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Why is my account like this?

Why is my account like this?

Feb 11, 2021, 13:2302/11/21

Why is my account like this?

Hello.  I  am  really  trying  to  reach  out  to  see  why  this  keeps  happening  to  me.  I  have  reached  out  via  Plarium  Support  but  seem  to  get  what  looks  like  automatic  generic  responses.

ISSUE  1:  I  have  won  several  matches  where  it  freezes  after  winning  and  i  get  a  loss.  I  played  again  and  would  get  another  loss.  

How  can  i  play  the  same  team  and  win,  then  turn  around  and  get  a  loss?  Mind  you  this  was  after  reaching  out  to  Plarium  about  other  issues.



This  has  happened  on  at  least  20  different  occasions  where  it  would  freeze  and  give  me  the  loss.

ISSUE  2:  I  have  had  to  on  several  occasions  spend  over  two  million  silver  upgrading  one  artifact  from  14-16.  Is  this  a  little  excessive,  especially  after  watching  several  Youtube  videos  where  people  would  roll  and  seem  to  gwt  it  with  100k  silver? 

I  already  contacted  Plarium  Support  but  seemed  to get  in  return,  a  generic  response  that  it  can  sometimes  be  expensive  to  me  i  know  it  can  be  expensive  but  this  is  rediculous.  For  one  example,  i  spent  almost  1  million  silver  upgrading  to  level  8.  Thats  right.  Level  8.  Then  i  spent  another  700k  taking  that  piece  of  work  to  level  12.  

please  tell  me  this is  normal.  Lol

ISSUE  3:  in  the  next  pic  you  will  see  the  kind  of  people  i  am  up  against.  Top  players  against  me  in  both  tag  team  and  classic  arena.  


14,110  against  me  sitting  around  1400?  That  makes  sense.  This  is  crazy.  

ISSUE  4:  I  have  spent  over  400  (energy)  trying  to  get  superior  or  at  least  greater  potions.  I  received  zero.  I  was  not  even  given  a  response.  Just  crickets.............

ISSUE  5:  I  ran  through  and  spent  two  days  hitting  up  Dragons  Lair.  This  is  what  i  got  after  around  80  attempts:  17  5  star  (mostly  rare)  1  6  star  shield.  

mind  you  in  the  past  two  weeks  i  have  not  received  so  much  ar  one  Crit  Rate/Crit  DMG/not  even  ATK%   Gauntlets.  Zero  ATK%/  any other  percentage  gear  ither  than  DEF%  Boots.  Lol  Additionally  i  have  not  received  in  the  past  two  weeks  one  single  5  star  Speed  Boots.  

Please  tell  me  this  is  normal?  I  mean  how  do  others  seem  to  have  unlimited  supply  of  all  the  above  and  i  get  garbage?  Is  this  really  fair?

This  was  not  to  degrade  or  put  down  anyone  by  any  means.  This  is  just  me  reaching  out  as  a   player  who  loves  Raid  to  try  to  get  some  closure  and  hopefully  try  to  get  things  changed  to  make  it  a  fair  game.  

If  you  have  anything  constructive to  add  please  let  me  know.  This  is  just  really  frustrating.  

have  a  good  day  everyone.

Feb 11, 2021, 14:1202/11/21

The answer to the majority of your questions is simply RNG, which can be brutal at times.

Although, it would help to have more info on some situations.

Like farming dragon - what stage were you farming? Why did you only get 18 items from 80 runs?

The silver cost to upgrade your item sounds like a lot - 1mil to get to level 8 is certainly unusual. I don't recall having that many failures at such a low level - but I have some instances of bad luck getting to lvl16 - for example, I would normally expect the silver cost to be anywhere between 500k and 1.5m to get from lvl12 to lvl16, but I have had a few rare occasions where it cost me 3-4mil for a particular item. It's just RNG.

As for the tag arena - I've had a few freezes myself, which unfortunately result in a loss, but I dont get them frequently. Might be worth checking things are running smoothly at your end if it is happening frequently. LIke what kind of device are you playing on? Sometimes if I play on smartphone for a while, I get connection/performance issues after a while, particularly with doom tower for some reason.

As for your battle-log - this one is really odd, and something I can't explain. How did you beat a guy one time, and then manage to attack him again right after? As you can see from your own screenshot, when you beat an oppenent, the battle button disappears to stop you just fighting the same guy over and over again and rack up points. Unless of course you refreshed immediatly, and were lucky enough to have the same player appear again?

And that one guy with all the points, well he is the guy at the very top of your bracket - which is not surprising by looking at his teams. Maybe he's a long time player who was never interested in tag arena until just now. The other opponents in your list look more manageable. 

Other players in the arena are very competetive, theres nothing unusual about seeing players who have better teams. Tag arena is especially difficult. That particular player is clearly going to be moving up to higher tiers. I have no idea who is on your team(s), but its safe to assume from the content of your post that you should probably avoid challengin him - the best approach is to look for easier teams and figure out how to consistently beat them. 

Feb 11, 2021, 14:4902/11/21

1. When you submit a report to support, send a reply to the automated message explaining what your issue is. I guess the initial automated email is just for you to check if your issue can be resolved under the FAQ. 

2. It's just RNG. Sometimes you get your upgrades in a few attempts, sometimes you don't. 

3. Most of the players in the screenshot are far from the top. Keep working on your dungeons/CB, arena will follow. Also the 14k points you see is what the top guy in your tier has. You don't need to acquire that much to get to the next tier, you just have to be in the green zone by reset. 

4. Again, just RNG. What stage were you farming? 

5. Still RNG. Odds get better as you farm higher stages. 

Aside from the freezing issues you're having (which you should definitely forward again to support), everything you mentioned is normal. I don't mean to discourage you but gear farming really takes a while. Keep working on your champions, aim to farm Stage 20 and it gets better. Good luck!

Feb 12, 2021, 11:0302/12/21

Thank  you  both  for  your  insight.  I  was  farming  stage  13  of  Dragon  and  received  many  mystery  shards,  but  zero  Ancient  Shards.  Really  not  sure  what  is  going  on.  It  is  hard  to  progress  through  this  game  with  things  like  this  going  on.  Cant  progress  when  i  have  to  spend  all  my  gems  in  order  to  get  silver  and  gear,  and  gear  that  is  all  flat  stats.  It  is  discouraging.  Like  today  when  i  received  5  Ancient  Shards  and  cashed  them  in  after  the  start  of  the  event  only  to  receive  all  rares mostly  duplicates  and  food  which  is  better  to  rank  up  Armigers.  Lol

for  real  i  truly  appreciate  your  insight  but  every  time  i  send  for  support  i  find  myself  having  more  bad  luck,  like  getting  attacked  and  losing  every  defensive  battle  in  both  arenas  after  going  to  bed.  Played  30  rounds  of  dungeon  and  received  many  more  mystery  shards.  

i  will  keep  on  i  guess.  I  spend  money  but  seem  to  not  fair  as  well  as  others.  Im  trying  to  not  be  a  baby  and  complain  but  this  kind  if  luck  is  rediculous  and  very  discouraging.  especially  after  deleting  all  other  games  i  have  in  order  to  play  Raid,  and  since  Raid  is  my  favorite  game  to  play,  i  may  have  to  find  something  else  to  do  with  my  time.  Just  sick  of   farming  trash  gear  and  getting  my  tail  end  handed  to  me.  

for  real  though  i  usually  am  pretty  chill  when  it  comes  to  things  like  this.  

thanks  again.  I  truly  appreciate  your  time.  Kudos  to  you  guys  for  helping  me