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Building an Early Game DEF team

Building an Early Game DEF team

Feb 17, 2021, 19:3002/17/21

Building an Early Game DEF team

Was considering putting together an early game DEF team, as they are most of my stronger champions. Theres not a lot of guides for a DEF team, but it sounds powerful in theory. The goal is a team to auto Dragon 14+, and possibly up to Spider 13. Heres what I was thinking:

Tayrel (lead) - 60

Kael - 60 (full masteries)

Peydma - 40

Captain Temila - 40 (Shield or Relentless)  

And then Shield Guard or Armiger for the 5th slot, they're both 40 and fully booked from dupes. Advice here is welcome!

Is there a reason why this would be a challenge that I've overlooked?

Everyone would be Lifesteal SpD sets except Captain. I won a few events and have a lot of 5-6 star Relentless  gear. Think i should slap this on Captain, or try to build some Shield gear? 

Feb 17, 2021, 19:3702/17/21

The first four sound good, but don't you have anything better for the fifth slot? At least for dragon, on spider using Armiger makes more sense (remember that the dragon is immune to turn meter manipulation). And you'll definitely need everybody at a minimum at 50, and before long at 60. 

As for gear - sets are less important than stats. You wouldn't necessarily need that much lifesteal if the team works together well and has enough healing - haven't used Temila much so not quite sure how much she can carry. 

Feb 17, 2021, 19:3802/17/21

What level dragon are you doing now?  Armiger is no good for dragon.  Not going to get much help with anyone at 40.  But a defense/sustain team is the best way to progress in dragon.

Feb 17, 2021, 19:5002/17/21

Easier to just share my roster.  Bellower or Doomscreech I guess are great sub ins 


I'm on Dragon 13 now with my team of Kael, Tayrel, Elhain, Serris, Battlemage. I can do it 100%, but have to manual wave 1.  Not a huge issue, but I can't multibattle and that'd be really convenient. Typically the issues I have is that my Elhain doesn't do much damage and dies easily as she is always focused down. I could probably solve this with some better gear on her if I worry less about her set bonuses.  Serris is just kinda there, but clears one of the waves easily with her big debuff (she's my fastest and high ACC). 

Feb 17, 2021, 19:5502/17/21

Oh. I might be being an idiot. Theres also a Felhound in my vault (level 1)

Feb 17, 2021, 20:0302/17/21

need more 6tar champs is all. 

Feb 17, 2021, 20:1202/17/21

Your  dragon  team  should  be...


Kael  (   accuracy  and  hp  and  crit  damage  )

Tayrel  (  loads  of  defense  and  crit  rate/damage  )

Bellower  (  accuracy,  stun  set  if  you  have  it,  otherwise  crit  rate/damage  )  

Elhain  (  get  her  hp  up  if  she  is  being  targeted,  mobs  target  lowest  hp  )

Feb 17, 2021, 20:1202/17/21

Oh  and  donr  forget  some  speed  too  😀

Feb 17, 2021, 20:1502/17/21

If  you  have  trouble  surviving  mayve  swap  war  maiden  for  Temilla  but  you  could  use  warmaidens  damage  to  be  fair.

Feb 17, 2021, 20:1602/17/21

Totally agree! It's the thing I need to work on, but not sure what to level up. Serris does what I need for now, so does Runekeeper. Battlesage is probably fine at 50 for a while too.  Especially since I think Apothecary will steal this support role once I get him (and that's a dude I'll 60 ASAP). Elhain would get a lot from being 60 but I think she will also just get replaced in short order. 

Bellower is really tempting to 60 next since he is decent in dungeons and also a fast farmer.  I could put him in crit rate and damage for both these roles.

@tsdpool  So you think Warmaiden is worth taking to keep DEF down always up?  I know these champs are all the highest ranked for Dragon but I wasn't sure it made a very good team. Also, you think no need for Lifesteal here if I am just nuking hard enough, or are these the stats I'd be looking for with lifesteal gear?

Feb 17, 2021, 21:5702/17/21

You don't need both Warmaiden and Tayrel, or at least not at the same time - could consider using Warmaiden on stages where Tayrel is weak affinity, though frankly even a weak affinity Tayrel may still be superior to Warmaiden, especially considering his aura (unless you get Apo who can offer a similar aura). 

Runekeeper makes an excellent fifth to go with Tayrel, Kael, Peydma and Temila, better than Battlesage. Bellower might substitute for Peydma perhaps, especially if you can get him a stun set - in dungeons, he's usually more about CC than about raw damage. Elhain is indeed a bit redundant and probably not worth taking to 60 anymore. 

Feb 18, 2021, 00:5502/18/21

I  disagree,  its  all  ablut  surviving  the  waves  and  your  best  bet  for  that  it  def  and  cc  champs.  Warmaiden  and  Tayrel  will  work  just  fine  together  and  will  survive  and  will  also  put  out  just  as  much  damage  as  an  attack  champ.  Kael  is  your  biggest  problem  for  the  boss  as  he  is  not  a  very  consistant  poisoner.  Hopefullt  soon  you  will  pull  as  Banshee  and  you'll  be  set  for  dragon.  

Feb 18, 2021, 00:5702/18/21

Lifesteal  is  a  solid  set  if  you  dont  have  a  healer.  Temilla  is  a  decent  healer  but  puts  out  next  to  zero  damage.  You're  better  off  going  lifesteal  and  including  as  many  damage  champs  as  you  can  in  case  Kael  decides  to  put  up  just  one  5%    poison....  which  he  often  did  for  me.  

