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Weird issue with Champion screen?

Weird issue with Champion screen?

Feb 15, 2021, 23:2802/15/21

Weird issue with Champion screen?

Okay - So I seem to have some weird issue with the Champion screen - and I'm wondering if anyone else has the same problem?

So - I'm talking about the champion button at the bottom left of the main screen - where you go to equip and upgrade items etc.

As soon as I go there, the game seems to freeze up heavily - it seems that whatever I click on, just once, the game responds as if I am clicking it over and over again, and it freezes/lags heavily.

For example, if I click on a champion to look at their equipment, the green highlight on their portrait keeps refreshing.

If I click on an item to bring up the equipment list, and then click on the 3 arrow indicator to collapse all the different item sets (VVV), then that button keeps switching from VVV to ^^^ over and over again, and the whole game locks up.

Effectively, this is stopping me from upgrading items in my storage, or equipping new items. 

It is extremely annoying, and ultimately game breaking. 

Edit - I am having this problem on Android - Samsung smartphone. I have tried closing the game down and restarting, and also turning the phone off and back off again, with no change in this issue occuring.
