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Collector QOL Improvements (Custom Champion Groups, ETC)

Collector QOL Improvements (Custom Champion Groups, ETC)

Feb 19, 2021, 10:4302/19/21

Collector QOL Improvements (Custom Champion Groups, ETC)

I'm pretty sure that this game is a champion collector game. There are over 600 champions and the number continues to grow. We need better ways to keep track of our champions, sort them, and group them together.

We need collector quality of life improvements.

Group Field:

Group Field is a placeholder name. The Group Field will be a button that will open an interface for champion grouping functionality. It will NOT act as extra champion space.

The location of the Group Field button will be either in the champion tab beside the champion vault button, or in the tavern above the "Upgrade Level" tab. Or both.

In this grouping interface we will have access to functionality such as:

  • Listing all dupe champions

In the Group Field interface, an icon will show on champions if you have duplicates of them.

For example if you have 5 Doompriest but they are all different levels and different ascension which makes them difficult to find. You can simply click on one of the Doompriest and click the dupicates icon to display all of your Doompriest in the interface.

  • Creating champion groups and tagging champions into groups

If you want to create a group for your arena champions, you can create a group named "Arena", and tag your arena champions for that group.

If you want to keep track of champions to avoid changing, champs you have for specific sets, built for specific content, or specific purposes, you can create groups for those too.

  • Advanced Search, Sort, Filter Functionality

There will be a search bar to type and search for specific champions. This can be used to locate specific champions by name if you are having trouble finding them in your collection. Going back to the Doompriest example from earlier, this can be used to find all dupes as well.

You can sort champions by the usual means. Rank, Level, Affinity, Recently Used, Faction. However you can also sort by Ascension, Power, ETC.

This ties into the new Filter system, where you can filter out champions that you don't want to see. You can choose to display ONLY champions from a specific Affinity, Faction, Alliance (like Telerians), Auras, even champions from groups that you created, ETC.


The groups can be used in many areas of the game.

Groups can be filtered when making a team for any battle. When setting up Arena/TTA defence/offense, you can  select the group containing your arena champions. Need a shield set to fight the scarab? If you created a group for champions wearing shield sets, you can find them just like that.

You can also display groups in the Tavern to use for upgrading champs. This fusion for example. You can tag all of these fusion champions to a specific group and filter out all of the other champions while you are in the tavern.

You can also filter out certain groups so that champions in those groups will not be displayed.

Feb 20, 2021, 10:3902/20/21

are you guys having trouble visualizing this or?

Feb 21, 2021, 23:0902/21/21

well... don't all applaud at once.

this is a brilliant idea. we desperately need a champion management system. feel free to ask me or discuss anything regarding this topic and my idea.

Feb 23, 2021, 04:1802/23/21

I give you an upvote, Jakomaru.

I think it is a brillant idea.

In fact, I was wishing the game would add something like this the other day.

I really think the game needs to do what your saying.

I need a way to make Group Presets which allow me to move Groups of Champions.

For Example:

I have been improving my Faction Wars teams.

I have made Faction War teams for 13 different Factions.

Each Faction team has 5 heroes on it.

Every day, I move my Faction War team out of my Vault into my Roster.

It can take like 5 mins trying to find each of the heroes on the team.

Than I find myself forgetting which heroes are on my team.

Than It takes me another 5 mins to try and figure out what the team was originally.

The whole situation is a major pain.

What I want are Preset Tabs built inside the Vault.

It is bascially the same thing you are asking for Jakomaru.

The Preset will say "Undead Faction War Team"

- Seducer

- Gorgorab

- Rotos

- Elegaius

- Mausoleum Mage

All 5 of them would be saved on the Group Present

I push button #1 all 5 of those heroes get moved from my Vault to my Rooster with out me having to search through 300 different heroes in my vault to find them.

I push button #2 all 5 of those heroes get move from my Roster back to my Vault with out me having to search through 300 different heroes in my roster to find them.

I need 13 Presets for my Faction War teams.

I need 1 Preset for my Arena Offense team.

I need 1 Preset for my Arena Defense team.

I need 3 Presets for my Tag Arena Offense teams.

I need 3 Presents for my Tag Arena Defense teams.

We need about 20+ Presets added to the game.

The game developers are living in the stone age.

Why don't we have these features already?

Every other game I have played as mastered this concept.

They even make larges amounts of money doing these concepts.

The game could have 15 Presets given to players for Free.

The 15 Presets will cover the 13 Factions + Classical Arena Offense + Defense.

If a player wants more than 15 Presets, they have to spend 1 or 2 dollars to unlock further Preset slots.

The idea has been done before by various gaming companies.

I wish Raid would just buy a clue.

Feb 23, 2021, 08:1702/23/21

Brilliant - thumps up !

Mar 4, 2021, 01:0303/04/21
