay outs.

It is like a starting template on what could be successful.


A few things I would like to mention are the following:

The game only recently released new Demonspawn heroes.


Abyssal is one new rare champion they released for Astralon Fusion.

Abyssal offers Healing which you can see in the picture above.

Abyssal offers Block Buffs on his A1 move if you was to read it.

Abyssal seems to be a Mortu Macaab Replacement option for Demon Spawn Faction.

Think about all of the similarity my Mortu macaab has vs. Abyssal

They both do Block Buffs.

They both have Speed Aura.

They both have good base health so you can put Shield set on them.

The only difference between them is the Peril Move vs. Healing Move 

Mortu Macaab Peril move can 1 shot a hero.

Mortu Macaab is probably slightly more aggressive option for players.

Abyssal Healing move can keep your team alive longer.

Abyssal is probably slight more defensive option for players.

The other hero I have my eye on is the new Epic hero.


I really want this hero.

I firmly believe Tarshon is a Top Tier Epic Champion.

Tarshon will be a Top Tier for Demon Spawn & for general usefulness in the game.

If I pull a Tarshon, I can replace my Diabolist with Tarshon.

If you was to pull a Tarshon, he would be amazing in your Arena team or Dungeon team.

You could replace Sepulcher with Tarshon.

Tarshon would do turn meter filling + increase your defense so your defensive damage dealers hit harder.


I am sorry I wasn't able to answer your 6 star question in my post here.

However, I felt a more pressing issue needed to be resolved first. lol

You seemed to have been harboring negative thoughts about Fellhound.

I was propelled to weed out these negative thoughts quick, fast, and in a hurry.

Fellhound is a God.

In closing, I would like to share with you a Youtube Video.

This video will support my previous statement of Fellhound being a Top Tier Campaign Farmer.

Feb 24, 2021, 18:3702/24/21

I'd LOVE to get my Fellhound to be a 5 second farmer. He's already 6 star level 60, but I can't get his stats high enough so that he can one shot the waves. 



Feb 24, 2021, 18:3902/24/21

As for who to 6 star next for the OP, I'd recommend Apothecary. He becomes SO much better once you 6 star him and complete his masteries. He's pretty incredible.