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clan boss help again (im too repetetive lol)

clan boss help again (im too repetetive lol)

Feb 23, 2021, 15:2202/23/21

clan boss help again (im too repetetive lol)

So my current team (Scyl of the Drakes, Iron Brago, Arbiter, Frozen Banshee, Stag knight) can 2 key NM. 

Now I plan to replace arbiter with lordric first. but I don't know If its worth removing the weaken debuff , heals, revive and turn meter boost from arbiter for a consistent shield buff/cleanse from lordrick. If I do so, I plan to replace stag knight with uugo but that will remove a stack of poison from FB. so I'm in a bit of a dilemma here lol 




Feb 23, 2021, 18:4902/23/21
Feb 23, 2021, 18:55(edited)

Looking at this, you lack champs to improve your comp. First you should replace scyl since she doesnt bring anything besides the random inc speed and a bit of heal which is not sufficient to keep you going anyway. 

I think lordic is not a good substitution for stag or brago - stag brings dec atk and def, brago dec atk and inc def, while lordic only gives you some shield and dec atk (but on low frequency - you would need counter atk champ to make him work as main and only dec atk). 

What I would do is:

1) fuse rhazin - he is great weaken and dec def. then you can throw out arbiter and stag knight. 

2) Try to get better poisoner or additional one (banshee works best with CA champs). Right now, she puts what ? 4 poisons ?? Maybe get Kael instead of scyl for additional poison stacks, untill you find a better poisoner or counter atk champ. 

3) Lvl up sepulcher and use him as main dec atk - he is great for cb. dec atk, def aura, A2 with inc def + block debuff

4) Prey to RNG gods for counter atk champ. 

I would aim for something like Brago, FB, Sepulcher, CA champ, + fayne/rhazin/draco. 

Right now, I would go with Stag, Brago, Kael, FB, Arbiter/Apo. = More poison = more dmg.