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Champion Questions: Peydma, Runekeeper, Fodbor

Champion Questions: Peydma, Runekeeper, Fodbor

Feb 15, 2021, 19:4902/15/21

Champion Questions: Peydma, Runekeeper, Fodbor

Decided to pick up a few Void Shards and pulled a lot of Epics. Great news, but it's a little overwhelming! So far I have: Kael60, Tayrel60, Serris50, Battlesage50, Elhain50, Bellower50, Peydma40, Doomscreech40, Runekeeper40, Fodbor20.  I'd like to build towards Spider 13, getting Dragon 13 on auto (I can do it manually 100%), and a team that's dedicated to farm arena bronze and Silver 1.  Mostly I have 4-5 star Lifesteal and Spd gear on everyone, and ACC/SPD on Serris. 

  • Peydma worth building out if you already have a cleanser and ATK decrease from Tayrel60 and Serris50?  I have her at level 40, but wasn't sure if I should bring her up next or another champ to have a flexible team of 60's for progression. She looks really good, but the overlap has me confused - maybe a designated Arena champ?
  • I'm pretty sure Fodbor will be good into Fire Knight, and for Faction Wars since I don't have many dwarves yet. Think that's his main use? Feels like he is not a real focus at this time.
  • Runekeeper seems to be a bit more of an all rounder. I haven't really leveled up any healers, and he has a good amount of HP so maybe in a shield set as well?  Pulled Battlesage at around the same time as this guy, they seem to have similar kits except Battlesage AI seems wasteful in dungeons. Maybe one should be more dedicated to Arena? (Seems like it could be really good to go first with him, ATK Up, and then fill turn meters to pop off) 
Feb 15, 2021, 22:4502/15/21

Had to look up Fodbor and Runekeeper, they're very new... but Runekeeper looks amazing! Full AOE clease and big heal on the same ability is very rare, plus a turn meter/attack boost on his other ability, plus a leech on the A1! With decent stats and an aura (albeit attack which isn't usually priority) on top of it. 

Peydma is also amazing though you're right that to some extent she overlaps with your existing champions. But she puts an AOE decrease attack with her A1 even if she only attacks one enemy - meaning she can keep decrease attack on all enemies all of the time, basically. Even Serris won't do that. Peydma isn't often used in arena - she obviously doesn't fit in a speed nuke, but also isn't the best fit for a super defensive team. 

You have more good options than you have slots for dragon now, but that's good, means you can switch around depending on affinity. Kael, Tayrel, Runekeeper seem obvious, but then for the remaining slots Serris, Bellower, Peydma, Elhain, Doomscreech, Battlesage are all possibilities. 

Feb 16, 2021, 01:0102/16/21

Yea. His abilities looked like hot fire.  I'll try loading him up in that HP and shield gear, and SPD, and see how it works! And worst case I'll have a strong Faction Wars support down the road.