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The shop & offers

Feb 14, 2021, 20:1702/14/21

The shop & offers

Hey,  i  know  this  has  been  done  to  death  but  can  the  devs  please  take  a  lonh  hard  look  at  the  shop  offers.  My  guess  is  that  most  people  will  buy  energy,  after  all  its  the  one  resource  in  the  game  that  can  get  you  every  other  resource  in  the  game.  It  enables  us  to  keep  playing  a  game  we  all  love  and  have  invested  our  time  and/or  money  in.  For  the  love  of  god  can  you  please  make  a  decent  energy  pack,  i'm  not  going  to  pay  £20  for  a  few  thousand  energy,  i  have,  i  wont  anymore.  For  ky  £20  i  want  at  least  300  rins  through  a  level  20  dungeon,  or  potion  keep,  or  minataur.  So  please  make  a  regular  pack  for  4800  energy  for  £20  and  i  will  buy  it  regularly.  I  will  feel  as  though  i  am  getting  value  for  money  and  yoy  will  get  my  money,  that  sounds  like  a  fair  trade.  Please  at  least  consider  it.  Thank  you.  

Feb 14, 2021, 21:2202/14/21

You could just get the daily gem deal and buy only energy refills with your gems? That would get you well above 4800 energy, for just 10 quid (or so - I don't know the exact British prices). 

Feb 14, 2021, 21:2602/14/21

That  would  be  monthly  though,  i'm  thinking  more  about  weekly  or  even  twice  a  week.  The  gem  pack  is  deffo  the  best  value  pack  in  the  shop  though  and  i  buy  it  every  month.  

Feb 14, 2021, 21:4902/14/21
Feb 15, 2021, 01:46(edited)

Yes I have been asking Plarium to start giving large number of energy refills for a reasonable price. I am thinking 10 USD for 50 refills or 20 USD for 100 refills is reasonable, I am pretty certain people will buy those. in fact every player would buy 50 refills for 10 USD so I do not understand why plarium is so reluctant

I can farm 12.6 or 12.3 with one farmer and 3 trainee champs. One farm run uses up 8 energy. Now let us look at training costs.

It takes 3 hits to take a 1* champ to level 10, cost of taking 3 1* champs to level 10 is 24 energy.

It takes 10 hits to take a 2* champ to level 20, cost of taking 3 2* champs to level 20 is 80 energy.

It takes 25 hits to take a 3* champ to level 30, cost of taking 3 3* champs to level 30 is 200 energy.

It takes 50 hits to take a 4* champ to level 40, cost of taking 3 4* champs to level 40 is 400 energy.

and the above is at 100% xp boost otherwise the energy cost would be twice as much. 

I also noticed that new players are getting better offers starting with 2.99 USD, 4.99 USD and so on but the mid level players are not getting those offers anymore. this is unfair

Feb 15, 2021, 00:5302/15/21

Hi,  just my tiny input...  I am a week into this game and I noticed that after buying a beginner pack for £28.99 all my deals are now in excess of £35 sometimes more like £64.  Why? what does any new gamer do to deserve that? These games never seem to be run off logic just pure unashamed greed. It's a beautiful game with some of the most unique characters I have ever seen but it again forgets about the what I will call the  'soft CSER'.  It seems Plarium are the same boring, corporate vultures.  

Feb 15, 2021, 11:3902/15/21
Feb 15, 2021, 11:56(edited)

Check this out


I cannot for the love of god understand why is Plarium selling 1250 gems, 1500 energy and silver for 50 USD. 

 1500 energy for a player who has 130 energy translates to 12 refills and 1250 gems divided by 40 will give you another 31 refills , so basically you are selling 43 refills for 50 USD. 

let us understand that we have to spend 24 energy to take 1* champ to level 10, another 80 energy to take 2* champ to level 20, another 240 energy for 3* champ to level 30 and 400 energy to take a 4* champ to level 40, so as a player we spend 744 energy just to upgrade 3 champs to level 40. 

so basically you are asking me to pay 50 USD to upgrade around 9 champs to level 40, this is so expensive. 

If you want to be fair plarium then you should offer various packages starting at 5 USD for 20 refills because 20 refills translates to around 2600 energy, which is barely enough to upgrade couple of champions to level 60.

google translation : я не понимаю

Feb 15, 2021, 13:1302/15/21

A  am  flat  out  stopping  spending  on  this  game  until  the  offers  are  at  least  reasonable...  make  them  reasonable.  It  is  already  hard  enough  to  get  late/end  game  gear  from  level  20  dungeons.  HH content  creator  said  as  much  in  one  of  his  videos  where  he  states  i  have  to  do  200  runs  of  spider  to  maybe  get  1  usable  piece.  Thats  3200  energy  so  about  £25  to  get  one  usuable  piece.  That  is  too  expensive  and  not  reasonable.  

Feb 15, 2021, 13:5802/15/21

I totally agree, check out the below offers:


for 3 USD I get 1 refill, 1 blue shard, 1 level 4 chicken, 1 clan boss key, and 100 % xp boost for a day among others, and now check out the below offer


In this offer I get 150 energy  and 150 gems for 5 USD, which translates to 4 refills and some left over gems

so according to Plarium :

1 refill, 1 blue shard, 1 level 4 chicken, 1 clan boss key, and 100 % xp boost, arena refills and brews  is of 3 USD but 4 energy refills is worth 5 USD. Honestly the people at plarium need to redesign their packages. if you give me 1500 energy for 5 USD that indeed is a fair deal considering that 1500 energy will not last a day and all most people would gladly spend 5 dollars so plarium actually stands to make more money this way

Feb 15, 2021, 17:1402/15/21

Totally  right,  say  12  refills  for  £5  and  i  would  probably  buy  2  a  day.  So  plarium.....  do  you  want  my  money  or  not?