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Frozen banshee and clan boss- worth it?

Frozen banshee and clan boss- worth it?

Feb 17, 2021, 09:1402/17/21

Frozen banshee and clan boss- worth it?

Hey all

Im a fairly new player and ftp- i am up to brutal on clan boss and doing about 11 million a key.

My current CB team is zavia, kael, tuhak, jareg and tuhak- obviously i am limited by champions available.

Zavia does the most damage, followed by kael with tuhak a distant third.

I have just pulled frozen banshee and a quick look at her abilities makes her look perfect for clan boss? is she worth levelling and booking?

Not sure if i would try and run with the two other poisoners or if i would be hitting the buff limit too often (the sensitivity sounds a nice boost to the other poisoner damage). 


Feb 17, 2021, 09:3202/17/21

Hey there.

Frozen Banshee is amazing for Clan Boss, but as you already said yourself it would be way too many poisons and you would most likely just waste them.

Besides Clan Boss you can use Frozen Banshee for the dragon dungeon 'cause she's providing you with the poison, just make sure she survives the waves and you should be good.

Cheers =)

Feb 17, 2021, 09:4802/17/21

FB would replace Kael on your CB team. The problem with Kael is that he has these weak 2.5 percent poisons on his A1, which wastes slots on the 10 debuff limit that should be filled with 5 percent poisons (or other important debuffs). FB won't have that problem - and indeed, will increase poison damage from Zavia by 25 percent as well. 

On dragon, you could also consider FB but she's useless on the waves, while Kael and/or Zavia could both do damage on the waves and put poisons on the boss. 

Feb 17, 2021, 10:3102/17/21

Thanks, i am going to do some re-structuring, i am going to level apothecary too and try him instead of doompriest and ill try switching in fb for kael, i agree those 2.5% poisons are a waste.

Given how long it takes me to book and skill a champ i just wanted to see if people value her before investing, thanks again :) 

Feb 17, 2021, 10:3802/17/21

Frozen  Banshee  is  really  good  for  clan  boss  no  doubt  but  she  does  have  to  get  her  poison  sensitivity  out  there  first  i  do  rate  her  but  without  a  debuff  extender  other  poisoners  can  be  better...  Occult  Brawler  springs  to  mind.  She  will  do  better  than  Kael  but if  her  poison  sensitivity  gets  resisted  then  she  will  under  perfom  all  the  poisoners.  Just  be  aware  of  her  limitations  

Feb 17, 2021, 11:0802/17/21

Thanks, i am going to do some re-structuring, i am going to level apothecary too and try him instead of doompriest and ill try switching in fb for kael, i agree those 2.5% poisons are a waste.

Given how long it takes me to book and skill a champ i just wanted to see if people value her before investing, thanks again :) 

To be clear, FB does absolutely need books to be good, with the A3 and A1 maxed. Masteries like master hexer can make a big difference too. And tsd has a good point that having her poison sensitivity resisted means she won't put any poison at all for several turns, which means a) her accuracy must absolutely be sufficient and b) she's quite bad on force affinity CB. 

Feb 17, 2021, 11:5802/17/21

Yup i can appreciate that, which is why with a fully booked and 6 star kael i know it will take time to replace him with FB.

Plus now i have decided to use apothecary instead of doompriest in CB he needs books and masteries too... 

Thanks all i really appreciate the feedback.

Feb 17, 2021, 15:4702/17/21

I'd build a dragon20 team.  How many do you have 6*?  Your CB team will almost certainly improve once you have that, as they will be quite similar.  Jareg, doom, apo, zavia, kael looks pretty good for dragon to me.

Can't go wrong building up Apothecary.

Feb 17, 2021, 19:0702/17/21
Feb 17, 2021, 19:32(edited)

Hi Trips, as i said im ftp and new so i dont have many developed chars

I have

Jareg, kael, tuhak, zavia  6 starred- full masteries- All fully booked. Tuhak was brill early on but is lagging now.

Doompriest- will be 6 star soon, and has the scrolls for full masteries - fully booked.

Now working on building up apothecary and Frozen banshee.

Undeveloped chars i have are relinquary tender (i have so many support) and skullcrusher (just pulled)

At the moment i am clearing dragon 18.