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Nazana skill attribute multipliers

Nazana skill attribute multipliers

Feb 16, 2021, 20:4702/16/21

Nazana skill attribute multipliers

Hi all,

Another rant. Nazana, on paper, seems like a very solid champ. AOE A1, very good A2, and AOE debuff a3. All three skills are useful, and she even has a solid aura to boot (for FW, anyway).

The problem? Nazana is an HP champ, and her A2 scales based on her max HP - but her A1 and A3 scale based on ATK.

WTF? Like, not sure if this was just a bug/mistake/oversight, or if it was intentional, but it makes gearing her really silly. Unlike champs like Sepulcher Sentinel, who perform amazingly well because they have solid group boosting abilities while also still being able to dish out damage, Nazana has to gear in a really awkward fashion. You want HP-boosting gear for her A2, but you want ATK-boosting gear for her other abilities. She's a support champ because of her AOE buffs and debuffs, but gearing her in full DEF/HP gear means her attacks do zero damage.

Please change the A1 and A3 to scale off HP instead of ATK.

Feb 16, 2021, 21:4802/16/21
Feb 16, 2021, 21:50(edited)

Nazana is a support hero.

Nazana is been same way for over 2 years.

She isn't meant to deal damage.

She is meant to keep your team alive.

If your trying to do damage with your Nazana, You are using her wrong.

Nazana will never do damage.

Even if they change her attacks to HP, She still will do no damage. 

The game never made her to deal damage.

Feb 17, 2021, 00:2502/17/21

The problem is, that you want a champion that deals as much damage as the real damage dealers AND is able to shield. The developers did not want to create such a champion.

Feb 17, 2021, 00:3202/17/21

The problem is, that you want a champion that deals as much damage as the real damage dealers AND is able to shield. The developers did not want to create such a champion.

And yet, there are plenty of champions that can do exactly that. Two examples off the top of my head are Sepulcher Sentinel and Skullcrusher. Both have very useful team buffs, and both hit like trucks when geared properly.

Even if you were to compare Nazana with someone like, say, Serris - another champ who has her abilities based off of ATK. The key difference is that Serris, and other similar champs, have all of their abilities based off of ATK. There isn't this awkward gearing situation where you're incentivized to use HP% gloves/chest for your A2, despite wanting ATK for your A1 and A3. 

Feb 17, 2021, 02:4502/17/21

And yet, there are plenty of champions that can do exactly that. Two examples off the top of my head are Sepulcher Sentinel and Skullcrusher. Both have very useful team buffs, and both hit like trucks when geared properly.

Even if you were to compare Nazana with someone like, say, Serris - another champ who has her abilities based off of ATK. The key difference is that Serris, and other similar champs, have all of their abilities based off of ATK. There isn't this awkward gearing situation where you're incentivized to use HP% gloves/chest for your A2, despite wanting ATK for your A1 and A3. 

Buffs, yes, but not shields. Shield buffs are almost exclusively based off of hp and the ones that aren't aren't tied to a stat (with the exception of Valkyrie). The others scale off of either damage dealt or level.

Beyond the fact that their AoE buffs aren't tied to a stat, neither Sepulcher Sentinel nor Scullcrusher is a good comparison. They're both single target hitters, while Nazana is an AoE hitter. Obviously they deal more damage on an individual hit, since Nazana's damage is balanced around her doing up to 5 hits per attack.

And "hit like trucks"? That's just absurd. Sure, they can deal decent damage if you build them with that goal, but they're never going to be amazing. You could build them for survivability and they would hit fairly weakly (Skullcrusher less so, since his damage is based on Def). You could build them with damage in mind and they'll get better, but only to a certain point. In order for them to start looking at serious damage, you'd have to make Sepulcher a complete glass cannon and even then she pales in comparison to someone like Fu-Shan or Knight-Errant, who actually hit like trucks. (And then you have to deal with the struggle of keeping her alive.)