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Offers in Shop

Feb 11, 2021, 03:1202/11/21

Offers in Shop

I have observed that I can buy 2140 gems in the gem shop for 9.99 USD and since each refill costs 40 gems, I can get 53 refills from 2140 gems spread over a month.

on the other hand I can buy 9 refills and 2000 energy for 14.99 USD which translates to 23 refills in total, why would I spend 14.99 USD for 23 refills if I can buy 53 refills for 9.99 USD

I was  examining other offers and I do not see option of buying void shards in the shop either. I can buy pack of 3 blue shards for 270 gems and pack of 11 blue shards for 900 gems but no offer of void shards in exchange of gems.

Initially when I started I was getting better offers , but now that I have reached level 58, I am getting expensive offers. 

people who spend money, do you agree that plarium seems to be packaging their offers at much higher cost? has it become useless to spend money altogether?

how do the f2p players feel about this, would you spend money if you got refills for 1 USD? is it not better if plarium offers 50 refills for 3 USD? i think plarium would earn more that way.

Feb 11, 2021, 04:0902/11/21

What  i  did  was,  i  wait  till  theres  a  "warrior  offer"  something  like  that,  it  usually  the  best  offer  in  the  game.  

but  it  will  only  available  if  you  stop  spending  for  awhile.  Id  say  maybe  about  a  week  or  so.

the  offers  will  rotate  every  18hours  or  so.  It  has  gems,  energy,  shards,  books  and  chicken  on  rotation.  

Feb 11, 2021, 08:3102/11/21

Out of the permanently available offers, the one with the daily gems is indeed among the best values for money. And as Jahanam said, the 'Warrior's Circle' offers tend to be the best value for money among the temporary offers, but don't appear until after you've spent some money and then waited a while. So if you're going to spend at all, best to do it not too often and wait for the right offer to come. 

Feb 11, 2021, 18:4702/11/21

$9.99 is the best offer so far, except for some special event like anniversay.

F2P account always got good deal until you start to spend. I feel the same, the more you buy the less good deal you got. I've been expecting Lvl50 pack, which let me down deeply.

Feb 11, 2021, 21:2502/11/21

I completely agree , I am fairly certain that Plarium stands to earn more money if they can  come up with great offers. For example if I get 100 energy refills for 9.99 USD I am sure many people would go for it. the reason is obvious , even without spending any money we are getting 2-3 refills in return for tournaments, daily quests etc

Plarium continues to market big packages which I am sure very few people will buy, instead if plarium came up with 20 refills for 2 USD, I am sure at this stage everyone would like to buy that.