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A big of guidance if you can please

A big of guidance if you can please

Feb 19, 2021, 22:2002/19/21

A big of guidance if you can please

Hi  there,  ive  been  bashing  along  &  made  a  bit  of  progress  but  hope  for  a  few  pointers  to  help  me  along.  I  think  ive  mostly  tried  levelling  champs  so  have  fallen  a  bit  behind  on  there  an  obvious  champ  i  should  be  focussing  on  getting  to  60  next?  Any  advice  in  other  arreas  wouold  be  great  too....thank  you!

CB  im  on  nightmare  doing  about  6m  per  key  with  kael,  Scyl,  vrask,  apoth  &  yannica

dragon  i,m  on  19  with  turvold,  kael,  Scyl ,  dhukk  &apoth

spider  im  15  with  yannica,  scyl,  apoth,  coldheart  &  bellower

fire  knight  is  15  with  turvold,  scyl,  dhukk,  apoth  &  coldheart

Ice  golem  im  17  with  vrask,  turvold,  scyl,  bellower  &  kael

in  the  arena  i  can  just  about  hold  gold  iv  with  gorg,  apoth,  dhukk  &  relickeeper...but  i  end  up  having  to  pick  battles  very  slowly  so  cant  really  farm

many  thanks

Feb 19, 2021, 23:2102/19/21

Turvold should be in your cb team. Swap out either vrask or scyll, whichever has worse damage. Dhukk would probably be a good replacement for yannica.

Beyond that, it's hard to give advice without knowing who you have, so post your roster.

Feb 19, 2021, 23:3102/19/21

Good  point,  thankyou...ive  played  about  with  turvold,  yannica  but  had  any  significant  difference  between  them  in  CB...maybe  the  gear....thanks  forvthe  promot  on  roster,  i  forgot  to  put  it  in  the  original  post  😁


Feb 19, 2021, 23:3202/19/21


Feb 19, 2021, 23:3302/19/21


Feb 19, 2021, 23:3802/19/21

Progressing far in NM CB really comes down to one of two things - either a counterattack team buff champ or an unkillable team buff champ. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like you have either :/

You could maybe try something with Drokgul the Gaunt - he does have block damage, and sorta has a counter-attack. Though you'd probably need a second champ with shield buffs to really make the CA part work well.

Feb 20, 2021, 07:4002/20/21

Progressing far in NM CB really comes down to one of two things - either a counterattack team buff champ or an unkillable team buff champ. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like you have either :/

You could maybe try something with Drokgul the Gaunt - he does have block damage, and sorta has a counter-attack. Though you'd probably need a second champ with shield buffs to really make the CA part work well.

Thankyou,  ill  have  a  look  into  that  &  see  what  i  can  do

Feb 20, 2021, 10:4602/20/21

Why are you using only a single target nuker in your arena team, rather than an AOE nuker like Yannica, or Sinesha? Besides, if you do use a single target nuker, Mountain King is way, way better than Relickeeper - and if you put him in a shield set, he'll significantly boost your survivability as well. Turvold is obviously way better as well and unlike MK, already built. Either way, replace Relickeeper. And depending on your speed, you may not really need Apo in addition to Gorgo, so you might be able to pull off a team of Gorgo, Dhukk, Yannica/Sinesha and MK/Turvold. But double boosting can help if your nukers aren't as fast, so not sure on that one. 

And then on your CB team, besides the comments made above, you'll want to replace Kael by Frozen Banshee, at least if you have the rare books for her. 

Feb 20, 2021, 13:2102/20/21

Why are you using only a single target nuker in your arena team, rather than an AOE nuker like Yannica, or Sinesha? Besides, if you do use a single target nuker, Mountain King is way, way better than Relickeeper - and if you put him in a shield set, he'll significantly boost your survivability as well. Turvold is obviously way better as well and unlike MK, already built. Either way, replace Relickeeper. And depending on your speed, you may not really need Apo in addition to Gorgo, so you might be able to pull off a team of Gorgo, Dhukk, Yannica/Sinesha and MK/Turvold. But double boosting can help if your nukers aren't as fast, so not sure on that one. 

And then on your CB team, besides the comments made above, you'll want to replace Kael by Frozen Banshee, at least if you have the rare books for her. 

Thanks  again,  i  used  relickeeper  as  he  was  slower  than  dhuuk...but  i  should  be  able  to  tweak  with  turvold...relic  is  handy  as  he  tends  to  be  a  positive  affinity  for  alot  of  the  teams  i  face.  Ill  get  on  with  frozen  banshee  👍  just  booking  a  coldheart,  but  i'll  get  her  next...cheers  👍👍