Feb 18, 2021, 09:2002/18/21

I don't agree that raw damage is the solution for waves, unless you have champs that kill them directly. If you fight dungeon levels as high as possible to get better gear, you will probably not oneshot the waves. It's much easier to survive if you have some control and defense in your team. Instead of Elhain, wich is not capable for endgame anyway, I would use Peydma (AoE atk down, great to survive waves). Paired with Captain Temila, wich brings def buff for your team, what is especially usefull if their damage is based on Def, like Tayrel and Peydma. You don't have an atk buff in your actual team. Peydma with def buff from Captain Temila will do so much more damage than unbuffed Elhain.

Tayrel - Kael - Peydma - Captain Temila - Bellower (in a Stun set)

Feb 18, 2021, 10:1802/18/21

We're  talking  about  dragon  13/14/15,  the  team  you  deacribe  would  be  suitable  for  high  level  dungeons  but  a  strightforward  damage  team  ia  better  for  the  lower  level  ones.

Feb 18, 2021, 10:1902/18/21

With  limited  resources  Peydma  is  not  worth  building  at  this  stage.  

Feb 18, 2021, 10:2202/18/21

Also  Bellower  has  Aoe  Atk  down,  weak  version  but  fine  for  dungeons  up  to  17,  no  need  for  Atk  up  with  def  champs,  bring  in  temilla  and  you  have  a  def  up.  Survivability,  damage,  cc,  poison.  That  is  how  you  set  up  for  dragon.  

Feb 18, 2021, 11:0102/18/21

I  disagree,  its  all  ablut  surviving  the  waves  and  your  best  bet  for  that  it  def  and  cc  champs.  Warmaiden  and  Tayrel  will  work  just  fine  together  and  will  survive  and  will  also  put  out  just  as  much  damage  as  an  attack  champ.  Kael  is  your  biggest  problem  for  the  boss  as  he  is  not  a  very  consistant  poisoner.  Hopefullt  soon  you  will  pull  as  Banshee  and  you'll  be  set  for  dragon.  

Warmaiden is a one trick pony - important for AOE decrease defense as long as you have nobody better to put it, but once you have Tayrel, she's largely irrelevant except for FW or so. In this case, even if you'd absolutely want a second AOE decrease defense, he has Serris - so really zero reason to bring Warmaiden. Though I don't think Serris is really needed here, I'd rather bring the team I mentioned or alternatively the one Skadi suggested. 

As for Kael not being a consistent poisoner, he's consistent enough if he has the accuracy, though it may be tough to build him with both enough damage and enough accuracy early on. No doubt FB is better on the dragon itself, but she's dead weight on the waves so then you have to rebalance the team to have more damage on waves - a more DPS-focused Bellower or Peydma, perhaps. 

Feb 18, 2021, 18:5702/18/21
Feb 18, 2021, 19:16(edited)

Thanks for the advice guys. I can see theres some debate on which direction is best, but everyone seems to be championing Bellower - I'll make him my next 60. Should be good for all Dungeons, especially Spider, and then in the end game I can stun set him or just make him a fast farmer. Looks like someone I will never regret putting in books and food. Oh, and my Kael feels super good at this time for all content. He's usually the last to die, farms Brutal levels in 30ish seconds, and has a decent ACC for where I am:


Good news - I put Runekeeper and Serris on a properly timed arena team, I think they will live there for a long time. Being able to use only 2 champions to pop ATK up, Turn meter up, then strip buffs and shields, DEF drop is awesome. After that Kael Nukes, Tayrel sleeps, they waste a turn, and Kael pops again.  Two thumbs up - Very Nice!

Really like Skadi's team, so I'm going to work towards that. I could 50 those champions faster than getting to 60 with Bellower, or I could rush Bellower. I'll think on it. With Skadi's team I have a choice to put Captain Temila into some 4* Shield gear, or a 6* set of Relentless (I haven't given this stuff to anyone yet due to the fear of unequip costs). Would like that Relentless gear to whoever would use it best.  Where do you think the Relentless should go?

Relentless gear that's sitting around:

6* Weapon, Epic, ATK%, HP, CRIT DMG(2)
6* Weapon, Epic, ACC, CRIT DMG, HP
5* Weapon, Epic, ACC, CRIT RATE, ATK%(2)
5* Weapon, Epic, HP, HP%, CRIT DMG --- Temila?

6* Helm, Epic, ATK(1), HP(1), CRIT DMG --- Temila?
6* Helm, Epic, Res, CRIT DMG, DEF
5* Helm, Epic, SPD(1), ATK, ACC(1)
6* Shield, Epic, Res(2), ACC, CRIT RATE
6* Shield, Epic, SPD, ACC(1), Res(1)
5* Shield, Epic, SPD(2), CRIT DMG, Res
5* Shield, Epic, Res, DEF%, HP%

6* ATK% Gaunt, Epic, HP, ATK, CRIT DMG
5* CRITDMG Gaunt, Epic, ATK%(1), ACC, Res(1)
5* CRITDMG Gaunt, Epic, HP%, HP, DEF
5* HP% Boot, Epic, DEF%, SPD(1), ACC(1) --- Temila, or find SPD base stat?

Feb 18, 2021, 19:1802/18/21

If you are planning on using captain temila (i have never used fyi), should be your next 6star.  Otherwise will be useless as the ally protect will take all the damage and will die.  That said, I like the skill set and think for mid-game will be more valuable then bellower (going to die without sufficient support).  You will eventually 6star for sure, and so it is not a bad choice.  That said if u decide on captain, and the relentless gear has good stats (def%/hp%/cr% for a1) then I would use that over shield set.  Many recommend relentless for attackers, I think this is great for arena but bad for dungeons as they will outrun def up type buffs.  Putting relentless on the buffer simply cycles buffs faster on entire team.