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CB team please help.

CB team please help.

Feb 16, 2021, 14:5602/16/21

CB team please help.


Im trying to put togheter a proper CLan boss team but I really need your help.

These are my good rates clan boss heroes so far:

  1. Doompriest, (ig rating 4.9)
  2. Frozen Banshee, (ig rating 4.9)
  3. SKullcrusher, (ig rating 4.9)
  4. Coffin Smasher, (ig rating 4.8)
  5. Vogoth, (ig rating 4.8)
  6. Apothecary, (ig rating 4.8)
  7. Rearguard Sergeant, (ig rating 4.7)
  8. Vrask, (ig rating 4.7)
  9. Gravechill Killer, (ig rating 4.7)
  10. Cupidus, (ig rating 4.7)
  11. Coldheart, (ig rating 4.5)
  12. Royal Guard. (ig rating 4.5)

Ive seen some guides using these heroes but not as one team I seem to be missing some for a perfect match, But do you guys see any good synergies that could make a good clan boss team here?

Im only on rank 5 on all but a few, so I dont know which ones I should go for and max out.

I was thinking Vrask, Banshee, Rearguard Sergeant and Coffin smasher, that would have some utility weaken the clan boss, and dmg reduction and 2 heals, and two main poisoners.

Would this be the best team or do you think I should change some of the heroes? 
